English 5


Contact: celebyel@latinpcs.org

Storyworks Click on "I am a student" and use class code "hedgehog133".

Scrib/Script Vocabulary List

describe: to say or write down how something or someone looks; to use adjectives in writing

inscription: a short dedication written in a book or engraved on something, such as a coin or monument

manuscript: a piece of writing; a book before it is published

postscript: P.S.; a short bit of writing added after a letter is finished

prescription: a piece of paper written by a doctor that lets you get medicine at the pharmacy

scribble: sloppy writing that is hard to read

scribe: a person who writes things down

script: a set of papers with writing that will be read and acted out

subscription: a written agreement to buy and read a magazine or newspaper for a set period of time

transcribe: to write down or record; to translate

Upcoming Date

Scrib/Script Vocabulary Quiz, Friday, 24

Hero Project slide shows will be presented in class next week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 29, 30, and 31 May.


Homework Assignments

Quarter 4, Week 8

Due Monday, 20 May: Study Scrib/Script Vocab Words

Due Thursday, 23 May: Work on Hero Project

Due Friday, May 24: What is a Hero? worksheet and work on Hero Project

Quarter 4, Week 6

Due Monday, 13 May: Study Mal- vocabulary words.

Due Wednesday, 15 May: Book Club Book Project (Please see above for complete instructions.)

Due Friday, 17 May: Mal- vocabulary quiz

Quarter 4, Week 4

Due Tuesday, 23 April:

Due Wednesday, 24 April: Read and annotate your Book Club Book Day 12 assignment.

Aru Shah - Chapters 30, 31, & 32 Icefall - Chapter 15 & 16 FIB - Chapter 16 & 17 Odysseus - Chapter 11

Due Thursday, 25 April:

Due Friday, 26 April: Study for vocabulary quiz, Literary Elements.

Read and annotate your Book Club Book Day.

Aru Shah - Chapters 33, 34 & 35 Icefall - Chapter 17 FIB - Chapter 18 & 19 Odysseus - Chapter 12

Due Monday, 29 April: Read and annotate your Book Club Book Day.

Aru Shah - Chapters 36, 37 & 38 Icefall - Chapter 18 FIB - Chapter 20 & 21 Odysseus - Chapter 13

Quarter 3, Week 8

Due Friday, 15 March: Begin work on "Man" vocabulary - the quiz will be on Friday, 22 March. Work on Storyworks packet if you did not finish it in class. You can access the two stories online.

Storyworks Click on "I am a student" and use class code "hedgehog133"

Due Monday, 18 March: Finish your Chapter Book Challenge book for this week. Bring your Chapter Book Challenge book to class on Monday.

Due Thursday, 21 March: Man-, Manu-, Ped- worksheets

Due Friday, 22 March: Recite a haiku poem, write an original haiku

Poem-Haiku Haiku Starter

Quarter 3, Week 7

Due Tuesday, 5 March: Complete a Chapter Book Challenge response sheet of your choice for this week's book.

CBC Character Compare/Contrast CBC Acrostic Poem/Movie Poster

CBC Letter to Author/Character CBC Character Interview

Due Wednesday, 6 March: Continue working on you TNT project (due Monday, March 11) The Night Tourist Essay Instructions

Due Thursday, 7 March: 20 minutes of creative writing. Here is a link for a story starter site to get random ideas to write about: Scholastic Story Starter

Quarter 3, Week 6

Due Monday, 4 March:

One-Read Chapter XXXII (32) and XXXIII (33) of The Night Tourist. Congratulations! You have finished The Night Tourist.

Two-Finish your Chapter Book Challenge book for this week. Bring your Chapter Book Challenge book to class on Monday.

Quarter 3, Week 5

Due Friday, 1 March: Complete Academic Vocabulary Words Mini-Project. The quiz will be on Monday, 4 March.

Due Thursday, 28 February: Be prepared with your discussion tracker worksheet for chapter XXIX (29) table group discussion.

Due Wednesday, 27 February: Read Chapter XXX (30) in The Night Tourist and complete a reading log entry of your choice.

Due Tuesday, 26 February: Read Chapter XXVI (26) in The Night Tourist and complete a reading log entry of your choice.

Reading Log Entry Form Picture Reading Log Entry Form Reading Log Entries

Due Monday, 25 February: One-Read Chapter XXIII (23) of The Night Tourist and complete a reading log entry of your choice.

Reading Log Entry Form Picture Reading Log Entry Form Reading Log Entries

Two-Finish your Chapter Book Challenge book for this week. Bring your Chapter Book Challenge book to class on Monday.

Quarter 3, Week 3

Due Wednesday, 20 February: Read Chapter XVII (17) in The Night Tourist and complete a Book Group Discussion Tracker for your assigned role.

Book Discussion Roles Book Group Discussion Tracker

Quarter 3, Week 2

Due Friday, 15 February Read Chapter XIII (13) of TNT and do a picture reading log

Due Thursday, 14 February 20 minutes of creative writing on a subject of student's choosing

Due Wednesday, 13 February: Read Chapter XI (11) in The Night Tourist and make a reading log entry of your choice about it.

Reading Log Entry Form Picture Reading Log Entry Form Reading Log Entries

Due Tuesday, 12 February: Read the first half of Chapter IX (9) in The Night Tourist, page 49 through the end of the first paragraph on page 53.

Due Monday, February 11

QUIZ - The Night Tourist Vocab Words - Don't forget to match the words with the correct definitions! The quiz will be on both spelling and definitions.

Quarter 3, Week 1

Due Friday, 25 January

DBQ Project (See below for details) - Due: DBQ Evidence Sheet, one edited and revised draft, 1 final academic paragraph for first choice document and one edited and revised draft, 1 final academic paragraph for second choice document. Each academic paragraph should be at least seven sentences.

Grammar Blitz Worksheets

Due Thursday, 23 January: Read poem: "The Cremation of Sam McGee." Complete the worksheet on the following page.

The Cremation of Sam McGee

Due Tuesday, January 22

Begin working on your DBQ (Document Based Question) Evidence Sheet. Choose 2 (both cannot be paintings) of the following items and answer the question: Was it fair for Orpheus to be permitted to bring Eurydice out of the underworld when no one else was allowed to. Why or why not?

Journey to the Underworld (A)

The Story of Orpheus and Eurydice (B)

Orpheus Goes to the Underworld (C)

Orpheus and Eurydice (D)

Painting #1

Painting #2



Due Tuesday, 15 January: Continue revising your one page of creative writing. Focus on the Reorder step of RADaR.

RADaR Handout

Due Wednesday, 16 December: Edit your one page of creative writing.

Due Thursday, 17 January: Make final version of one page of creative writing. Turn in revised and edited draft and final version.

Due Friday, 18 January: Study for spelling assessment.

Due Tuesday, 22 January: Continue revising your one page of creative writing. Focus on the Add and Delete actions of RADaR.

Quarter 2, Week 8

Due Tuesday, 8 January: Revise Letter About Literature if you submitting it to the contest. Deadline is Friday, 11 January.

Study for spelling assessment on Wednesday, 9 January

Due Wednesday, 9 January: Revise Letter About Literature if you are submitting it to the contest. Deadline is Friday, 11 January.

Spelling Bee Written Assessment

Due Thursday, 10 January: Choose one page of your creative writing drafts to revise and edit over the next week. Final version and revised and edited draft due Thursday, 17 January

Due Friday, 11 January: Begin revising your one page of creative writing. Focus on the Replace action of RADaR.

RADaR Handout.

Quarter 2, Week 5

Due Friday, 7 December: Study Word Sorts for spelling assessment.

Due Thursday, 6 December: Draft Creative Writing #10 for 20 minutes.

Due Wednesday, 5 December: Finish Reading Assignment #14 (see below) and complete a RL Entry of your choice about it.

Reading Assignment #14: Far Side-Chapter 14, Mixed-Up Files- Second half of Chapter 9 (pages 140-154), Trail-Chapters 34, 35 & 36, Explorer-Chapters 27 & 28

Due Tuesday, 4 December: Read Reading Assignment #13 (see below) and complete a RL Entry of your choice about it.

Reading Assignment #13: Far Side-Chapter 13, Mixed-Up Files-First half of Chapter 9 (pages 124-139), Trail-Chapters 31, 32 & 33, Explorer-Chapters 25 & 26

Reading Log Entries. Reading Log Entry Template. Picture Reading Log Entry Template.

BCB Roles B, C, E, F. Book Group Discussion Tracker.

Quarter 2, Week 4

Due Thursday, 29 November: Creative writing for 20 minutes. Be prepared to have our first BCB meeting.

Due Tuesday, 27 November: Read Reading Assignment #9 (see below) and be prepared to discuss your assigned role with your BCB group.

Reading Assignment #9: Far Side-Chapter 9, Mixed-Up Files-Second half of Chapter 5 (pages 79-87), Trail-Chapters 21, 22 & 23, Explorer-Chapters 17 & 18

Quarter 2, Week 3

Due Tuesday, 13 November: Read Reading Assignment #4 (see below) and complete a RL Entry of your choice about it.

Reading Assignment #4: Far Side-Chapter 4, Mixed-Up Files-First half of Chapter 3 (pages 28-35), Trail-Chapters 8, 9 & 10, Explorer-Chapters 7 & 8

Reading Log Entries. Reading Log Entry Template. Picture Reading Log Entry Template.

RADaR Handout.

Due Wednesday, 14 November: Finish Reading Assignment #5 (see below).

Reading Assignment #5: Far Side-Chapter 5, Mixed-Up Files-Second half of Chapter 3 (pages 36-42), Trail-Chapters 11, 12 & 13, Explorer-Chapters 9 & 10

Due Friday, 16 November: Finish reading Reading Assignment #6 in your book club book (see below) and make one Reading Log Entry using "Text-to-self" (Write about how the book reminds you about something in your own life).

Reading Assignment #6: Far Side-Chapter 6, Mixed-Up Files-First half of Chapter 4 (pages 43-54) Trail-Chapters 14 & 15, Explorer-Chapters 11 & 12

Due Monday, 19 November: Finish reading Reading Assignment #7 in your book club book (see below) and make one Reading Log Entry of your choice on a Reading Log Entry form.

Reading Assignment #7: Far Side-Chapter 7, Mixed-Up Files-Second half of Chapter 4 (pages 55-66) Trail-Chapters 16, 17 & 18, Explorer-Chapters 13 & 14

Quarter 2, Week 2

Due Wednesday, 7 November: Read Reading Assignment #2 (see below) and complete a RL Entry of your choice about it. You can add steps to your 100 Book Challenge Reading Logsheet for your BCB reading and for choice reading.

Reading Assignment #2: Far Side-Chapter 2, Mixed-Up Files-Second half of Chapter 1 (pages 13-18), Trail-Chapters 3 & 4, Explorer-Chapters 3 & 4

Reading Log Entries. Reading Log Entry Template. Picture Reading Log Entry Template.

Due Thursday, 1 November: Choose a page from your creative writing drafts to revise and edit over the next week. Your revised and edited draft and final version will be due next Thursday, 15 November.

Quarter 2, Week 1

Due Monday, 5 November: Read Reading Assignment #3 in your book club book (see below) and make one Reading Log Entry on a Reading Log Entry form. Reading Log Entry Template. Picture Reading Log Entry Template. Reading Log Entries.

Reading Assignment #3: Far Side-Chapter 3, Mixed-Up Files-Chapter 2, Trail-Chapters 5 & 6, Explorer-Chapters 5 & 6

Due Tuesday, 30 October: Complete one step (15 minutes) of choice reading and the 100 Book Challenge Reading Logsheet. Parents and guardians, please sign as your student's coach verifying that they read for 15 minutes.

Due Wednesday, 31 October: Complete one reading log entry about a book that you are reading or have read. Notes on Reading Log Entries. Reading Log Entry Template. Picture Reading Log Entry Template.

Due Thursday, 1 November, or Friday, 2 November: Draft creative writing for 20 minutes.

Due Monday, 5 November: Read Reading Assignment #1 in your book club book (see below) and make one Reading Log Entry on a Reading Log Entry form. Reading Log Entry Template. Picture Reading Log Entry Template. Reading Log Entries.

If you did not finish making predictions about your book in class, please finish that entry as well.

So, on Monday, you should have Reading Log Entry #1: Titles entry about the entire book and Reading Log Entry #2: Entry of your choice about Reading Assignment #1.

Reading Assignment #1: Far Side-Chapter 1, Mixed-Up Files-First half of Chapter 1 (pages 5-11), Trail-Chapters 1 & 2, Explorer-Chapters 1 &2

Quarter 1, Week 9

Due Wednesday, 24 October: Work on your MSM Project.

Due Thursday, 25 October: Draft creative writing for 20 minutes.

Due Friday, 26 October: Study for spelling assessment. Work on MSM Project.

Due Monday, 29 October: Final version of your MSM Project. Remember to turn in your revised and edited draft too.

Quarter 1, Week 8

Due Wednesday, 17 October: Finish reading and annotating Chapter 18, pages 116-131. Then read and annotate the first half of Chapter 19 in MSM, pages 131-138.

Due Thursday, 18 October: Continue reading and annotating MSM.

Due Friday, 19 October: Read and annotate Chapter 20 in MSM.

Due Monday, 22 October: Congratulations! You have finished the book! Now Complete the MSM Project Planning Form and start drafting your project if you have time, MSM Project. Come to class on Monday ready to work on your draft or begin revising it.

Quarter 1, Week 7

No School on Monday, 8 October. Enjoy your holiday.

Due Tuesday, 9 October: Finish reading and annotating Chapter 12 in MSM, pages 76-85.

Due Wednesday, 10 October: Read and annotate Chapter 14 in MSM.

Due Thursday, 11 October: Draft creative writing for 20 minutes.

Due Friday, 12 October: Read and annotate Chapter 15 in MSM.

Quarter 1, Week 6

Due Tuesday, 2 October: No homework.

Due Wednesday, 3 October: Also nothing, but please work on revising and editing one page of your creative writing. A revised and edited draft and final version are due on Thursday.

Due Thursday, 4 October: One page of creative writing. Turn in a revised and edited draft and your final version.

Due Friday, 5 October: Read and annotate the first half of Chapter 12 in MSM, pages 68-75.

Quarter 1, Week 5

Due Monday, 24 September: Read Chapter 2 of My Side of the Mountain and answer MSM Chapters 1 & 2 Handout questions.

Due Tuesday, 25 September: Nothing. There will be no English homework on Mondays beginning this week.

Due Wednesday, 26 September: Read and annotate My Side of the Mountain (MSM). Assessment spelling test this Thursday (no need to study). Metaphors and Similes worksheet (classwork).

Due Thursday, 27 September: Choose one page of your creative writing to revise and edit. Bring it to class today. You will have a week to revise and edit your page.

Due Friday, 28 September: Begin revising your page of creative writing.

Quarter 1, Week 4

Due Monday, 17 September: Work on Summer Choice Book Project (Due 21 September)

Due Tuesday, 18 September: Work on Summer Choice Book Project.

Due Wednesday, 19 September: Work on Summer Choice Book Project.

Due Thursday, 20 September: Draft Creative Writing #4 in your Writer's Notebook or a Google document for 20 minutes. Work on Summer Choice Book Project.

Due Friday, 21 September: Turn in project handout, a revised and edited draft and your final version of the Summer Choice Book Project.

Quarter 1, Week 3

Due Monday, 10 September: Complete Ninth Ward Character Handout

Due Tuesday, 11 September: Write My Life as a Speller letter to Ms. Eleby-El in Word Study Notebook (composition notebook)

Prompts: Are you a good speller? A bad speller? Have you enjoyed studying spelling? How have you studied spelling? Word sorts? Spelling lists and quizzes? Have you taken part in a spelling bee?

Due 12 September: Sort words a few times. Categories are VCV and VCCV. V = Vowel and C = Consonant. Complete Ninth Ward Character Mujal-o-gram

Due Thursday, 13 September: Creative Writing for 20 minutes in your Writer's Notebook or in a Google document

Due Friday, 14 September: Complete final version of events on Plot in Ninth Ward Handout

Quarter 1, Week 2

Due Tuesday, 4 September: Keep working on your alphabetizing packet. Try to finish it by Tuesday. If you have finished it, then your homework is to do some choice reading.

Due Wednesday, 5 September: Work on any missing homework.

Due Thursday, 6 September: Creative Writing for 20 minutes in your Writer's Notebook or in a Google document

Due Friday, 7 September: Finish Final Version of Plot Events in Mr. Lemoncello. Bring Ninth Ward to class on Monday.

Quarter 1, Week 1

Due Friday, 25 August: List names of the main characters in Mr. Lemoncello and describe them in a few words.

Due Monday, 27 August: Complete Mr. Lemoncello Character Handout

Due Tuesday, 28 August: Complete Brainstorm side of Mr. Lemoncello Plot Handout

Due Wednesday, 29 August: Draft "My Life as a Reader" letter in your Writer's Notebook

Prompts: What was the earliest experience of reading you can remember? What kinds of reading have you done? (books, Internet, magazines, comic books, etc.) What topics have most often motivated you to pick up a book, do an Internet search, or do some other kind of reading? What were some of the challenges you faced in your life as a reader? Who have been some of the important people in your life as a reader?

Bring your English (black) binder to class tomorrow.

Due Thursday, 30 August: Creative Writing for 20 minutes in your Writer's Notebook or in a Google document

Due Friday, 31 August: Work on alphabetizing packet for 15-20 minutes