World History 1

Tutorial: Mo-Th, 3:15-3:45pm, ROOM 005

For a copy of the syllabus, click here.

Current Events: Q4 assignment here - Rubric here - Mr. Baum's example here


Week of 5/27-5/31:

Due Monday, 5/27:

  • No school - Memorial Day. Extra time to study!

Due Tuesday, 5/28:

  • Turn in your completed STUDY LOG for a QUIZ GRADE.
  • Be prepared to ask questions from the review guide.
  • Current events: Abu, Calvin

Due Thursday, 5/30:


Week of 5/20-5/24:

Due Monday, 5/20:

  • Pick ONE TOPIC we've studied this year that you feel the least comfortable with. Write 5 BULLET POINTS of information about it.

Due Tuesday, 5/21:

  • Work on your review guide and FILL OUT YOUR STUDY LOG.

Due Wednesday, 5/22:

  • Current Events: Ahmad, Abu
  • Work on your review guide and FILL OUT YOUR STUDY LOG.

Due Thursday, 5/23:

  • Current Events: Hennok, Delonte
  • Work on your review guide and FILL OUT YOUR STUDY LOG.

Due Friday, 5/24:

  • Current Event: Calvin, Gabi
  • Work on your review guide and FILL OUT YOUR STUDY LOG.

Week of 5/13-5/17:

Due Monday, 5/13:

  • Make your best effort to complete the Key Terms for AGC episode #5. (Episode can be viewed here.)

Due Wednesday, 5/15:

  • Write (and answer) a 3-question quiz about episode #5.

Due Thursday, 5/16:

  • Complete quiz corrections from today, FOR A QUIZ GRADE. (Africa quiz #1)

Due Friday, 5/17:

  • Complete quiz corrections from today, FOR A QUIZ GRADE. (Africa quiz #2)
  • Current events: Gabi, James

Week of 5/6-5/10:

Due Monday, 5/6:

  • Complete Key Terms #2 for Africa's Great Civilizations episode #4.
    • If you have Amazon Prime and want to re-watch at home, you can do so here.

Due Wednesday, 5/8:

  • If not done, complete the following three items:
    • Key Terms #1 for AGC episode #4. (Episode can be viewed on Prime here.)
    • Key Terms #2 for AGC episode #4.
    • Write (and answer) a 5-question quiz about the episode.

Due Thursday, 5/9:

Due Friday, 5/10:

  • None - Field trip to Sky Zone!

Week of 4/29-5/3:

Due Monday, 4/29:

Due Wednesday, 5/1:

  • On a separate sheet of paper, write down your REBUTTALS to the opposing side's strongest arguments. USE EVIDENCE!
  • As a reminder, the sides were:
    • YES: Eric, Xavier, Sydney, Melody, Gabi
    • NO: Aleya, Hennok, Delonte, Ruby, Abu, James, Calvin

Due Thursday, 5/2:

  • Current events: Ahmad, Ruby

Due Friday, 5/3:

  • Complete Key Terms #1 for Africa's Great Civilizations episode #4.
    • If you have Amazon Prime and want to re-watch at home, you can do so here.

Week of 4/22-4/26:

Due Monday, 4/22:

  • Finish writing THOUGHTFUL answers to the questions on reading 4.4.

Due Wednesday, 4/24:

  • Read and complete the activities for reading 4.5. Don't forget to start with the question on p. 1!
    • PLEASE PRINT YOUR OWN COPY or come see me in tutorial for a copy.

Due Thursday, 4/25:

  • If not finished, complete reading 4.5.
  • Current events: Aleya, Xavier

Due Friday, 4/26:

Week of 4/15-4/19:

Due Monday, 4/15:


Due Tuesday, 4/16:

Due Wednesday, 4/17:

  • If not done, finish your IOT advertisement. I will be collecting these, but we are not presenting them.
  • Extra credit: Write a paragraph about how the world might be different if Buddhist alchemists had never accidentally invented gunpowder. (For reference, here is the article we read in class about gunpowder).

Due Thursday, 4/18:

  • None - we will continue working on reading 4.4 in class.
  • Current events: Ruby, Genesis

Due Friday, 4/19:


Week of 4/8-4/12:

Due Monday, 4/8:

Due Wednesday, 4/10:

  • None - Most students will be in PARCC testing. (James and Gabi go to Mr. Hamd's study hall in rm. 117.)

Due Thursday, 4/11:

  • Read, annotate, and complete the activity for reading 4.1. Be sure to write AND answer your questions.
    • If you did not turn in Monday's homework, I will collect it for full credit today.
  • Current events: POSTPONED by 1 week due to PARCC - find your new date here.

Due Friday, 4/12:

  • Read, annotate, and complete the activity for reading 4.2.

Week of 4/1-4/5:

Due Monday, 4/1:

  • None - Welcome back!

Due Wednesday, 4/3:

  • Read through notes 4.1 and answer the questions written on it.

Due Thursday, 4/4:

  • Read through notes 4.2 and answer the questions.
  • Current events: Sydney, Melody

Due Friday, 4/5:

  • Look at the slide from notes 4.1 or 4.2 that your group wanted to discuss more. Do some research on that information, and write some notes or a short paragraph to bring into class.

Week of 3/18-3/22:

Due Monday, 3/18:

  • Begin study guide for Islam test. The test is on Thursday.

Due Wednesday, 3/20:

  • Study for the Islam test.
  • EXTRA CREDIT: Write a good practice test question and email it to me by 3:15 on Tuesday.

Due Thursday, 3/21:

  • Islam test today! You may turn in your completed study guide for a couple of bonus points on the test.

Due Friday, 3/22:

  • Current events: Abu, Hennok

Week of 3/11-3/15:

Due Monday, 3/11:

  • Do some research on the most famous jihad: the Crusades. Write a half page of notes, and list your source(s).

Due Wednesday, 3/13:

  • Answer the three questions on the back of your Crash Course video notes. The questions are:
    • What was the cause of the Crusades? Get specific: who, what, where, when, why.
    • What was Crusaders’ motive to fight the Crusades?
    • What were the effects of the Crusades?

Due Thursday, 3/14:

Due Friday, 3/15:

  • Review for Thursday's test: Write one sentence about EACH of the main topics from our unit on Islam:
    • 0. Islam = Peace through submission to God
    • 1. 5 pillars
    • 2. Muhammad's life
    • 3. Misconceptions about Islam
    • 4. Quran
    • 5. Women in Islam
    • 6. Modern Muslim populations (Pew report)
    • 7. Spread of Islam - Violence?
    • 8. Jihad and the Crusades

Week of 3/4-3/8:

Due Monday, 3/4:

  • Complete your Socratic Seminar prep. I will collect the packets at the end of our discussion.

Due Wednesday, 3/6:

  • No morning classes - Rest up for the PSAT!

Due Thursday, 3/7:

  • Current Events: Eric, Xavier, Calvin, Delonte.

Due Friday, 3/8:

Ask an adult (at home or at school) what they know about Jihad. Write down at least 3 notes about it.

Week of 2/25-3/1:

Due Monday, 2/25:

Due Wednesday, 2/27:

  • Complete the remainder of the Islam Socratic Seminar packet. Source 6 is extra credit.

Due Thursday, 2/28:

Due Friday, 3/1:

  • Complete your Socratic Seminar prep. I will collect the packets at the end of our discussion.

Week of 2/18-22:

Due Monday, 2/18:

    • No school - Presidents' Day

Due Wednesday, 2/20:


Due Thursday, 2/21:

  • Study this graphic. Write 1 thing about it that surprises you and 1 question you have about it.
  • Current Events: James, Calvin.

Due Friday, 2/22:

  • Finish reading and answering questions on the Pew Report.

Week of 2/11-15:

Due Monday, 2/11:

  • Interview an adult about what they think/know about the role of women in Islam. Write down notes about what they say.
    • If it's helpful, show them the TED talk!

Due Wednesday, 2/13:

  • If you have not yet interviewed an adult, do so (see above, 2/11). If you have, you may interview a second adult for extra credit.

Due Thursday, 2/14:

  • None.
  • Current Events: NONE - English 9 field trip

Due Friday, 2/15:

  • In a written paragraph, evaluate the statement, "Islam oppresses women." Is it true, false, or somewhere in between? Use EVIDENCE from the notes and/or the TED talk.

Week of 2/4-8:

Due Monday, 2/4:

  • Choose one misconception about Islam (see the list here) and find an article/video/other source that talks about it. Write down what the source is, and write a paragraph summary of what it says.

Due Wednesday, 2/6:

Due Thursday, 2/7:

  • Watch this TED talk (10 min) and write TWO QUESTIONS about it for a peer to answer tomorrow.
  • Current Events: Ahmad, Genesis

Due Friday, 2/8:

  • Find an excerpt from the Islamic holy texts, then write a paragraph about it. Your paragraph should include: the excerpt, where it comes from, what you think it means, whether you agree with it, and how it might relate to any misconceptions about Islam.

Week of 1/28-2/1:

Due Monday, 1/28:

  • Using what you learned from the film, write a paragraph explaining the life of Muhammad if you had to explain it to a 5th grader.

Due Wednesday, 1/30:

  • No class (assembly)

Due Thursday, 1/31:

  • Complete the study guide. I will collect it along with the quiz.
  • The questions for reading 3.2 are now extra credit.
    • ***Make sure to bring your notes and film guides for the open-note quiz!***
  • Current Events: Melody, Ruby

Due Friday, 2/1:

Week of 1/21-25:

Due Monday, 1/21:

  • No class - MLK DAY

Due Wednesday, 1/23:

  • None!

Due Thursday, 1/24:

  • Write a summary of what you learned from the film today. Were there any similarities/differences between the film and the research you did at the start of class?

Due Friday, 1/25:

Week of 1/14-18:

Due Monday, 1/14:


Due Wednesday, 1/16:

  • Finish reading/annotating the Five Pillars reading, and answer the questions at the end. Start preparing for a Five Pillars quiz later in the week.
    • You'll need to know the Arabic names for each pillar - Shahada, Salah, Sawm, Zakah, Hajj

Due Thursday, 1/17:

Due Friday, 1/18:

  • Five Pillars quiz - make sure to study!

Week of 1/7-11:

Due Monday, 1/7:

  • None. Happy New Year!

Due Wednesday, 1/9:

  • Answer the following in 3-5 sentences: How does America view the religion of Islam?

Due Thursday, 1/10:

  • Summarize 2-3 takeaway points from today’s class. Then, answer this question: What do you want to know more about by the end of this unit on the rise of Islam?
  • Current Events: Abu, Sydney

Week of 12/17-21:

Due Monday, 12/17:

Due Wednesday, 12/19:

  • Gather any notes, readings, and assignments from Unit 2 (dating back to 11/5) and bring them to class. This might involve going back through the wiki and printing materials if you no longer have them.
    • I would also recommend making completing the review/overview sheet in detail.

Due Thursday, 12/20:

  • Work on your open-note/take-home assessment.
    • It is DUE AT THE END OF CLASS. We will have half of the double to work on it. If you finish early, make sure you have a book to read or other quiet work to do.
  • Current Events: Xavier, Gabi

Due Friday, 12/21:

  • None - Have a great break!

Week of 12/10-14:

Due Monday, 12/10:

Due Wednesday, 12/12:

Due Thursday, 12/13:

  • Write a paragraph summary of the Feudalism Notes.
  • Current Events: Calvin, Ruby, Delonte

Due Friday, 12/14:

  • None - We will be debriefing the Feudalism Simulation in class.

Week of 12/3-7:

Due Monday, 12/3:

Due Wednesday, 12/5:

Due Thursday, 12/6:

  • Look up and EMAIL ME 2 scientific discoveries or inventions from the Middle Ages that you find interesting.

Due Friday, 12/7:

  • Be ready to present on an invention from the Middle Ages!

Week of 11/26-30:

Due Monday, 11/26:

  • None!

Due Wednesday, 11/28:

  • Watch this YouTube video and write the following:
    • Definitions for three important vocabulary words from the video
    • One question you have based on the video

Due Thursday, 11/29:

  • Summary of Notes 2.3 - Write 5-7 sentences!
  • Current Events: Hennok, Eric

Due Friday, 11/30:

Week of 11/19-23:

Due Monday, 11/19:

      • Finish Socratic Seminar prep. Especially, do some research on part 3, "lessons for today."
        • Here is the rubric you will be graded on during the Socratic Seminar.

Due Tuesday, 11/20:

      • Write a reflection on today's Socratic Seminar. Include the following:
        • Rate your own performance. What could you have done better?
        • What new information/ideas did you take away from the discussion?
        • What is one new question you would like to discuss on this topic?

Wednesday, 11/21-Friday, 11/23:

      • NO SCHOOL - THANKSGIVING BREAK - Have a restful week! Also, Go Blue! Beat the Buckeyes!

Week of 11/12-16:

Due Monday, 11/12:

  • 1/2 page response: How was Charlemagne similar to Genghis Khan, and how was he different? (Use Reading 2.1 to help guide you.)

Due Wednesday, 11/14:

Due Thursday, 11/15:

  • Mini research on the Fall of Rome. Assignment here.
    • Don't forget to make some bullet points on your index card to help with your presentation!
  • Current Events: Genesis

Due Friday, 11/16:

  • Those who have not presented on reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire, prepare to present.

Week of 11/5-9:

Due Monday, 11/5:

Due Wednesday, 11/7:

  • Finish the worksheet that accompanies Reading 2.1.
  • EXTRA CREDIT: Bring/send proof that somebody in your household voted or otherwise got involved in the election.

Due Thursday, 11/8:

  • Choose ONE person that was elected on Tuesday (Governor, Senator, Representative, local government position, or otherwise) and write 3-5 sentences about them.
  • Current Events: Melody and Aleya
  • For reference: Here is today's video on Charlemagne and his coronation by Pope Leo III.

Due Friday, 11/9:

  • NO SCHOOL - Parent/Teacher Conferences

Week of 10/29-11/2:

Due Monday, 10/29:

  • BELIEF SYSTEMS TEST TODAY! Study for at least 30 minutes, and bring in a signed note from an adult confirming that you did.

Due Wednesday, 10/31:

  • Have an adult email me about your test studying (extra credit)

Due Thursday, 11/1:

Due Friday, 11/2:

  • NO SCHOOL - Parent/Teacher Conferences

Week of 10/22-26: ***FINAL WEEK OF QUARTER 1***

Due Monday, 10/22:

  • I will be checking your Belief Systems notes from Friday's presentations, for a grade.

Due Wednesday, 10/24:

  • On a sheet of looseleaf paper:
    • Write down and answer one of your classmates' questions that they wrote on the board.
    • Write and answer TWO MORE questions of your own about belief systems. These should be about a belief system OTHER THAN the one you presented on last week.

Due Thursday, 10/25:

  • Current events: Abu, Gabi, Hennok, Delonte, Xavier
  • Work on the study guide. Write any questions on the back.

Due Friday, 10/26:

  • Continue working on the study guide. We will review with Kahoot in class.

Week of 10/15-19:

Due Monday, 10/15:

  • Belief Systems of Era 1 Research packet. I will be checking it in class.

Due Wednesday, 10/17:

  • Chronology of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Copy of the sheet here.
  • Presentations (share your Google Slides with me by 8am):

Due Thursday, 10/18:

  • I will be checking your Belief Systems notes from Wednesday's presentations, for a grade.
  • Presentations (share your Google Slides with me by 8am):
  • Current Events: Aleya, Ja'Niece, Xavier

Due Friday, 10/19:

  • I will be checking your Belief Systems notes from Thursday's presentations, for a grade.
  • Presentations (share your Google Slides with me by 8am):

Week of 10/8-12:

Due Monday, 10/8:

  • NO SCHOOL - Indigenous Peoples' Day

Due Wednesday, 10/10:

Due Thursday, 10/11:

Due Friday, 10/12:

  • Work on Belief Systems Research - Friday is the last day to work on it in class!

Week of 10/1-5:

Due Monday, 10/1:

  • Complete religions worksheet. Use this video for reference.

Due Wednesday, 10/2:

  • Complete religions worksheet (above).
  • Notes 1.3 summary, 1/2 page.

Due Thursday, 10/4:

  • None - Terrapin Adventures field trip!

Due Friday, 10/5:

  • Read, annotate, and answer "Quiz" questions on "Taoism and Confucianism" article. You can find a copy of the article here.
  • Current Events: Sydney and Delonte

Week of 9/24-28:

Due Monday, 9/24:

  • DBQ Outline: AT LEAST items 0 and I (parts A, B, and C)

Due Wednesday, 9/26:

  • Complete DBQ Outline in preparation for in-class writing.

Due Thursday, 9/27:

  • Current Events: Calvin and Genesis
  • Any further outlining/reading to prepare for finishing the DBQ writing in class.

Due Friday, 9/28:

  • OPTIONAL: Mongols reading extra credit, distributed in class today.

Week of 9/17-21:

Due Monday, 9/17:

  • Mongols DBQ: Complete documents 1, 2, and 4. (Not 3!)

Due Wednesday, 9/18:

  • Mongols DBQ: Complete documents 3 and 5.

Due Thursday, 9/20:

  • Sheet: "Preparation for Socratic Seminar about the Mongols"
  • Current Events presentations: James

Due Friday, 9/21:

  • No homework. Bring ALL DBQ/seminar materials to class.

Week of 9/10-14:

Due Monday, 9/10:

  • Study for Empires maps quiz (ON MONDAY, 9/10). Click here for study materials.

Due Wednesday, 9/12:

  • Continue working on Make Your Own Empires Quiz

Due Thursday, 9/13:

  • BY 8AM: Email your quiz (including the answer key) to Mr. Baum. Be prepared to take a quiz made by your classmates.
  • Current Events presentations: Ahmad and Melody

Due Friday, 9/14:

  • If your name is:
    • Genesis
    • Gabi
    • Sydney
    • Ruby
    • Melody
    • Aleya
        • -> Email your answer key to Mr. Baum by 8am for full credit
  • If your name is
    • Delonte
    • Calvin
    • Xavier
    • Abu
        • -> Email your quiz (with answer key) to Mr. Baum by Monday
  • Week of 9/3-7:

Due Monday, 9/3:

  • NO SCHOOL - Have a great Labor Day!

Due Wednesday, 9/5:

  • Empire research worksheet:
    • Ahmad - Silla and Sassanid
    • Abu - Abbasid and Axum
    • Ruby - Yamoto
    • Aleya - Ghana and Tang
    • James - Srivijaya
    • Eric - Avar
    • Xavier - Sui
    • Melody - Cordoba
    • Gabi - Tang
    • Delonte - Byzantine
    • Emely - Axum
    • Sydney - Parhae
    • Calvin - Heian
    • Genesis - Frankish and Gurjara-Pratihara

Due Thursday, 9/6:

  • BY 8AM: Email me your Empires slide

Due Friday, 9/7:

  • Email me any remaining Empires slides:
    • Eric - Avar Kingdom
    • Abu - Axum
    • Delonte - Byzantine
    • James - Carolingian
    • Genesis - Gurjara-Pratihara
  • Week of 8/27-31:

Due Monday, 8/27:

  • SYLLABUS + PARAGRAPH if not done
  • NEWS ARTICLE (Source + Headline + 3-5 sentence summary)

Due Wednesday, 8/29:

  • Notes 1.1 SUMMARY and ONE QUESTION
  • If not done: NEWS ARTICLE (Source + Headline + 3-5 sentence summary)

Due Thursday, 8/30:

  • Response about EQ #1: How do different parts of the world impact each other?
    • Minimum 1/2 page, maximum 1 page.

Due Friday, 8/31:

  • Mini current event: Source + Headline + ONE SENTENCE connecting the current event to Thursday's lecture 1.2 about cultural exchange.

Week of 8/23-24:

Due Friday, 8/24:

  • Syllabus signed