Arabic III


Assignment 1: have a rough draft/notes ready to bring to class to help guide your video projects. Bring these notes/rough drafts to class on Tuesday.


Assignment 2, due Friday, 5/3

Complete the substitute work, and have a rough draft written of what you'd like to include in your video project on WLPCS.

Assignment 1, due Monday, 4/29. Write a reflection following the AAPPL exam. Answer each question below:

--> describe how you feel finishing the exam. Be creative in your description, use analogies/metaphors/compare your feelings to a color/etc.

--> describe what was most challenging/when you reached your limit, how did you press forward, how did you face or handle these challenges, how did you handle reaching your limit?

--> describe a moment of success

--> how is the AAPPL like everyday life? Think of being in another country, feeling lost, working through difficulties to come to an understanding.


1) read and annotate the questions passed out in class to prepare you for the AAPPL

2) take a demo of the exam, and experiment with different sections to prepare you for the exam

We will be taking the AAPPL this week, so I will not be assigning homework.


Listening assignment 1

Listening assignment 2

Listening assignment 3

Due Wednesday, 4/10, Thursday, 4/11 for Delta, Friday (In Class)

Put the events of the short film in order.

Use the link here to work through the listening exercise on Casablanca / الدار البيضاء and Austin, TX.

Due Tuesday, 4/9

Summarize the actions in the short film, Runaway, linked here.

Due Tuesday, 4/2

Choose 3-5 photos from your spring break and describe each picture in Arabic.

Due Friday, 3/22

Complete your listening guide packets to the lecture, and complete your in class writing assignment. I will collect both on Friday, and these two grades will be your last grades for Q3.

Due Wednesday 3/20, Thursday 3/21 for Delta

Complete the intensive listening portion of the packet.

Due Tuesday, 3/19

Complete the questions from the packet to describe the lecture.

--> if you have already completed this section, move on to the intensive listening portion of the packet.

Due Friday, 3/15

Eta: continue your English notes from class on the lecture. Use the words I sent to you to help you continue to infer meaning.

Delta: write a paragraph answering each question on the cover of the music packet.

Due Wednesday, 3/13, Thursday, 3/14

In class: Use the link here to listen to the lecture on musical instruments and Arab music.

Homework: complete the writing assignment from class.

Due Tuesday, 3/12

No extra homework, complete the in-class writing assignment from Monday if you haven't yet turned this assignment in.

Due Monday, 3/11

Complete your reflections of the seminar handed out in class. I will collect these on Monday!

Due Friday, 3/8

Continue your pieces of writing on the selected questions for socratic seminar. The questions are listed below:

Eta: ١. شو الناس بالاسعودية يفكرون عن القوانين؟

Delta: ١. ليش العربية السعودية عندك كثير شي ممنوع في المجتمع مثل موسيقة او شو بيبي تعمل لا عرف شو ممكن حنا؟

Due Thursday/Friday for Eta

Review the socratic seminar questions decided upon in class.

Due Tuesday, 3/5

Send me at least three questions on the movie in Arabic via email. I will print out your questions and bring them to you all for class.

Due Monday, 3/4

On Monday, you'll present your ad-libs to the group. Prepare by writing in your ad-lib/sending me a voice recording.

Due Friday, 3/1

Add in any last minute edits and changes, and bring a printed copy of your final draft with your rubric attached. Share your draft with me if you'd like, and I'll quickly edit your draft as well.

Due Wednesday 2/27 (Eta), Thursday 2/28 (Delta),

Complete your rough drafts, and bring in a printed copy for your peer to edit. Complete your peer editing sheets in class.

Due Tuesday, 2/26

Continue working on your essays. Final drafts due Friday, 3/1.

Due Friday, 2/22

Both sections: complete your rough drafts, and print out a copy that you can edit in class.

Due Wednesday, 2/20, Thursday, 2/21 for Delta

Complete your rough drafts. Print out a copy that you can edit.

Due Tuesday, 2/19

Delta: plan out your essays further by choosing the key words you'd like to focus on. Begin typing your rough drafts.

Eta: begin typing up your rough drafts.

Due Friday, 2/15

Plan out your outline for your essays.

Due Wednesday, 2/13, Thursday, 2/14 for Delta

Write down your reactions to the reading, and answer questions 1 and 2.

Due Tuesday, 2/12

Delta and Eta: read and annotate segment 4 of chapter 11. Re-listen to the reading as well.

Due Monday, 2/11

Eta: complete your written accounts of what the seminar has made you think, and read and annotate segment 4 of chapter 11.

Delta: complete the English and Arabic written reflections detailed on the packet handed out in class.

Due Friday, 2/8

Eta: complete the English and Arabic written reflections detailed on the packet handed out in class.

Delta: write a response to the socratic seminar question in 3-5 sentences to help you prepare for the seminar.

Due Wednesday, 2/6, Thursday, 2/7 for Delta

Eta: review your socratic seminar question as well as the new words to give opinions found below.

Delta: add to your writing the following: how does the story shared by the speaker in segment 3, if at all, relate to your life/your experience at WLPCS?

Due Tuesday, 2/5

Delta: complete the in class writing assignment. Write a 5-7 sentence paragraph explaining your thoughts on segment 3. First, explain what the speaker talked about (the story she shared). Second, explain your reaction and why using one of the words below.

النظام - the system

انا انتقد - I am critical of

افهم - I understand

انا اتعاطف مع - I sympathize with

انا ادافع عن - I defend

Eta: write down one-three socratic seminar questions in Arabic to discuss segment 3.

Due Monday, 2/4

Eta: choose 5 of the questions from class and answer them in writing

Delta: complete the back of the vocabulary sheet (your reactions to the text, and questions 1 and 2).

Due Friday, 2/1

Eta: practice the vocabulary for segment 4, and read/listen to the segment.

Delta: choose 5 of the questions to talk about love and relationships from class, and answer them on a separate piece of paper.

Due Wednesday, 1/30, Thursday, 1/31 for Delta

Eta: reread the segment, practice the vocabulary for segment 3, answer questions 1-2 on a separate piece of paper

Delta: practice the vocabulary for segment three, then listen to the segment at least three times, listening for words from the vocabulary handout. Then read and annotate the segment.

Due Tuesday, 1/29

Delta: write about what you learned about Arab society from segment 1 and 2. Use specific details from the text to explain what you've learned. In one paragraph, explain what you learned (the details, and your reaction) from segment 1, and then in another, write about segment 2.

من الجزء الأول، انا تعلّمت انّ . . .

من الجزء الثاني، انا تعلّمت انّ . . .

Eta: read and annotate segment 3 using the vocabulary handed out in class.

Due Monday, 1/28

Eta: write about what you learned about Arab society from the first two readings of chapter 11. In one paragraph, summarize what the speakers said and how they described life in the Arab world. In another paragraph, either: compare the thoughts of the two speakers, evaluate what one or both speaker said, or talk about your impressions / reactions to the segments.

Delta: complete the handout from class, and continue to listen / read through the text to gain familiarity with the colloquial segment.

Due Friday, 1/25

Eta: complete the worksheet handed out in class.

Delta: read and annotate segment 2 of chapter 11, and practice the new vocabulary of the text. Look for the words in the text, and listen to the segment to help you practice.

Due Wednesday, 1/23, Thursday, 1/24 for Delta

Delta: practice vocabulary from segment 2, read and annotate the text, and write down your reflections from the reading on the sheet handed out in class.

Eta: read through the text once more, and annotate for moments of colloquial speech, or عامية. In addition, answer questions 1-2 (2 will give you some pause) in your books.

Due Tuesday, 1/22

Delta: Read and annotate segment 1, Chapter 11, continue to practice new vocabulary, and annotate the text for words you know, words that are familiar to you, and words that you have questions about.

Eta: practice the new vocabulary for segment 2, read and annotate segment 2 for words you know, words that are familiar to you, and words that you have questions about, and write down your reactions/reflections from your initial reading of the text on the handout.

Due Friday, 1/18

Delta: Practice the new vocabulary by circomlocuting to create meaning and create connections between different vocabulary.

Eta: write a 5-7 sentence summary of what you learned about the relationship between the individual and society based on the opinion of the speaker.

العلاقة - relationship

Due Wednesday, 1/16, Thursday, 1/17 for Delta

Eta: answer questions 1 and 2 on a separate piece of paper.

Delta: choose one - two photos to describe, and write about how they celebrate New Years. Then, compare how you celebrate with your chosen country.

Due Monday, 1/14

Delta: read and annotate the reading on 7 traditions and customs around the world in celebrating New Years.

Eta: choose 5 new vocabulary words and write a paragraph using those words describing customs and traditions in the US. In addition, read and annotate segment 1, chapter 11.

Due Friday, 1/11

Review the vocabulary for chapter 11, segment 1, define each word verbally aloud to yourself, and describe your family's customs and traditions. In addition, describe any American customs and traditions.

Due Wednesday, 1/9, Thursday, 1/10 for Delta

Write about which skill you've improved in most during 2018 and why, and which skill you'd like to improve and develop in 2019 and why.

Due Tuesday, 1/8

Either: write what your partner did over break in 5 sentences, or choose one interesting event that occurred over your break and write and explain it in 7 sentences.

Due Monday, 12/17

Delta: read and listed to segment 5 of chapter 5.

Eta: read and listen to segment 5 of chapter 5. In addition, outline the steps of how to prepare Moroccan Tagine using the handout in class. Find each verb and its corresponding ingredient to determine the meaning of each verb.

Due Friday, 12/14

Eta: reread the handout on Moroccan Tajine, annotate the handout, and read and listen to segment 5 of chapter 5.

Delta: Answer questions 1-2 on segment 1, chapter 5.

Due Wednesday, 12/12, Thursday, 12/13 for Delta

Eta: write out questions 1-2 in Arabic (translate), and answer both questions in Arabic.

Delta: write a brief summary of paragraph 1-2 in your books, read and use the vocabulary below to help you understand the third paragraph.

هناك- there is

تقارب- convergence

يتوافق- agrees with, corresponds with

طبيعة- nature

مجتمع- society

Due Tuesday, 12/11

Eta: reread segment 1, and write a brief summary of each paragraph in your books.

Delta: read, annotate, and listen to segment 1 of chapter 5.

Due Monday, 12/10

Delta: complete your writing on your important life experiences using the handouts from class. Answer each question from the timed drill and use at least three transition words from your writing. This will greatly aide your writing.

Eta: Prepare segment 1 of Chapter 5, Arab Food. In the first paragraph, the speaker explains her opinion on food, and how to understand the relationship between food and culture. In the second paragraph, the speaker describes the attributes of Arab food, as she sees it. In the last paragraph, the speaker compares Arab food and American food. You'll need to know the following words below to aide you in your reading. Listen to, read, and annotate segment 1.

هناك- there is

تقارب- convergence

يتوافق- agrees with, corresponds with

طبيعة- nature

مجتمع- society

Due Friday, 12/7 (Delta, see below)

Eta: in a paragraph of 5-7 sentences, write about what you learned from my Grandfather's life story. Choose some facts to focus on, and write about those facts. In addition, spend some time writing about why people choose to immigrate in general. You can use specific instances from my Grandfather's story.

Due Wednesday, 12/5, Friday, 12/7 for Delta

Eta: write about how this experience affected you, using the vocabulary below:

هذه التجربة تأثّرت عليي لان... this experience affected me because

Delta: choose an experience that is important to you and write about it in the style of segment 5. Use the form sentences below to help guide your writing. This is an opportunity to circomlocute, but choose an experience that is both authentic while at the same time accessible using your known vocabulary. You should be writing in full sentences, and use transition words to help you reach fuller sentences and near the full paragraph level of writing.

عندما انا-when I

هذه كانت تجربة مهمة لأن- it was an important experience because

انا استفدتُ من هذه التجربة لان- I benefited from this experience because

Due Tuesday, 12/4

Delta: reread segment 5, and answer the comprehension questions for segment 5 in Arabic. You may complete in your books, if you wish. Pay special attention to what the speaker taught, and how she described her teaching experience.

Eta: choose an experience that is important to you and write about it in the style of segment 5. Use the form sentences below to help guide your writing. This is an opportunity to circomlocute, but choose an experience that is both authentic while at the same time accessible using your known vocabulary. You should be writing in full sentences, and use transition words to help you reach fuller sentences and near the full paragraph level of writing.

عندما انا-when I

هذه كانت تجربة مهمة لأن- it was an important experience because

انا استفدتُ من هذه التجربة لان- I benefited from this experience because

Due Monday, 12/3

Delta: translate questions 1-3 of segment two into Arabic, and answer them in Arabic as well. I will collect on Monday!

Eta: reread segment 5, and answer the comprehension questions for segment 5 in Arabic. You may complete in your books, if you wish. Pay special attention to what the speaker taught, and how she described her teaching experience.

Due Monday, 11/19

Delta: Annotate segment 1 for words you know, words you can infer, and words you have questions about. In addition, summarize the reading using the summary sheets passed out in class. Use the words below to help you understand the second paragraph:

أنجب، ينجب- to give birth

أكمل، يكمل- to complete, to finish

تعليم- دراسة

اشتغل، يشتغل- عمل، يعمل

ك- (as (at the beginning of a word

مُدَرِّسة- مُعَلِّمة

Eta: Read and listen to segment two together at least 5 times. Then, annotate segment two for words you know, words you can infer, and words you have questions about. Note:

حيثُ- where

مِن ثَمَّ- from there

Due Friday, 11/16

Delta: prepare yourself for recording your voice recording. You will complete these recordings in class during your double.

Eta: Complete the worksheet handed out in class to be ready for Friday's in class timed drill.

Due Wednesday, 11/14, Thursday, 11/15 for Delta

Eta: review segment 1, continue reading aloud and listening to the segment aloud, answer questions 1 and 2 in Arabic verbally, and begin to verbally summarize what was said in segment 1.

Delta: listen to the recording of segment 1 and read along while listening at least 5 times. Then read the reading a loud and check your pronunciation with the recording. The goal is to be able to read fluently, at or close to the same speed as the speaker by class Thursday.

Due Wednesday, 11/7, Thursday, 11/8 for Delta

Read the infograph posted here on languages around the world, and determine what is being said about each language. Who is the infograph addressing (the audience of the infograph)? Jot down notes to help you organize the infograph in English or in Arabic.

Due Tuesday, 11/6

Time for some feedback!

1. In English, write the plan of how we will study texts using this book (wait to do this first bit for Wednesday). Write down some strategies you will use to review vocabulary in this book, listening activities, and reading activities. Finally, write down how you plan to implement what you learn from this book into your regular speech.

2. Write down how the book is organized (conversations, texts, vocabulary, grammar structures, etc.), and the chapters we plan to study (which chapters are applicable for intermediate speakers).

3. Write down what you learned about Formal Standard Arabic, and how Formal Standard Arabic differs from Modern Standard Arabic and the particular dialects of Arabic.

4. Write down what excites you about using this book.

5. Write down some feedback for me about the course so far. Write what has challenged you thus far, what has made you proud, and what you plan to work on for the coming quarter.

Use the link here, go to 'Course Resources,' and log on using your username and password on the inside cover of the book to access video content for the text 'Focus on Contemporary Arabic.'

Due Monday, 11/5

1. Finish reading and annotating the introduction to 'Focus on Contemporary Arabic.'

2. Make sure you can access content using username and password.

3. Review 'The Present' below and review vocabulary from 'The Present.'

Due Wednesday, 10/31, Thursday, 11/1 for Delta

Eta: rewatch the movie posted below, and use the words to narrate the events of the story


1. Review your past tense notes

2. Watch the movie posted below, and choose three instances in the movie and use the past tense to describe the actions

Due Tuesday, 10/30

Delta and Eta: review the vocabulary and dialogue on travel. Re-read and add four of your own questions to the dialogue.

Delta: complete the above, and also review the 'Movie Talk' assignment, 'The Present.' The video is attached here.

Vocabulary found here:

Due Monday, 10/29

Review Q1 vocabulary and practice words that you haven't acquired fully yet.

Due Friday, 10/26

Delta: interview reflections due if completed, if not completed prepare for interviews

Eta: interview reflections due

Due Wednesday, 10/24, Thursday, 10/25 for Delta

Final interview preparation, interview reflections due Friday

Due Tuesday, 10/23

Write out what you plan to say for each section, or voice record what you plan to say for each section.

Wednesday, 10/17, Thursday, 10/18 for Delta

Either voice record yourselves talking at length about your summer break, or write what you plan to say about your summer break.

Tuesday, 10/16

Read and annotate the questions for the interviews with Mr. Porcelli.

Monday, 10/15

Pick 5 questions to answer in writing from the interpersonal activity on Friday.

Delta: choose 5 questions from the handout and answer them in 2-3 sentences each.

Friday, 10/12

Eta: make flash cards for the new vocabulary that we've learned in the past weeks. We will spend part of class practicing those new words.


Due Wednesday, 10/10, Thursday, 10/11 for Delta

Eta: no homework, PSAT.

Delta: read the lyrics to 'Aicha,' the song is posted here. In addition, read and annotate the Arabic lyrics to the song on the second page of the packet, and answer the questions for discussion underneath the Arabic lyrics. We will use those questions to discuss the song on Thursday.

Due Tuesday, 10/9

Delta: summarize the video below in 4-5 sentences. Include all key details from the listening assignment. I will collect summary as well as listening assignment on Tuesday.

All: rewatch the video 'Aicha,' posted here, and read the lyrics in Arabic posted here, at the bottom of the page. The lyrics are posted in French, and the lyrics are translated as well.

Due Friday, 10/5

Write a 4-5 sentence summary on Abdel Salam's life. Include all key details from the listening assignment. I will collect on Friday.

Delta: complete the packet and listening assignment for class.

Due Wednesday, 10/3, Thursday, 10/4 for Delta

Eta: complete the packet and listening assignment for class.

Delta: listen to the video in minute blocks, and write down each word you hear and understand after you listen to the video. Listen to the video three times, and add new words each time you pick out a new one. Context: the speaker is talking himself, what he studied in school, his family, where they live, what they do, the countries he has visited, and what he saw/liked in each country.

Due Tuesday, 10/2

Complete the front page of the listening assignment packet passed out in class. Additionally, pre-listen to the video posted here.


Due Monday, 10/1

To round off our discussions on summer break, send me a voice recording of the best thing you did over summer, a particular memory from summer, or something important that happened to you over summer. Be as detailed as you can, and speak at least 5 sentences.

الأحلى شيء عملت بالصيف كان...

Due Friday, 9/28

Eta: Send me a voice recording about a problem that you faced this week. What was the problem? How did you solve it? Be as detailed as possible!

كنت عندي مشكلة - I had a problem

انا حليت المشكلة - I solved the problem

Delta: complete the listening assignment posted here.

Due Wednesday, 9/26, Thursday, 9/27 for Delta

Complete your final drafts, and bring in your Printed final draft copy to class.

Due Tuesday, 9/25

Eta: summarize the reading in Arabic. Think about the details of the reading, and use context clues to infer missing information. Your summaries should be at least 5 sentences long, and you should summarize the writer's life events in the past tense. Optional: send me a voice recording of you reading the reading aloud.

Delta: send me your voice recordings, and continue working on your final drafts.

Due Monday, 9/24

Eta: continue to add in edits, and complete the hwk due Friday if not yet completed.

Delta: listen to the video posted here, and answer the questions on the worksheet attached.

Due Friday, 9/21

Delta: print out your first rough draft of your back to school night letters. We will spend the double discussing our summer breaks, and working further on the letters. In addition, read the proficiency descriptors posted here, and think about where you think you fall in each mode. You will spend time meeting with me one on one, and we'll discuss where you are now, and where you'd like to be by the end of the year!

In addition, read the document passed out in class, and look for the name of the of the people group, where they are from, the languages they speak, their ethnicity and religion.

Eta: complete the worksheet handed out in class, and continue adding edits to your rough drafts. Bring in a printed copy if you have yet to print a copy. Finally, review vocabulary!

Due Wednesday, 9/19, Thursday, 9/20 for Delta

Eta: print out your first rough draft of your back to school night letters, and complete your summaries of your friend's summer. In addition, read the proficiency descriptors posted here, and think about where you think you fall in each mode. You will spend time meeting with me one on one, and we'll discuss where you are now, and where you'd like to be by the end of the year!

Use the link here to watch the video for hwk on Friday here

Delta: complete your summaries of your friend's summer. Share your back to school night letters if you haven't already done so.

Due Tuesday, 9/18

Eta: share your rough drafts with me, and I'll edit the document. For Wednesday, complete the edits and print your rough draft letters for the double. In addition, write down what one of your friend's did over summer. Be as specific as you can, and write in the past tense, using at least five transition words and 7-10 sentences (I will collect this tomorrow!)

Delta: share your rough drafts, and add in any edits I make. We will spend Tuesday interviewing and describing our summer breaks.

Due Monday, 9/17

Bring in 3-5 pictures about your summer vacation to describe in Arabic. Write about each picture using your phone or laptops in 5 sentences each. We will start writing our back to school night letters in class on Monday.

Due Friday, 9/14

1. Write about the Bakaloria exam. What is it? Who takes the exam? When do they take the exam? How do they prepare for the exam? How do their lives change before the exam? Why is the exam important? What is on the exam?

2. Read and annotate the Arabic text on the Bakaloria exam. Develop your own reading strategies to help read through the text. For example, box words you know, underline words you can infer, and circle words you have questions about. First, skim the text looking for words you know and that are familiar. Then, read through the text in greater detail.

Due Wednesday, 9/12, Thursday 9/13 for Delta

Write the life stories of Cardi B through Amr Diab using the handout in class. Use the slide show I emailed for reference.

Pre-listen to the video on the Bakaloria exam posted here to be ready for class. We will spend class time reading and annotating the text, and listening to individual segments.

Due Tuesday, 9/11

Write the life story of either: Cardi B or Bernie Sanders using the vocabulary from the life story packet.

Due Monday, 9/10

Write down what you do when you are stressed, and use the vocab list below to help you write a summary of the first 4:30 min of the show 'Nour,' posted here.

Due Friday, 9/7

(Eta, I will collect your work on Friday, as well as your family member's/friend's life story)


1. Glance through and annotate the document on Bakaloria passed out in class. Highlight the words for to 'memorize and to understand.' Look for any other words that seem familiar.

2. Write about: what is better (احسن) or more important اهم for learning التعليم, or about when you learn better/best, through memorization الحفظ, or understanding الفهم? Use specific experiences from your educational experiences, as well as specific words from the 'Life Story' handout in order to answer this question. Be as simple as possible, while still writing in full sentences.

3. Write about whether tests الإمتحانات are good measures قياسات of learning. Use specific examples from your schooling to answer this question. Be as simple as possible, while still writing in full sentences.

Delta: write about: which stage/phase/period مرحلة in education is hardest الأصعب: elementary, middle, or high school? Use specific examples from your schooling to answer this question.

Due Wednesday, 9/5, Thursday, 9/6 for Delta

Eta: add in the corrections/edits to your life story drafts. Be sure to add in more details on: childhood/education/moving/how long you lived where.

Delta: interview a parent/friend and ask them about their life story. Write about their life story using each vocabulary word on the life story handout.

Due Tuesday, 9/4

Both: Review new vocabulary for at least 10 min each day over the long weekend. Make flash cards/rewrite each vocabulary word/speak aloud to yourself/speak to a friend in Arabic.

Eta: Write 7-10 sentences on your activities over the long weekend. What did you do? What did your family do? What did your friends do? Write in the past tense, and use as many details as you can.

Delta: either write your life story, your friend's life story, or a famous person's life story in as many details as you can, using each vocabulary word on the handout in class.

Due Friday, 8/31

Eta: either write your life story, your friend's life story, or a famous person's life story in as many details as you can, using each vocabulary word on the handout in class.

Delta: write one sentence per class, detailing the challenges that you expect to face in that class.

التحديات التي انا اواجه- The challenges that I face

Due Wednesday, 8/29, Thursday, 8/30 for Delta

Eta: write one sentence per class, detailing the challenge that you expect to face in that class.

التحديات التي انا اواجه- The challenges that I face

Delta: write 4-5 sentences on why you think the Arab world is interesting to you.

Due Tuesday, 8/28

Write why you study Arabic, and write why 3 other people you spoke to in class study Arabic. Be specific, and give reasons for why you study Arabic and use transition words!