
Welcome to the new school year! I will be posting assignments on this page every Monday, but the assignments could change based on what happens in class. So, please check homework every day.

If you have any questions, please email me at

Homework for Week of May 28th:

For Wednesday, May 29th:

  • The English exam is on Monday, June 3rd. To prepare for the exam, students should:

For Thursday, May 30th:

For Friday, May 31st:

      • Study vocabulary words every night for 15 to 20 minutes. You only need to know definition and how to use the word in a sentence. Click here for the word list with definitions.
      • Work in the study guide every night. Click here for the study guide. For Friday, continue to work on the outline. You will have Friday to work in class, but you want to try to complete the outline before you leave for the weekend.

For Monday, June 3rd:

    • Study vocabulary
    • Review notes for public speaking and quote analysis
    • Complete outline

Homework for Week of May 20th:

For Tuesday, May 21st.

  • Work on your speech. Speeches will be on Wednesday and Thursday.
      • First, finish your outline (click here for the outline).
      • Then, complete your notecards
      • Finally, practice your speech over and over until you are comfortable with it.
  • The extra credit assignment (nonfiction book assignment) is due by Friday. Click here for the assignment.

For Wednesday, May 22nd:

For Thursday, May 23rd:

For Friday, May 24th:

For Tuesday, May 28th:

  • Complete the book chart. This is a review of all the major readings we did this year and will help remind you of important details of each story.
  • Begin studying the vocabulary words that are required for the final. I would suggest that you either separate the notecards of the identified words or create new notecards. Study these words every day. Click here for the word list with definitions.

Homework for Week of May 13th:

For Tuesday, May 14th.

For Wednesday, May 15th

  • Decide the topic for your speech. We will be researching your topic on Thursday and Friday and you need to have decided what your topic is and what they point of your speech will be. Example: Topic is education and point is that all students who want to go to college should have access to college for free.

For Thursday, May 16th and Friday, May 17th

  • Complete the first page of the outline for your speech. The entire outline is due on Monday.
  • Finish your nonfiction book by Friday.

For Monday, May 20th.

  • Complete the outline of your speech. On Monday and Tuesday we will be preparing for the speech by talking about how to get from your outline to notecards. You will use notecards during your speech. Speeches will begin on Wednesday.
  • If you wish, begin working on the optional project for the nonfiction book. You may do this assignment if you wish to do the assignment or if you wish to bring up your grade. The project is due on Friday, May 24th. Click here for the assignment.

Homework for Week of May 6th:

  • Work on your recitation. Recitations are due next week, so try to have memorized your passages by Friday. Click for a copy of Atticus' closing argument:
  • Read your nonfiction book every night. Try to read for at least 2o minutes every night. By Friday, May 10th, please have read to the following pages:
    • The 57 Bus: Read part 3 (pages 103-209).
    • Most Dangerous: Read Part 2 (pages 111-205).
    • Every Falling Star: Read chapters 12-21 (pages 102-207).
    • Jefferson's Sons: Read chapters 15-27 (pages 128-240).
    • Claudette Colvin: Read Part 1, chapters 5-8 (pages 39-85).
    • Undefeated: Read pages 79-162.
    • Unbroken: Reads Parts 3 and 1/2 of 4, chapters 12-26 (pages 103-195).
  • Bring your nonfiction book every day so you can have it during the PARCC assessment.

Homework for Week of April 29th:

  • Read your nonfiction book every night. Try to read for at least 2o minutes every night. By Friday, May 3rd, please have read to the following pages:
    • The 57 Bus: Read parts 1 and 2 (pages 1-102).
    • Most Dangerous: Read the Prologue and Part 1 (pages 1-110).
    • Every Falling Star: Read the Prologue and Chapters 1-11 (pages 1-101).
    • Jefferson's Sons: Read chapters 1-14 (pages 1-127).
    • Claudette Colvin: Read Part 1 which is chapters 1-4 (pages 1-38).
    • Undefeated: Read pages 1-78.
    • Unbroken: Reads Parts 1 and 2 which are chapters (pages 1-100).
  • Bring your nonfiction book every day so you can have it during the PARCC assessment.

You will begin the PARCC on Tuesday. Please make sure you get a good night sleep every night and eat a good breakfast each morning.

For Monday, May 6th.

  • Work on your recitation. You have one week to get it memorized.
  • Read your nonfiction book. The book must be finished by May 17th.

Homework for Week of April 22nd:

For Tuesday, April 23rd.

  • Write and finish your This I Believe essay by the end of class on Tuesday. You will have most of class on Monday and Tuesday, but you might need to take it home to work on it. You must complete the essay by end of class on Tuesday.
  • You will receive your nonfiction book in class on Wednesday. Please bring it to class every day. You will get time to read every day, so you must bring it to class with you. When you return from Echo Hill, we will have deadlines for you.

Homework for Week of April 15th:

For Wednesday, April 17th.

  • Study for vocabulary quiz on Thursday. There will be 5 words on the quiz. There will be 3 words from #31-40 and 2 words from #1-30.
  • Work on your outline for the This I Believe essay. The outline is due on Thursday.

For Thursday, April 18th:

  • Study for vocabulary quiz today. There will be 5 words on the quiz. There will be 3 words from #31-40 and 2 words from #1-30.
  • Work on your outline for the This I Believe essay. The outline is due on Thursday.

For Monday, April 22nd:

  • If you did not finish your outline for the This I Believe essay, then finish it this weekend. You will be writing your essay today.
  • Read your independent book.

Homework for Week of April 8th:

For Tuesday, April 9th.

  • Get your parents to sign the Nonfiction Book Options by Thursday
  • Complete your interview this week. It is due on Tuesday, April 16th.
  • Bring an IR book.

For Wednesday, April 10th:

  • Read and annotate 2 This I Believe Essays (choose any from the remaining essays in the packet)
  • Get your parents to sign the Nonfiction Book Options by Thursday
  • Complete your interview this week. It is due on Tuesday, April 16th.
  • Study your vocabulary words. There will be a quiz next week.
  • Bring an IR book.

For Thursday, April 11th:

  • Get your parents to sign the Nonfiction Book Options by today
  • Complete your interview this week. It is due on Tuesday, April 16th.
  • Study your vocabulary words. There will be a quiz next week.
  • Bring an IR book.

For Friday, April 12th:

  • Think about your topic for your This I Believe Essay. You will be working on your essay today.
  • Complete your interview this week. It is due on Tuesday, April 16th.
  • Study your vocabulary words. There will be a quiz next week.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Tuesday, April 16th:

  • Your StoryCorps interview is due today.
  • Study your vocabulary words. There will be a quiz on Thursday. Cut and paste this link into a window to view the list.

Homework for Week of April 1st:

For Tuesday, April 2nd.

  • No Homework
  • Bring an IR book.

For Wednesday, April 3rd:

  • No Homework
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, April 4th:

  • For Friday, determine who your partner is for the Storycorps project and fill out the Story Corps interview chart. If you do not finish filling out the chart in class, then please finish it for homework. Go to for the interviews.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, April 5th:

  • Listen to two more Storycorps interviews and fill out the chart
  • Determine who your partner is for the Storycorps project. Have the name.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, April 8th:

  • Complete all of the Pre-Writing and Preparation Packet (especially the questions on the last page).

Homework for Week of March 18th:

There are no specific homework assignments for this week. But instead, students should be doing the following:

  • Working hard on Monday and Tuesday in class to complete the To Kill A Mockingbird essay. This essay counts as the final test for the book.
  • Finishing annotating TKAM, if you haven't already. If you would like to raise your annotations grades, please continue to read and annotate and show me your books. The last day to ask Ms. Peale to change annotation grades is Thursday, March 21st.

Homework for Week of March 11th:

For Tuesday, March 12.

  • Complete the final draft of your parent paper. You will have time in class on Tuesday to work on it. It is due by Friday.
  • Read and annotate chapter 28 of TKAM for Wednesday.
  • Bring an IR book.

For Wednesday, March 13:

  • Read and annotate chapter 28 of TKAM. Keep reading if you have finished chapter 28.
  • The completed final draft of your parent essay is due on Friday (4 paragraphs). If you print it out and give it to me, then you will receive a few extra points.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, March 14:

  • Read and annotate 29-31 of TKAM. You will have some time in class to read.
  • The completed draft of your parent essay is due on Friday (4 paragraphs).
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, March 15:

  • The completed final draft of your parent essay is due today (4 paragraphs).
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, March 18:

  • Finish the outline for your final essay on To Kill A Mockingbird. This essay is the final test on To Kill A Mockingbird. You will have Monday and Tuesday to write the essay.

Homework for Week of March 4:

For Tuesday, March 5 :

  • The completed draft of your parent essay is due on Friday (4 paragraphs).
  • Read and annotate chapters 22 and 23 of TKAM for Wednesday.
  • Bring an IR book.

For Wednesday, March 6:

  • Read and annotate chapters 22 and 23 of TKAM
  • The completed draft of your parent essay is due on Friday (4 paragraphs).
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, March 7:

  • Read and annotate 24 of TKAM (I will be giving you time in class to read as well).
  • The completed draft of your parent essay is due on Friday (4 paragraphs).
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, March 8:

  • The completed draft of your parent essay is due today (4 paragraphs).
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, March 11:

  • Read and annotate chapters 26 and 27 of TKAM. If you are behind from the reading from the past week, please catch up this weekend. Do not forget to show Ms. Peale your annotations as you catch up.

Homework for Week of February 25th:

For Tuesday, February 26th :

  • Finish the final draft of your kids book essay. It is due on Tuesday.
  • Read and annotate chapters 16 and 17 of TKAM for Wednesday.
  • Bring an IR book.

For Wednesday, February 27th:

  • Read and annotate chapters 16 and 17 of TKAM
  • Your outline for the parent essay is due on Friday.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, February 28th:

  • Read and annotate 19 of TKAM (I will be giving you time in class to read as well).
  • Your outline for the parent essay is due on Friday.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, March 1:

  • Hand in completed outline for the parent essay.
  • Read and annotate 20 and 21 of TKAM (I will be giving you time in class to read as well).
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, March 4:

  • Be ready to write your parent essay today. If you did not finish your outline on Friday, please make sure it is completed by today.
  • Read and annotate chapter 22 of TKAM. If you are behind from the reading from the past week, please catch up this weekend. Do not forget to show Ms. Peale your annotations as you catch up.

Homework for Week of February 19th

For Wednesday, February 20th:

  • Work on the rough draft of the kid book essay. The completed rough draft is due on Friday.
  • Read and annotate chapter 15 of To Kill A Mockingbird by Thursday.

Special Note In Case of Snow Day on Wednesday and/or Thursday - Work on your rough draft. It is due on Friday even if you are out of school for snow. If you do not have access to a computer at home, please let me know and we will work out other plans.

For Thursday, February 21st:

  • Read and annotate chapter 15 of To Kill A Mockingbird by Thursday.
  • For Friday, finish the rough draft of your kids book essay.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, February 22nd:

  • The rough draft of your kids book essay is due today.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, February 25th:

  • Read and annotate chapter 16 of To Kill A Mockingbird. If

Homework for Week of February 11th

For Tuesday, February 12th :

  • No homework for today. But pay attention to the homework for the rest of the week:
      • For Wednesday, read and annotate chapter 12 of TKAM
      • For Thursday, study for the vocabulary quiz
      • For Friday, hand in a completed outline.
  • Bring an IR book.

For Wednesday, February 13th:

  • Read and annotate chapter 12 of TKAM
  • For Thursday, study for the vocabulary quiz.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, February 14th:

  • Study for the vocabulary quiz.
  • For Friday, complete the outline for the theme essay.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, February 15th

  • Hand in completed outline for the theme essay.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Tuesday, February 19th:

  • Be ready to write your theme essay today. (B Period, make sure you finish your outline if you did not in class).
  • Read and annotate chapters 13 and 14 of TKAM.

Homework for Week of February 4th

For Tuesday, February 5th :

  • Complete your academic paragraph plan. You will write the paragraph in class on Tuesday.
  • Bring an IR book.

For Wednesday, February 6th:

  • Read and annotate chapter 10 of To Kill A Mockingbird.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, February 7th:

  • Read and annotate chapter 11 of To Kill A Mockingbird
  • Speeches for this week are today. Please be ready today if you are giving one this week.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, February 8th

  • Quiz on part 1 of To Kill A Mockingbird (chapters 1-11) - Study all the chapter sheets that are in your binder. AND bring your book to class tomorrow.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, February 11th:

  • Study for your spelling test on words 1-30. Quiz will be on Thursday. Bring your notecards to class everyday this week. You will be given time to study in class.
  • Read and annotate chapter 12 of To Kill A Mockingbird for Wednesday.
  • Bring in an IR book.

Homework for Week of January 29th

For Tuesday, January 29th :

  • Write an academic paragraph
  • Bring an IR book.

For Wednesday, January 30th:

  • Read and annotate chapter 8 of To Kill A Mockingbird.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, January 31st

  • Read and annotate chapter 9 (read at least to page 93) of To Kill A Mockingbird
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, February 1st

  • Finish reading chapter 9 of To Kill A Mockingbird
  • Be ready for your speech if you are giving one.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, February 4th:

  • Read and annotate chapter 10 of To Kill A Mockingbird. There will be a quiz next week on chapters 1-11.
  • Bring in an IR book.

Homework for Week of January 22nd

For Tuesday, January 22nd :

  • Read and annotate chapter 5 of To Kill A Mockingbird
  • Bring an IR book.

For Wednesday, January 23rd:

  • Make sure you are caught up on your reading of To Kill A Mockingbird.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, January24th:

  • Prepare for your quiz on chapters 1-4 of To Kill A Mockingbird.. Bring your book to class so you can use it on the quiz. I will not loan out books to use.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, January 25th

  • Read and annotate chapters 6 and 7 of To Kill A Mockingbird for Monday.
  • Be ready for your speech if you are giving one.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, December 28th:

  • Read and annotate 6 and 7 of To Kill A Mockingbird.
  • Bring in an IR book.

Homework for Week of January 14th:

For Thursday, January 17th:

  • Read and annotate chapter 2 of To Kill A Mockingbird
  • Bring in an IR book.
  • Spelling Bee is today.

For Friday, January 18th:

  • Start reading chapter 3 of To Kill A Mockingbird
  • If you are doing your 30 second speech today, be ready. See below for names. You are speaking on one of 5 topics (sports, animals, family, laws, schools) for 30 seconds.
      • A Period: Josie, Simone, Kiran, Micah, Charlotte
      • B Period: Ellie, Brandon, Akilah, Lucas, Stephen
      • E Period: Dami, Janiyah, Kennedy, Mikel, Brian
  • Bring an IR book

For Tuesday, January 22nd:

  • Finish reading and annotating chapters 3 and 4 of To Kill A Mockingbird.
  • Bring an IR book.

Homework for Week of January 7th:

For Thursday, January 10th:

  • Write an academic paragraph that answers this question: What are two ways that people in the South tried to prevent African Americans from voting? Use the article we read in class to provide evidence.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, January 11th:

  • If you are doing your 30 second speech today, be ready. See below for names. You are speaking on one of 5 topics (sports, animals, family, laws, schools) for 30 seconds.
      • A Period: Mackie, Anthony, Willa, Kai, Jon
      • B Period: Micah, Stephen, Reese, Jadah, Sanu
      • E Period: Raymond, Liam, Tillie, Aaron, Jade
  • Find an IR book that you are going to read in class. Having this book in class counts for a grade.

For Monday, January 14th:

  • Finish reading and annotating chapter 1 of To Kill A Mockingbird.
  • Study spelling bee words if you want to participate in the 7th grade bee.

Homework for Week of December 17th:

For Tuesday, December 18th :

  • Be ready for the A Raisin in the Sun Test.
      • If you are doing the written test, please make sure you have your book for class.
      • If you are doing the oral test, please make sure you have one of the following:
            • Your copy of the book OR
            • A piece of paper with information written on it.
  • Bring an IR book book to read. If you are taking the oral test, you must have something to do in class while you are waiting to be called to take your turn at the oral test. You must be quiet for those students taking the written test.

For Wednesday, December 19th

  • No homework
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, December 20th:

  • If you would like to do a 3rd draft of your dramatic scene (as a final draft) for extra credit, please see Ms. Peale (or Ms. Davis for B period). If not, the 2nd draft will count as the final draft. If you are going to do a 3rd and final draft, it must be handed in by Friday. We will have computers in class for you to use.

For Friday, December 21st:

  • If you would like to do a 3rd draft of your dramatic scene (as a final draft) for extra credit, please see Ms. Peale (or Ms. Davis for B period). If not, the 2nd draft will count as the final draft. If you are going to do a 3rd and final draft, it must be handed in today.

We wish you a happy holiday. Enjoy your break!

Homework for Week of December 10th:

For Tuesday, December 11th :

  • Finish the 2nd draft of your dramatic scene. You must finish the draft so that Ms. Peale Ms. Davis can revise and edit your 2nd draft before the end of the week.
  • Bring an IR book.

For Wednesday, December 12th

  • Read and annotate the article in the DBQ packet titled "Old Confronts New In A Gentrifying DC Neighborhood" (Document 2). Below are links for other documents (documents 1 and 3). Feel free to look at them again at your convenience.


Link for Document #1: Video Clip About Gentrification

Link for Document #3: Mapping Segregation

  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, December 13th:

  • Complete all of the DBQ packet.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, December 14th:

  • Prepare for the seminar. If you did not finish in class, please make sure you complete the final page of the Argument Workshop packet. This last page is asking you to think about what you believe about the question.
  • You must bring your A Raisin in the Sun to class today.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, December 17th:

  • Work on the review packet to prepare for the test on A Raisin in the Sun. The test is on Tuesday.
      • If you are going to the take the written test, you should be filling out the review packet.
          • Link for written exam review:
      • If you are going to take the oral test, you should be preparing your answers to the questions. Remember that you can either prepare by using a piece of paper to write down what you need to know to answer the question OR use your book during the oral test.

Homework for Week of December 3rd:

For Tuesday, December 4th :

  • Work on the rough draft of your 2nd dramatic scene.
  • For Wednesday, read and annotate Act 2, Scene 3 of A Raisin in the Sun
  • Bring an IR book.

For Wednesday, December 5th

  • Read and annotate Act 2, Scene 3 of A Raisin in the Sun
  • For Thursday, finish the rough draft of DS#2.
  • For Thursday, study for your vocabulary quiz on words 1-20. Please see Mr. Green's wiki space to get the list of words.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, December 6th:

  • Study for your vocabulary quiz on words 1-20. Quiz is today. Please see Mr. Green's wiki space to get the list of words.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, December 7th:

  • Read and annotate Act 3 of A Raisin in the Sun.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, December 10th:

This is a catch up on work weekend:

  • Finish your 2nd dramatic scene. If you did a new scene, it must be between 1 and 2 pages. If you did a continuation of your first scene, then you must have 3 or 4 pages.
  • If you haven't finished A Raisin in the Sun, please do so. This is your chance to catch up on your annotations. If you make annotations up, please remember to show them to me on Monday.

Homework for Week of November 26th:

For Tuesday, November 27th :

  • Work on the rough draft of your 1st dramatic scene.
  • For Wednesday, read and annotate Act 2, Scene 1 of A Raisin in the Sun
  • Bring an IR book.

For Wednesday, November 28th:

  • Read and annotate Act 2, Scene 1 of A Raisin in the Sun
  • For Thursday, finish the rough draft of your first dramatic scene.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, November 29th:

  • Finish the rough draft of your first dramatic scene.
  • For Friday, read and annotate Act 2, Scene 2 of A Raisin in the Sun.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, November 30th:

  • Read and annotate Act 2, Scene 2 of A Raisin in the Sun.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, December 3rd:

  • For Monday, brainstorm your next dramatic scene. Ms. Peale has given you three options. Plan one of those options. You will begin writing your DS2 on Monday. You must have planned to get a computer on Monday.
  • For Wednesday, read and annotate Act 2, Scene 3 of A Raisin in the Sun.
  • Bring an IR book.

Homework for Weeks of November 12th and November 19th:

For Tuesday, November 13th :

  • Read and annotate A Raisin in the Sun to page 60.
  • Bring an IR book.

For Wednesday, November 14th:

  • Read and annotate A Raisin in the Sun through page 75 (Act 1, Scene 2).
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, November 15th:

  • Read and annotate the article titled "Black Chicago at Mid-Century."
  • If you did not finish the planning document for the dramatic scenes, please finish it and hand it in to Ms. Peale.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, November 16th:

  • For A and E Periods: Finish the journal article you started in class and finish reading Act 1, Scenes 1 and 2 of A Raisin in the Sun. Quiz on Act 1 is on Monday.
  • For B Period only: Read and annotate the article about Black Chicago at Mid Century. If you have not finished Act 1, Scenes 1 and 2 of A Raisin in the Sun, then please read and annotate. Quiz on A Raisin in the Sun on Monday.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, November 19th:

  • Quiz on Act 1 of A Raisin in the Sun. For B Period only: finish the journal entry you started in class.
  • Bring an IR book.

For Tuesday, November 20th:

  • TBA
  • Bring an IR book.

Homework for Week of November 5th:

For Tuesday, November 6th :

  • Work on the take home test for the Living with a Disability book you read. The test is due on Wednesday, but you will be able to work on it during class on Tuesday. Please remember to bring your book and the copy of the test to class today.
  • Bring an IR book.

For Wednesday, November 7th:

  • Finish the take home test for your LWD book. It is due at the beginning of class.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, November 8th:

  • Read "A Dream Deferred" by Langston Hughes at the beginning of the play. Think about what it means. Come to class prepared to discuss.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, November 12th:

  • Read and annotate the rest of Act 1 Scene 1 of A Raisin in the Sun.
  • Bring an IR book.

Homework for Week of October 29th:

For Tuesday, October 30th:

  • Your group will be presenting your presentation on the BCB. Be ready to present!
  • For Wednesday, read and annotate to the following pages of your BCB:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 210.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 212.
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 276.
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 186.
  • Bring an IR book.

For Wednesday, October 31st:

  • For today, read and annotate to the following pages of your BCB:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 200.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 199.
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 265.
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 177.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, November 1st:

  • No homework! Enjoy Halloween!
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, November 5th:

  • Finish reading and annotating your BCB. There will be an assessment next week, so please use this weekend to catch up and finish the book.
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 221 (finish the book).
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 231 (finish the book).
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 295 (finish the book).
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 200 (finish the book).
  • Bring an IR book.

For Tuesday, October 23rd:

  • Your final draft is due by Thursday. You may hand it in anytime before Thursday. This is the last grade of the quarter and it will not be accepted after Thursday. You must also hand in your other drafts and your editing sheet. Please staple them all together in the following order:
      • Final draft on top
      • 2nd draft
      • 1st draft
      • Editing Sheet.

For Wednesday, October 24th:

  • Work on your final draft. It is due on Thursday.
  • For today, read and annotate in your book for the Living with a Disability Unit:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 165.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 158
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 217
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 144
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, October 25th:

  • Your final draft is due today. This is the last grade of the quarter and it will not be accepted after today. You must also hand in your other drafts and your editing sheet. Please staple them all together in the following order:
      • Final draft on top
      • 2nd draft
      • 1st draft
      • Editing Sheet.
  • Read and annotate in your book for the Living with a Disability Unit. For class today, you should be on the following pages:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 177.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 172.
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 238.
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 154.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, October 26th:

  • Read and annotate in your book for the Living with a Disability Unit. For class today, you should be on the following pages:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 188.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 182.
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 247.
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 166.
  • Have fun on the trip!

For Monday, October 29th:

  • Read and annotate in your book for the Living with a Disability Unit. For class today, you should be on the following pages:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 200.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 199.
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 265.
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 177.
  • Bring an IR book.

Homework for Week of October 15th:

For Wednesday, October 17th:

  • For Friday, finish your 2nd draft that you began in class on Monday. You must hand in your rough draft to Ms. Peale.
  • For today, read and annotate in your book for the Living with a Disability Unit:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 126.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 117
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 155
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 97
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, October 18th:

  • Read and annotate in your book for the Living with a Disability Unit. For class today, you should be on the following pages:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 140.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 128.
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 174.
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 112.
  • For Friday, finish your 2nd draft that you began in class on Monday. You must hand in your rough draft to Ms. Peale.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, October 19th:

  • Read and annotate in your book for the Living with a Disability Unit. For class today, you should be on the following pages:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 154.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 142.
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 184
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 123
  • For Friday, finish your 2nd draft that you began in class on Monday. You must hand in your rough draft to Ms. Peale.
  • Be ready for the 30 second speech if you are giving it today. No speeches for periods A and E.

B: Akilah, Micah, Reese, Natalie, Bridget, Alex, Idrisah

  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, October 22nd:

  • We are peer editing your 2nd draft of your personal narrative today. If you did not finish it last week, then it must be completed today so you can have a peer edit today.
  • For Wednesday, read and annotate in your book for the Living with a Disability Unit:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 165.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 158
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 217
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 144
  • Bring in an IR book.

Homework for Week of October 9th:

For Wednesday, October 10th:

  • If you did not finish your writing plan in class, please finish it. We are writing today and you must have your plan finished.
  • Study your vocabulary words for a quiz on Thursday. To see list of vocab words using this link:
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, October 11th:

  • Read and annotate in your book for the Living with a Disability Unit. For class today, you should be on the following pages:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 69.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 65.
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 89.
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 58.
  • Study for your vocabulary quiz. To see list of vocab words using this link:
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, October 12th:

  • Read and annotate in your book for the Living with a Disability Unit. For class today, you should be on the following pages:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 83.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 86.
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 107
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 65
  • Be ready for the 30 second speech if you are giving it today.

A: Alaesia, Dylan G, Cardel, Mage

B: Ellie, Brandon, Idrisah, Alex, Kathya

C: Jade, Caroline, Bailee T, Aaron

  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, October 15th:

  • Finish the rough draft for personal narrative #3.
  • For Monday, read and annotate in your book for the Living with a Disability Unit:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 102.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 98
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 121
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 75
  • Bring in an IR book.

Homework for Week of October 1st:

For Tuesday, October 2nd:

  • Finish elaborating on your personal narrative. You should have written additions and changes on your rough draft. Today, you will make those changes on the online version of the paper.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Wednesday, October 3rd:

  • If you did not finish adding to your personal narrative in class, please finish it for homework.
  • Study your vocabulary words.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, October 4th:

  • Read and annotate in your book for the Living with a Disability Unit. For class today, you should be on the following pages:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 34.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 30.
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 38
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 30
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, October 5th:

  • Read and annotate in your book for the Living with a Disability Unit. For class today, you should be on the following pages:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 53.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 54.
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 70
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 50
  • Be ready for the 30 second speech if you are giving it today.

A Period: Ethan, James F-M, Carter, Josie, Anthony

B Period: Izzy, Stephen, James, Jadah, Joseph

E Period: Baille, Brian, Gabby, Ezra

  • Bring in an IR book.

For Tuesday, October 10th:

  • Study your vocabulary cards. We will have a quiz on the first 10 words on Wednesday.
  • For Wednesday, read and annotate in your book for the Living with a Disability Unit. For class today, you should be on the following pages:
        • For the Curious Incident of the Dog - Read and annotate to page 69.
        • For When I was the Greatest - Read and annotate to page 65.
        • For Out of my Mind - Read and annotate to page 89.
        • For Rules - Read and annotate to page 58.
  • Bring in an IR book.

Homework for Week of September 24th:

For Tuesday, September 25th:

  • Finish the plan for personal narrative 2. We will be writing today, so please make sure complete the plan. You will not get a computer to write until the plan is complete.
  • For Wednesday, finish reading and annotating "Flowers for Algernon." There is a quiz on Thursday.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Wednesday, September 26th:

  • Finish your draft of personal narrative 1. Your goal is to get a page written.
  • Finish reading and annotating "Flowers for Algernon" for today. There is a quiz on Thursday.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, September 27th:

  • Review notes for quiz today on "Flowers for Algernon." It is an open book quiz. Please have your copy of the story with you in class. I will not loan out any copies of the story for the quiz.
  • Finish the storymap for "Flowers for Algernon." That will be a good review for the quiz. If you hand a completed storymap in with the quiz then you can earn 2 extra points on the quiz.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, September 28th:

  • Be reading for the 30 second speech if you are giving it today.

A Period: Mackie, Simone, Nick, Jonathan, and Livy.

B Period: James, Jadah, Micah, Stephen, Izzy

E Period: Dami, Liam, Mikel, Tillie, Raymond

  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, October 1st:

  • Study your vocabulary cards. We will have a quiz on the first 10 words very soon.
  • Bring in an IR book.

Homework for Week of September 17th:

For Tuesday, September 18th:

  • Finish your writing packet. We are writing tomorrow. You may not start writing until you complete the writing packet.
  • For Wednesday, read and annotate "Flowers for Algernon"(stop when you get to progress report 11 on page 17). You should have at least two annotations per page.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Wednesday, September 19th:

  • Finish your draft of personal narrative 1. Your goal is to get a page written.
  • For Wednesday, read and annotate "Flowers for Algernon"(stop when you get to progress report 11 on page 17). You should have at least two annotations per page.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, September 20th:

  • Read and annotate "Flowers for Algernon"(stop when you get to the progress report for May 15th on page 23). You should have at least two annotations per page.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, September 21st:

  • Catch up on your reading for Flowers or on your personal narrative
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, September 24th:

  • Finish reading and annotating "Flowers for Algernon."
  • Finish the letter that you began in class on Friday.
  • Bring in an IR book.

Homework for Week of September 10th:

For Tuesday, September 11th:

  • No homework
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Wednesday, September 12th:

  • Get your Living with a Disability book choice signed by your parents.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Thursday, September 13th:

  • Get your Living with a Disability book choice signed by your parents. Due Friday.
  • Read your independent book for 20 minutes.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Friday, September 14th:

  • Get your Living with a Disability book choice signed by your parents. Due today.
  • Read your independent book for 20 minutes.
  • Bring in an IR book.

For Monday, September 17th:

  • Read and annotate "Flowers for Algernon"(stop when you get to progress report 11 on page 17). You should have at least two annotations per page.
  • Bring in an IR book.

Homework for Week of September 4th:

For Wednesday, September 5th:

  • Complete the story map for March, if you did not finish it in class.
  • Bring in March and an IR book.

For Thursday, September 6th:

  • Read an independent book for 20 minutes.
  • Bring in March and an IR book.

For Friday, September 7th:

  • Read 20 minutes in your independent book.
  • Bring in March and an IR book.

For Monday, September 10th:

  • Study for your quiz on March.
  1. Study the first three pages of the CW/HW section (people and places, storymap, poem/pic)
  2. Study the first two pages of the quote analysis section (guide for analyzing quotes, quote #1)
  • Bring in March and an IR book. The quiz is an open book quiz. You must have your own copy of March for the quiz. I will not be loaning out books for the quiz.

Homework for Week of August 27th:

For Tuesday, August 28th:

  • Parent survey is due today.
  • Work on your summer reading project. It is due on Friday.
  • Bring March and an IR book.

For Wednesday, August 29th:

  • Work on your summer reading project. It is due on Friday.
  • Bring in March and an IR book.

For Thursday, August 30th:

  • Work on your summer reading project. It is due on tomorrow. Bring your poster, your paper or be ready with your presentation.
  • Bring in March and an IR book.

For Friday, September 1st:

  • Finish your summer reading project. It is due today.
  • Bring in March and an IR book.

For Tuesday, September 4th:

  • Read 20 minutes on your IR book.
  • Enjoy the long weekend!

Homework for Week of August 23rd:

For Friday, August 24th:

  • Bring an independent reading book to read at the beginning of class.

For Monday, August 27th:

  • Bring an independent book and March to read at the beginning of class.
  • Start working on your summer reading project.
  • Bring in your binder materials (black binder and dividers (5). We are organizing them in class on Monday so please make sure you have these materials. If you are not in class or do not have the materials, then you are going to need to see me outside of class to organize them.