Mr. Green's

Wiki Page

“You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, who had ever been alive.”

-- James Baldwin

"You don't start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it's good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That's why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence."

-- Octavia Butler

Assigned Homework


You can complete as much of the study guide as you need. I am not grading it, but I would complete everything in there to be fully prepared for the exam.

Other Helpful Documents:


Monday-Wednesday, May 20-22:

1) Finish your outline and note cards for your speech

2) Practice your speech

See the rubric here for reference on the grading criteria

Thursday, May 23:

None (unless you are doing the extra credit opportunity outlined below)

Friday, May 24:

1) Complete the literature review guide (for three of the five texts). This is required, but I do not have a copy to put on this Wiki.

2) If you would like, you can complete this vocab review, which will be helpful for the final exam.


For those who are looking for a little grade boost, you can complete a nonfiction book assignment by next Friday based on the nonfiction book you chose. There are six different options; you only need to complete one. This project will be listed as a separate writing project assignment in PowerSchool, and if you complete it and do it well, you can get some extra points in the "Writing Project" category, which would bring up most students' grades a few points. We encourage students who did not do as well on the This I Believe Essay to complete this if they are trying to bring up their grade. THE ASSIGNMENT CAN BE FOUND HERE.


Monday, May 13:

Practice your recitation! You will present them tomorrow. Here is the rubric that I showed you last week and distributed today in class.

Tuesday, May 14:

Read your nonfiction book. You should be aiming to finish this book by the end of the week.

Wednesday, May 15-Friday, May 17:

Read your nonfiction book OR start working on your speech outline, which you can find here.


For those who are looking for a little grade boost, you can complete a nonfiction book assignment by next Friday based on the nonfiction book you chose. There are six different options; you only need to complete one. This project will be listed as a separate writing project assignment in PowerSchool, and if you complete it and do it well, you can get some extra points in the "Writing Project" category, which would bring up most students' grades a few points. We encourage students who did not do as well on the This I Believe Essay to complete this if they are trying to bring up their grade. THE ASSIGNMENT CAN BE FOUND HERE.


Monday, May 6-Wednesday, May 8:

Work on your recitation and/or read your nonfiction book for 20-30 minutes. We are doing our recitations on Tuesday.

Thursday, May 9:

1) Work on your recitation and/or read your nonfiction book for 20-30 minutes

2) Choose a topic for your persuasive speech assignment

Friday, May 10:

Work on your recitation. You will present them on Tuesday.


Monday, April 29:

Read your nonfiction book for 20 minutes. Bring your book to school every day!

Tuesday, April 30, and Wednesday, May 1:

1) Choose at least one paragraph that you can memorize for our recitation assignment. I will check with you on Thursday (we do not have class on Wednesday due to PARCC). See the speech written out using this link.

2) Read your nonfiction book for 20 minutes

Thursday, May 2:

Finish up the back of the recitation assignment worksheet

Friday, May 3:

Spend 20 minutes reading your nonfiction book and/or memorizing your paragraph(s) for the recitation assignment.


Tuesday and Wednesday, April 16-17:

Study your vocab words -- we have a vocab quiz on Thursday. You can find a list of words here.

Thursday, April 18:

Finish your outline of your This I Believe Essay, if you did not already do so.


Monday, April 8:

1) Select the nonfiction book option you would like to read and have your parent/guardian sign it. Please return the signed form by THURSDAY. You can access that document here.

2) Complete your StoryCorps interview by next Tuesday, April 16th.

Tuesday, April 9:

  1. Read and annotate the two This I Believe essays distributed in class (if you did not already do so in class). You can find those essays on this document.
  2. Select the nonfiction book option you would like to read and have your parent/guardian sign it. Please return the signed form by THURSDAY. You can access that document here.
  3. Record your StoryCorps interview. You can send it to me anytime between now and next Tuesday.

Wednesday, April 10:

  1. Study your vocab words -- we have a vocab quiz next week on Thursday! You can find a list of words here.
  2. Select the nonfiction book option you would like to read and have your parent/guardian sign it. Please return the signed form by TOMORROW. You can access that document here.
  3. Record your StoryCorps interview. You can send it to me anytime between now and Tuesday.

Thursday, April 11:

  1. Study your vocab words -- we have a vocab quiz next week on Thursday! You can find a list of words here.
  2. Record your StoryCorps interview. You can send it to me anytime between now and Tuesday.

Friday, April 12:

  1. Record your StoryCorps interview. You can send it to me anytime between now and Tuesday.
  2. Study your vocab words -- we have a vocab quiz next week on Thursday! You can find a list of words here.


Monday, April 1:

Independent reading -- 20 minutes

Tuesday, April 2:

Independent reading -- 20 minutes

Wednesday, April 3:

C Period: Choose a partner for your StoryCorps project; it can be anyone in the 7th grade.

F Period: Since we did not have class today, you have no homework, though you may want to think about someone to be your partner for a StoryCorps interview.

These are the guidelines for the StoryCorps Project

Thursday, April 4:

Listen to three other StoryCorps stories on their website,

Friday, April 5:

On a piece of loose leaf paper, write out the questions you want to ask your partner for your StoryCorps interview. See here for guidelines on writing on good questions. See here for the assignment sheet.


Monday, March 11:

Read and annotate ch. 28

Tuesday, March 12, and Wednesday, March 13:

Finish up your parenting essay final draft.

See the final draft rubric and guidelines attached to this link.

Thursday, March 14:

Spend 15-20 minutes working on your TKAM Essay Exam Outline. You will have most of class on Friday to work on this, so you do not need to finish it tonight. You will write the essay in class on Monday and Tuesday of next week (March 18-19).

Friday, March 15:

Finish your TKAM Essay Exam Outline. You are writing this essay in class on Monday and Tuesday, so please make sure you bring it with you on Monday!


Monday, March 4:

Read and annotate ch. 22 of TKAM

Tuesday, March 5:

Finish up draft #1 of your parenting essay. Please share it with me when you are finished. You have until the end of the day on Friday to share it with me for full credit, but please note you will have other homework on Wednesday and Thursday nights.

Wednesday, March 6:

Read and annotate ch. 23-24 of TKAM

Thursday, March 7:

Read and annotate ch. 25-26 of TKAM

Friday, March 8:

Read and annotate ch. 27-28 of TKAM


Monday, February 25:

Read and annotate ch. 17 of TKAM

Tuesday, February 26:

Finish the Effective Parenting Essay Outline

Wednesday, February 27:

Read and annotate ch. 19 (we read ch. 18 in class)

Thursday, February 28:

Read and annotate ch. 20 and 21 (both short chapters)

Friday, March 1:

Finish the Descriptive Details Activity. The document is here -- choose ONE of the options.


Tuesday-Thursday, February 19-21:

Finish working on your final draft of the kids' book essay. This is due on Friday, regardless of whether we have school on Wednesday or not.

Please see this link for the final draft rubric.

Friday, February 22:

Read and annotate ch. 16 of TKAM (we read ch. 15 in class)


Monday, February 4:

Review your vocab words. We have a quiz next week. You can find a list of the words here.

Tuesday, February 5:

Finish the Kids' Book Essay Outline (attached here)

Wednesday, February 6:

Read and annotate ch. 11

Thursday, February 7:

1) Bring in your copy of TKAM for our reading quiz on Part I tomorrow

2) Review your vocab words. You can find a list of the words here. (Remember: We have a vocab quiz next week!)

Friday, February 8:

Review your vocab words. You can find a list of the words here. (Remember: We have a vocab quiz next week!)


Monday, January 28:

Write an academic paragraph answering the following question: What are two words to describe Boo Radley and why? Use evidence from the text to support your answer, and remember to include transitions and use a non-basic topic sentence.

Tuesday, January 29:

Independent reading -- 20 minutes

Wednesday, January 30:

Read and annotate ch. 8 of To Kill a Mockingbird

Thursday, January 31:

Finish reading and annotating ch. 9 of TKAM

Friday, February 1:

Read and annotate ch. 10 of TKAM


Tuesday, January 22:

Read and annotate ch. 5 of Mockingbird

**We will have an open-book reading quiz on chapters 1-4 of To Kill a Mockingbird on Thursday**

Wednesday, January 23:

Bring in your copy of TKAM for our open-book quiz on Thursday!

Thursday, January 24 and Friday, January 25:

Read and annotate ch. 6-7


Tuesday, January 15:

Write an academic paragraph answering this question: What is your favorite season of the year and why? Give three reasons and include evidence for each. You MUST use one of the new topic sentence styles that we learned in class today (not a basic topic sentence). See this topic sentence handout from class for reference. I am also attaching the document with the exemplar academic paragraphs if that is helpful to you.

Wednesday, January 16:

Read and annotate ch. 2 of To Kill a Mockingbird

Thursday, January 17:

Finish reading and annotating ch. 3 of To Kill a Mockingbird

Friday, January 18:

Read and annotate ch. 4 of TKAM


Monday, January 7:

Write a simple paragraph that answers the following question: What is your favorite place to be? Give three reasons why that is your favorite place. Your simple paragraph should include the following:

  • Topic sentence
  • Three body sentences
  • Conclusion sentence

Tuesday, January 8:

Write an academic paragraph (academic paragraph = includes evidence sentences) answering the following question: What is your favorite movie, book, musician, or sports team? Include three reasons why that is your favorite movie/book/musician/sports team. Remember to use evidence to support each reason why!

Wednesday, January 9:

Write an academic paragraph that answers the following question: What are two ways that people in the South tried to prevent African Americans from voting? Use the article we read in class to find evidence to support your answer.

Thursday, January 10:

Find an IR book that you are going to read in class -- I will check these on Wednesday!

Friday, January 11:

Finish reading and annotating chapter 1 of To Kill a Mockingbird


Monday, December 17:

1) Complete the test prep for the Raisin in the Sun exam tomorrow. You have two options; you can take an oral exam or a written exam. The study guides are posted below:

2) Bring in your copy of A Raisin in the Sun (or, if you are doing the oral exam, a sheet of paper with your notes on it)

Tuesday, December 18-Friday, December 21:

If you completed your exam in class: None!

If you did not complete your exam in class: Bring in the materials you need for the exam.


Monday, December 10:

Finish up whatever you need to do to complete the DBQ packet. Below are the links for you need for the DBQ documents that are on the internet.


Link for Document #1: Video Clip About Gentrification

Link for Document #3: Mapping Segregation


Monday and Tuesday, December 3-4:

Finish the final draft of your dramatic scene. This is due on Wednesday.

Here is the rubric for the final draft.


  • If you print and bring your final draft to class on Wednesday, you will receive an extra credit point on the assignment.
  • Bring in your rehearsals and brainstorming sheet along with the final draft rubric (attachment above)
  • Re-share your draft with me if you are not able to print it so I know that you have indeed completed the final draft.

Wednesday, December 5:

Study for your vocab quiz! Here is the vocab list if you need it.

Thursday, December 6:

None! Enjoy a day of no homework!

Friday, December 7:

Finish reading and annotating Raisin if you did not finish in class.

Monday, November 26:

Read and annotate pp. 96-110 of Raisin

Tuesday, November 27, and Wednesday, November 28:

Finish draft #1 of your dramatic scene and share it with me ( when you are finished writing the scene. Look over this checklist to ensure your scene includes all of the requirements.

Thursday, November 29:

Finish reading and annotating Act II, Scene III if you did not do so in class.

Friday, November 30:

Study your vocab words -- Vocab quiz on Thursday of next week! Here is the vocab list if you need it.


Monday, November 12:

Finish the Dramatic Scene Brainstorming Worksheet (click here for the attachment).

Tuesday, November 13:

Read and annotate this article for tomorrow's class.

Also, if you did not finish your rehearsals in class, you should make sure you have two dramatic scene rehearsals completed for Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 14:

Read and annotate A Raisin in the Sun -- stop at page 66 when Asagai exits the scene.

Thursday, November 15:

Read and annotate the rest of Act I, Scene II of Raisin (ends on page 75)

Friday, November 16:



Monday and Tuesday, November 5th and 6th:

Complete your "Living with a Disability" book assessment. This is an open book test, and it is due on Wednesday. If you need a copy of the test, it is posted below.

Wednesday, November 7th:

Read and annotate A Raisin in the Sun until you get to the top of page 39 -- stop when MAMA enters the scene.

Thursday, November 8th:

Read and annotate the rest of Act I, Scene I of A Raisin in the Sun. The scene ends on page 53.


Monday, October 29:

Practice your presentations!

Tuesday, October 30:

Read and annotate your LWD book

Wednesday, October 31:

None! Enjoy Halloween!

Thursday, November 1:

Read and annotate your LWD book


Monday, October 22-Wednesday, October 24:

1) Finish your final draft of your personal narrative. Due Thursday!

See this link to reference the final draft rubric for the personal narrative. Also, if you print off and bring in your final draft on Thursday, you will receive an extra credit point.

2) Keep reading and annotating your LWD book with any remaining time you have.

Thursday, October 25:

1) Read and annotate your LWD book

2) If you did not do so in class on Wednesday and Thursday, make sure you finish your slides for your group slideshow. You will have time on Monday to work with your group members on your presentation, so you need to have the slides completed. See the guide to the slides using this link.


Monday, October 15, and Tuesday, October 16:

  • Finish draft #2 of your personal narrative
  • If you have not already done so, finish your reading assignment that is due for Wednesday

Wednesday, October 17:

Read and annotate your LWD book (see assignment sheet -- "For October 18")

Thursday, October 18:

Read and annotate your LWD book (see assignment sheet -- "For October 19")

Friday, October 19:

Read and annotate your LWD book (see assignment sheet -- "For October 24")


Tuesday, October 9:

1) Review your vocab words for 20 minutes to prep for Thursday's vocab quiz (see vocab packet posted below)

2) If you need to finish reading your Living with a Disability book, please make sure you get that completed before tomorrow. Read those pages, then review your vocab words with whatever time you have remaining.

Wednesday, October 10:

Review your vocab words for Thursday's vocab quiz!

Thursday, October 11:

Read and annotate the assigned pages of your Living with a Disability book (see reading schedule for reference)

Friday, October 12:

Read and annotate the assigned pages of your Living with a Disability book (see reading schedule for reference)


Monday, October 1:

Work on the first draft of your personal narrative. This is due Thursday, and you will have most of class tomorrow to work on it, but you should spend a little time at home tonight working on it.

Tuesday, October 2:

Work on your first draft of your personal narrative -- due Thursday.

Wednesday, October 3:

Work on your first draft of your personal narrative -- due Thursday. If you did not complete the first reading assignment for your book group book, then you should complete that as well.

Thursday, October 4:

Read and annotate the assigned pages of your book group book for tonight. Take a look at the reading schedule you received in class, and complete the reading for October 5.

Friday, October 5:

Read and annotate the assigned pages of your book group book for tonight. Take a look at the reading schedule you received in class, and complete the reading for October 10.


Monday, September 24:

Complete two rehearsals total for tomorrow's class. You should have completed at least one in class today. A rehearsal is a longer version of a flash draft. You can do one of the following when writing a rehearsal:

  • Write for 20 minutes, and then stop
  • Write three paragraphs, and then stop
  • Write up to the major moment of your story (e.g. if you are writing about the best basketball game you ever played, you would stop right as the game begins)

See the attached example:

Tuesday, September 25:

Review your vocab words for 20 minutes -- we have a vocab quiz next week!

See list of vocab words using this link:

Wednesday, September 26:

Bring in your copy of “Flowers” for our quiz and an IR book to read if you finish the quiz early

Thursday, September 27:

Review your vocab words for 20 minutes to prepare for next week's quiz

See list of vocab words using this link:

Friday, September 28:

Review your vocab words for 20 minutes to prepare for next week's quiz

See list of vocab words using this link:


Monday, September 10:

Independent reading -- 20 minutes

Tuesday, September 11, and Wednesday, September 12:

Select your top two choices for your Living With a Disability book unit AND get the sheet signed by a parent/guardian so they can approve your choices. This is due FRIDAY and attached below.

Thursday, September 13:

Independent reading for 20 minutes + bring in signed book choice form if you have not already done so. It is due tomorrow!

Friday, September 14:

Read and annotate "Flowers for Algernon" until you get to Progress Report 11 (stop when you get there).


Tuesday-Thursday, September 4-6:

Independent reading -- 20 minutes

Friday, September 7:

MARCH QUIZ on Monday! Do the following to prepare:

1) Look over the "Civil Rights Movement: People and Events Featured in March" packet -- there is a matching section with each of those topics listed.

2) Review the quote analysis sheet from Friday

3) Bring in your copy of March! This is an open book quiz, but I will not give out copies of the text in class.


Monday, August 27:

1) Keep working on your summer reading project (See guidelines here)

2) Parent Survey (Due Wednesday)

3) Bring in your copy of March and an independent reading (IR) book for tomorrow's class.

Tuesday, August 28:

Work on your summer reading project -- due Friday!

Wednesday, August 29:

1) Work on your summer reading project -- due Friday!

2) Bring in any materials you need to work on your project in class tomorrow.

Thursday, August 30:

Finish your summer reading project

Friday, August 31:

Independent Reading -- 20 minutes