Science Fair

It's Science Fair Season!!

Important Resources:

  • Visit Science Buddies for information about finding and working on your project.
  • Visit Amazon for supplies.

For Your Information:

Dates to Remember:

  • Nov. 26th 27th - Project Proposal due: Project Proposal form from the Science Fair Packet
  • Nov. 29th - 3 Sources due: Using the information and Source Saver provided by Ms. Hamm, have at least 3 sources to be approved by Mrs. Steplight or Ms. Hamm.
  • Dec. 7th - Background Research Notes due: Using the information and Source Saver provided by Ms. Hamm, have some research notes written (bullet notes, flash cards, etc.).
  • Dec. 14th - Background Research Paragraph due: Have at least 1 academic paragraph written summarizing your research notes.
  • Dec. 21st - Experimental Design Draft due: Introduction, Hypothesis, Variables, Materials, Procedure
  • Jan. 11th 1/14 - Experiment Results due: This includes your data table and graph (if applicable).
  • Jan. 18th 1/22 - Final Lab Report due
  • Jan. 28th through Feb. 1st - Class Presentations
  • Feb. 7th - Final Project due: Displayed at the WLPCS Science Fair