
Welcome "Classical" scholars to 6th grade Latin

γεια σας

(hello in Greek)

In the picture is modern-day Greece: a view of the famous Syntagma Square and the Acropolis 

End of the year test is Wednesday May 29th!!

Week of May 28- 31

Tuesday- study for end of year test tomorrow!

Wednesday- end of year test today!

Thursday- test corrections and any missing work due Monday 6/4

Friday- Check Powerschool, test corrections and any missing work due Monday 6/4

Week of May 20- 24

Monday- beginning of Liber Duo due Tuesday (last page of imperfect tense notes-- see below)

Tuesday- study for List X vocab quiz tomorrow

Wednesday- List X vocab quiz today! Libri Duo et Tres due Thursday (see below)

Thursday- "Dido and Aeneas" reading and questions due Friday 5/24 (Liber IV)

Friday- End of the year test study guide due Tuesday 5/28 (see below)

End of the year test study guide.docx

End of year test study guide- due Tuesday 5/28

Test= Wednesday 5/29

Dido and Aeneas .docx

Dido and Aeneas reading

Dido and Aeneas questions.docx

Questions to go with the reading- due 5/24

Imperfect tense.docx

Beginning of Liber Duo due Tuesday 5/21

Libri Duo et Tres .docx

Libri Duo et Tres- due Thursday 5/23

Week of May 13- 17

Monday- study for quiz! Memrise +6,000 (+9,000 for extra credit, +12,000 for make-up)

Tuesday- Odyssey and Pompeii quiz today! Please check Powerschool for any missing Q4 assignments

Wednesday- review new vocab! Memrise

Thursday- Memrise

Friday- Complete Liber Unus translation (see below) Study for List X vocab quiz! (see List X below)

NB: List X vocab quiz is Wednesday 5/22

Liber Unus

Liber Unus- due Monday 5/20

List X

all of List X- filled in

Week of May 6- 10

Monday: Memrise! earn 6,000 points due by Friday

Tuesday: Memrise, work on Mosaic project

Wednesday: Mosaic project (see description and reflection sheet below) due tomorrow

Thursday: Mosaic project due today

Friday: ROMAN BANQUET (2:15- 3:20 in the MPR ), study guide due Monday 5/13

NB: Odyssey, Pompeii, and List X quiz is Tuesday 5/ 14

SG- Odyssey, Pompeii, vocab .docx

Study guide due 5/13

List IX pars I:

List X pars I

Mosaic project and rubric.docx

Mosaic project

due 5/9

Mosaic reflection .docx

Mosaic reflection

Week of April 29- May 3

Monday: Memrise! earn 6,000 points due by Friday

Tuesday: Memrise +6,000 points, KWL sheet due tomorrow (see below)

Wednesday: F +D finish Pompeii tour notes and reflection (see below), Memrise

Thursday: Pompeii reflection due Monday for all classes (see below), Memrise

Friday: Pompeii reflection due Monday for all classes (see below)

Pompeii Tour.docx

Pompeii walking tour notes

roads/bath houses video:

Pompeii reflection sheet .docx

Pompeii reflection due Monday May 6

Pompeii KWL .docx

Pompeii KWL worksheet

due 5/1

Week of April 22- 26

Monday: finish List IX quiz study guide - due Tuesday (see below)

Tuesday: Study for List IX quiz

Wednesday: Make sure to finish game board projects (due Thursday) and Odyssey crossword extra credit (due Monday- see below)

Thursday: Odyssey game board project is due today! Pompeii "KWL" sheet due Tuesday for all classes

Friday: Pompeii "KWL" sheet due Wednesday 5/1 (see below)

Odyssey crossword.pdf

Odyssey crossword- extra credit!

due 4/29

List IX quiz SG.docx

List IX quiz study guide- due 4/23

Week of April 16- 18

Tuesday: Odyssey character review due Wednesday (see below)

Wednesday: List IX vocab quiz is a week from today! Begin reviewing vocab, study using Quizlet and Memrise

Thursday: List IX quiz study guide due Tuesday

Friday: Complete study guide. Enjoy the long weekend!

Odyssey characters review.docx

Odyssey character review due 4/17

Week of April 8 -12

Monday: Complete animal sounds worksheet (see below), Memrise +6,000 due Friday (3,000 for make up or extra credit)

Tuesday: Animalia sentences worksheet due Thursday, Memrise

Wednesday: Animalia sentences worksheet due Thursday, Memrise

Thursday: finish Leo et Mus translation, Memrise due tomorrow

Friday: Memrise due today! Finish Odysseus' homecoming questions (see below)

Homecoming of Odysseus.docx

Books 14- 24 reading

(Odysseus' homecoming)

Homecoming questions .docx

Homecoming questions due 4/16

Leo et Mus translation.doc

Leo et Mus translation due 4/12

Animalia sonant worksheet.docx

Animal sounds worksheet due 4/9

Week of April 1- 5

Monday- Books 5-8 reading due tomorrow! 6,000 Memrise points due Friday

Tuesday- Odysseus translation due Thursday, 6,000 Memrise points due Friday

Wednesday- Odysseus translation due Thursday, 6,000 Memrise points

Thursday- Books 11- 13 and discussion prep due Friday, 6,000 Memrise points

Friday- 6,000 Memrise points due!

Ody Bks 11- 13 + discussion Q.docx

Books 11- 13 and discussion questions due 4/5

Odysseus translation .docx

Odysseus translation - due 4/4

Odyssey books 5-8 reading and questions.docx

Books 5-8 reading and questions - due 4/2

Week of March 18- 21

Monday- study for noun quiz tomorrow!

Tuesday- Book 4 reading + questions

Wednesday- Books 5-8 reading + questions due 4/1, (Monday after the break)

Thursday- Complete books 5-8 reading + questions due 4/1 (Monday after the break)

Friday- enjoy the break!!

Odyssey Books 1-3 .docx

Books 1- 3

Odyssey Book 4 – reading and questions.docx

Book 4

Noun quiz study guide KEY.docx

Noun quiz study guide KEY-

if you need to double check your answers!

Week of March 11- 15

Monday: Study for NLE tomorrow!

Tuesday: (all classes except B) finish domus drawing (see below for instruction page)

Wednesday: complete and turn in DBQ corrections, noun study guide pars I due Friday

Thursday: DBQ corrections due tomorrow, noun study guide pars I + II due Friday

Friday: Noun quiz study guide pars III + IV due Monday

Noun quiz study guide .docx

Noun quiz study guide

Pars I + II due 3/15

Pars III + IV due 3/18

Roman house + clothing drawings.docx

Domus drawing sheet and instructions

Week of March 4- March 8

Monday: Finish 24-40 (back page- see below) of NLE practice exam

Tuesday: DBQ rewrite/corrections due next week!

Wednesday: study for NLE practice quiz

Thursday: finish 1st and 2nd declension practice (see below)

Friday: NLE practice questions due Monday (see below)-- study for NLE!

NB: The National Latin Exam (NLE) is Tuesday March 12

1st and 2nd declension practice March 4-8.docx

1st and 2nd declension practice- due 3/8

NLE practice mult choice questions .docx

NLE practice questions due 3/11

NLE practice exam .docx

Practice NLE

1- 23 (front page) due 3/4

24- 40 (back) due 3/5

Week of February 25- March 1

Monday: 6,000 points on Memrise due by Friday (9,000 for extra credit), Labeling the Roman domus worksheet due Wednesday (see below)

Tuesday: Labeling the Roman domus worksheet due tomorrow, Memrise

Wednesday: Memrise, domus translation sentences due Friday (see below)

Thursday: Memrise, domus translation sentences due Friday

Friday: Memrise, practice NLE (1- 23) due Monday (see below)

NB: there will be a practice NLE on Thursday March 7, which will count as a quiz grade

Link for 1st/2nd declension practice:

NLE practice questions:

Parts of a Roman domus translation .docx

Parts of a Roman domus translation - due 3/1

HW- label the domus.docx

Label the domus- due 2/27

List VIII- Filled in .docx

List VIII- filled in

Link to practice for National Latin Exam:

Week of February 19- 22

DBQ essays are due Friday February 22nd!!!

Either turn in in class or send via email. See below for rubric and checklist.

NB: students can still retake List VII vocab quizzes during Academic Support and tutorial

Q3 extra credit reading .docx

Mid-quarter extra credit reading

Translate and answer questions to receive extra credit!

If you are missing Friday Feb. 15: Please complete first half of your DBQ (introduction and 2 body paragraphs)

If you are missing week of Feb. 19- 22: Please complete the entire DBQ, begin learning List VIII (will be on Wiki next week), complete Odyssey/Telemachus reading

DBQ tips .docx

Tips and checklist for writing your DBQ

DBQ Rubric.docx

DBQ rubric

Week of February 11- 15

Monday: Complete List VII verb review (see below)

Memrise this week- either replace a low Memrise grade OR earn extra credit by earning 5,000+ points

Tuesday: DBQ prep- Document C (see below), Memrise

If you missed class/school today (Tuesday) see below!!

Wednesday: DBQ prep- Planning sheet #1 (see below), Memrise

Thursday: DBQ prep- Planning sheet #2, Memrise

Friday: If necessary, work on DBQ (finish intro and 2 body paragraphs). Enjoy the long weekend!

DBQ Planning sheet #1.docx

Planning sheet #1

due 2/14

DBQ Planning sheet #2.docx

Planning sheet #2

due 2/15

Documents C + D.docx

Documents C +D

Doc C due 2/13

DBQ documents.docx

All 4 documents (A- D)

Citizenship and voting rights .pptx

Powerpoint to go with class notes 2/12

DBQ intro + citizenship, voting rights.docx

Class notes 2/12

List VII verb review .docx

List VII verb review- due Tuesday 2/12

List VII—Filled in.docx

List VII

Great interactive website on ancient Athens!

Week of February 4 - 8

Monday: Study for List VII quiz tomorrow! +6,000 points on Memrise (due by Friday)

Tuesday: If necessary, finish Pars III of Rome/Greece project- due tomorrow

Wednesday: +6000 Memrise (due by Friday), Democracy worksheet due tomorrow (see tomorrow)

Thursday: +6000 Memrise (due Friday for all classes-- see below)

B + D -- Simulation notes + reflection due tomorrow

F, A, E -- Simulation notes + reflection due Monday

Friday: Citizenship reading + questions due Monday (for all classes-- see below)

Democracy simulation notes and reflection.docx

Simulation notes + reflection

For D + B due Friday Jan. 8

For F, A, E due Monday Jan. 11

Citizenship reading + questions.docx

Citizenship reading and questions due Monday Jan. 11

Democracy worksheet .docx

Democracy worksheet due Thursday January 7th

Familia Romana cenam cenant.docx

Homework "Familia Romana cenam cenant"

Pars I (front) due Wednesday

Pars II (back) due Thursday

Quintus helps his father .docx

Homework "Quintus helps his father" due Tuesday January 29th

Week of January 28- February 1

Monday: Complete "Quintus helps his father" translation, due Tuesday

Tuesday: Complete "Familia Romana cenant cenam" pars I, due Wednesday

Wednesday: Complete "Familia Romana cenant cenam" pars II, due Thursday

Thursday: Complete ancient Rome/Greece project parts I + II

Friday: Make sure you ancient Rome/Greece projects parts I + II are completed by Monday. Study for your List VII vocab quiz!!

List VII—Filled in.docx

List VII- Filled in

NB: The next quiz is Tuesday February 5th. It will cover List VII vocabulary and 1st declension endings.

Week of January 22- 25

Tuesday January 22: Memrise +4000, Discussion reflection due tomorrow (see below)

Wednesday January 23: List VII practice, bring headphones, Memrise

Quizlet link:

Thursday January 24: List VII practice (see below), Memrise

Friday January 25: Finish Nom. + Acc. case translation (see below)

HW Nom + Acc reading.docx

Nom + Acc case translations

NB: you only need to complete one for Monday

HW List VII practice .docx

List VII practice

due Fri Jan 25

Discusssion reflection.docx

Discussion reflection- due Wednesday Jan. 23

Week of January 14- 18

Monday January 14: Enjoy the snow day!

Tuesday January 15: Fill out Roman numeral bingo board for Wednesday

NB: Earn 5000+ points on Memrise and 8000+ if you did not earn points last week

Wednesday January 16: Study for the List VI vocab quiz tomorrow, Memrise

Thursday January 17: List VI vocab quiz today!

Friday January 18: Discussion prep questions due Monday

Discussion prep.docx

Discussion prep questions

Homework week of January 7-11

Welcome back!

Monday January 7: Roman numeral crossword

Tuesday January 8: Memrise earn 3000+ by Friday

Quizlet link for List VI:

Wednesday January 9: Memrise 3000+ points by Friday

Thursday January 10: Arbor Familia, Pars I and II (see below), Memrise

Friday January 11: Finish Arbor Familia

Arbor Familia .docx

Arbor Familia

Pars I and II- due Friday

Partes Toti- due Monday

Roman numeral crosswords.docx

Roman numeral crossword

Homework week of December 17- 21

Monday December 17th: Open-note Greek history quiz tomorrow! Please bring Latin binder with all homework/notes related to ancient Greece

Tuesday December 18th: BSBT Ch. 11-19 summaries due tomorrow (see below)

Wednesday December 19th: Vase project due tomorrow

Thursday December 20th: Make sure you've turned in your vase project- if you're missing school, please email me a picture of your vase and description!

Friday December 21st: half-day, enjoy your break!!

Greek Vase project .docx

Greek Vase due dates:

Part 2 due Monday December 17th

All parts due Thursday December 20th

BSBT Ch. 11- 19 .docx

Ch. 11- 19 summaries, due Wednesday December 19th

Homework Week of December 10th- 14th

Monday: complete BSBT Ch. 1-10 summaries (see below), test corrections due Friday (see below for test correction template)

Tuesday: Memrise +2,000 points, test corrections due Friday

Wednesday: Memrise, Part I of Ancient Greece project (see below) is due tomorrow

Thursday: Complete test corrections, Memrise, bring BSBT summaries

Friday: Complete Part II of the Greek vase project- due Monday

NB: next Tuesday, December 18th, is an open-note Greek history quiz

Ancient Greece Notes- Project Part I

--due Thursday December 13th

Ancient Greece Notes + Project Part I .docx
BSBT Ch. 1-10 summaries .docx

Ch. 1-10 summaries, due Tuesday December 11th

Helpful website for completing summaries:

Test Corrections template.docx

Test corrections template- due Friday December 14th

Homework December 5- 7

Wednesday December 5- "The First Greeks" reading and questions (see below)

Thursday December 6- "Warfare in Ancient Greece" reading and questions (see below)

Friday December 7- Greek alphabet worksheet (see below)

Greek alphabet worksheet.docx

Greek alphabet worksheet- due Monday December 10th

Warfare in ancient Greece- reading and summary.docx

"Warfare in Ancient Greece" - reading and write summary

Ancient Greece timeline .pptx

For B and F periods- Ancient Greece timeline

For more information:

The First Greeks reading and questions.docx

"The First Greeks" reading and questions

Unit II Test and binder check are Tuesday December 4th !! See below for study guide and binder check rubric

Unit II Test and binder check are Tuesday December 4th !! See below for study guide and binder check rubric

Unit II binder check rubric .docx

Binder check rubric

Unit II Test Study Guide.docx

Test study guide

Week of November 26- 30

Monday: +1,000 points on Memrise this week, +3,000 to make up for previous weeks

NB: the top 15 students on Memrise by Sunday afternoon receive Scholares Optimi points!

Tuesday: Exercitia 5+6 due Wednesday (Unit II test and binder check is a week from today!)

Wednesday: Exercitia 7 due Thursday

If you have not yet... earn 1,000+ points on Memrise, organize binder, complete Grammarville Park EC, or study for List V vocab quiz retake

Thursday: Unit II test study guide pars I-III due tomorrow, tomorrow is the last day to turn in Grammarville Park EC and retake List V vocab quiz

Friday: Unit II test study guide pars IV- VII due Monday, Grammarville Park project EC due today and last day for List V vocab quiz retakes!

Unit II Test Study Guide.docx

Unit II Test Study guide

Pars I- III due Friday November 30th

Pars IV- VII due Monday December 3rd

Cap II, exercitia 5-9.docx

Cap. II, Exercitia 5-9

5+6 due Wednesday

Grammarville project EC .docx

Grammarville Park Extra Credit- due Friday

Week of November 19- 23

Monday: +3,500 points on Memrise this week

NB: the top 20 students on Memrise by Sunday afternoon receive extra credit!

Tuesday: half-day, please make sure your Grammarville Park projects are turned in before the break (or you can email them to

Wednesday- Friday: no school, Happy Thanksgiving!

Important Links:

Memrise link:

Review the characters in Black Ships Before Troy:

Homework November 12- 16

Monday: +2,500 points on Memrise

NB: the top 15 students on Memrise by Friday afternoon receive extra credit!

Memrise link:

Tuesday: Study for your List V vocab quiz, +1,000 on Memrise

Wednesday: List V vocab quiz is today! Exercitia 1-4 due tomorrow (see below)

Thursday: Grammarville Park project "Pars Unus" is due tomorrow

Friday: Grammarville Park project is due Monday November 19th

Grammarville Park mini-project.docx

Grammarville park project description

Pars Unus= homework due Friday November 16th

Pars Duo= in class

Pars Tres= homework due Monday November 19th

Best website for looking up words!!

Cap II, exercitia 1-4 .docx

Exercitia 1-4 due tomorrow (Thursday November 15th)

Homework November 8-9

Thursday: Case practice due Monday (all classes, see below)

Memrise link:

Friday: Parent-Teacher conferences, no school for students

NB: List V Vocab quiz is Wednesday November 14th (this is a change!)

Case practice .docx

Case practice worksheet due Monday November 12th (all classes)

Homework November 5- November 7

Monday: Study List V (see below for filled in list and Quizlet link)

NB: Make sure you have turned in "Derivatives with Numeri" homework and Quintus et Nox Horrifica! (see below)

Tuesday: please read carefully-each class is different!

Memrise link:

D= Cases worksheet (see below)

B= 12,000 points on Memrise

E= 3,500 points on Memrise

F= 2,000 points on Memrise

A= 6,500 points on Memrise

Wednesday: please read carefully-each class is different!

F= finish case practice and 3,500 on Memrise

B= finish case practice and 13,5000 on Memrise

A= 8,000 on Memrise (NB: case practice due Monday)

D= 2,000 on Memrise

E= 5,000 on Memrise

List V Vocab – filled in .docx

List V- filled in

Homework October 29- November 2

Monday: First day of the second quarter! Study for list IV vocab quiz! (see below for Quizlet link)

Tuesday: (List IV vocab quiz today) nihil

Wednesday: nihil- Happy Halloween!

Thursday: Quintus et Nox Horrifica - finish reading +summary due Monday

NB: if you have not yet turned in the "Derivatives with Numeri" homework, please do so! It is the first Q2 homework grade! (see below)

Friday: Parent-Teacher conferences, no school for students

Quintus et Nox Horrifica - reading

Quintus et Nox Horrifica- HW version.pdf

Index Verborum

Index Verborum- Quintus et Nox Horrifica.pdf
List IV numeri derivative practice.docx

Derivatives with Numeri assignment- if you have not yet turned this in, please turn in it in by Monday November 5th

Vocab List IV – filled in.docx

List IV vocab

NB: This Friday, October 26th, is the last day of Quarter 1

Please make sure all Q1 assignments are turned in before Friday

Next Tuesday, October 30th, is the List IV vocab quiz

Homework October 22- October 26

Monday: Exercitia 4+5 due tomorrow (see below)

Tuesday: Numbers and plural nouns practice due tomorrow (see below)

Wednesday: Numeri derivative worksheet due Friday, Q1 extra credit also due Friday. (see below for both)

Thursday: Terrapin Adventures! Please dress warmly (lots of layers!) and pack a lunch

Friday: Grammar review and quiz study guide due Monday.

Helpful links:

List IV numeri derivative practice.docx

Numeri derivative worksheet- due Friday

Q1 Extra Credit .docx

Q1 extra credit - due Friday

Cap I, Exercitia 4+5 .docx

Exercitia 4+5

Quantum sunt... plural + number practice.pdf

Numbers and plural noun practice

Homework October 15- October 19

Monday: Cap. I to line 25 due tomorrow

Tuesday: Cap. I to line 60 due tomorrow

Wednesday: Imperium Romanum map due tomorrow

Thursday: Read ch. 2 +3 in Black Ships Before Troy, complete Cause + Effect sheet, due Friday

Friday: Pensum C due Monday

NB: Scroll down to see all homework links are below!

Vocab List IV – filled in.docx

List IV vocab

Quizlet link for List IV:

Pensum C .docx

Pensum C, due Monday October 22

Blank map - due tomorrow

Mapping Imperium Romanum .pdf

Additional maps

Imperium Romanum.pdf
Pars I Cap I Lingua Latina

due Tuesday- through line 25

due Wednesday- through line 60 (the end of this packet)

Nota Bene: List III vocab quiz is Friday, October 11th

Homework October 8- October 12

Monday: No school- Exercitium I due tomorrow

Tuesday: Exercitium III, # 1 -5, respond to the question in Latin, due tomorrow, test corrections due Thursday (see below for test corrections template)

Wednesday: Test corrections for Unit I test due tomorrow, study List III vocab (Quizlet link below)

Thursday: study for List III vocab quiz!

Friday: List III vocab quiz today! Exercitia III, #6-10 in Latin, due Monday

List III- filled in

List III- filled in .docx

Quizlet link for List III:

Homework October 1- October 5

Monday: Flashcards for Vocab List III - due Thursday

Tuesday: Flashcards for Vocab List III - due Thursday

Wednesday: Flashcards for Vocab List III - due tomorrow, test corrections for Unit I test due Thursday October 11th

NB: Students must see me during tutorial (or lunch) to receive credit for test corrections

Thursday: Homer reading and questions, due tomorrow, test corrections for Unit I test due Thursday October 11th

Friday: Exercitium I due Tuesday, test corrections for Unit I test due Thursday October 11th


Unit I Test (review of 5th grade Latin material) is tomorrow (Thursday September 27)

Homework September 24- September 28

Monday: Study guide parts V- VII - due Tuesday

Tuesday: Verb review worksheet -due Wednesday (see below)

Wednesday: Study for test tomorrow!

Thursday: Finish "The Judgment of Paris" reading and questions- due Friday (see above)

Friday: nihil

Test I study guide.docx

Test I Study Guide

Parts I- IV due Monday Sep. 24th

Parts V- VII due Tuesday Sep. 25th


List II vocab quiz is Friday September 21st

Test I (review of 5th grade Latin material) is Thursday September 27th

Homework September 17- September 21

Monday: Roman history overview reading - due Tuesday

Tuesday: Roman history mini-project -due Thursday

Wednesday: Roman history mini-project -due Thursday

Thursday: Roman history mini-project due today! Study for List II vocab quiz tomorrow (see below for Quizlet link)

Friday: List II vocab quiz today! Complete Parts I-IV of Test I study guide for Monday

Vocab List II.docx
HW Roman history overview reading and questions.docx

Roman history overview reading and questions - due Tuesday September 18

Homework September 10- September 14

Monday: Flashcards for List II vocab words due Wednesday

A + D + E periods: Complete filling in List II (see below)

Tuesday: Flashcards for List II vocab words due tomorrow

Wednesday: Vocab List II practice worksheet due Thursday (see below)

Thursday: Back to School Night! 6- 8 pm

Friday: If necessary, finish Gods/Goddess Review sheet (both sides- see below) for Monday. Study List II vocab (Next vocab quiz is Friday September 21)

Week 2 gods and goddesses review .docx

Gods/goddesses review sheet- due Monday September 17th

HW List II practice.docx

List II Practice- due Thursday September 13th


List I vocab quiz AND in-class binder check Friday September 7

(see rubric below)

Homework September 3- September 7

Monday: no school, Labor Day

Tuesday: "Latin and Other European Languages" reading and questions -due Wednesday

[for A period- complete notes using information from the video "Latin and its Indo-European Language Family"]

Wednesday: Derivative tree practice - due Thursday

Thursday: Study for List I vocab quiz, prepare binder for binder check

Friday: List I vocab quiz and binder check today! Complete Olympian gods/goddesses notes- due Monday

Binder Check I Requirements and Rubric.docx

Rubric for Binder Check

The binder check is Friday September 7th

Homework August 27- September 1

Monday: Make flashcards for Vocabulary List I

Tuesday: Finish flashcards -- due Wednesday

Wednesday: Review syllabus and make sure to answer all questions on the syllabus-- due Thursday

Thursday: "What is mythology?" reading + questions only (we will look up the words in class tomorrow)

Friday: Review Vocab List I (see Quizlet link below)

Quizlet link to review List I:

Sixth Grade Latin Syllabus 2018.docx


Weekend homework August 24-26:

On Monday August 27, bring your Latin supplies, a binder and 5 folder dividers