Chinese IV

Week 18


  1. Script #2 camp or school
  2. video for camps or school

12/18 Quiz 6.1--6.2


Prepare for the talent show.

Week 17


Draft #1 summer camp or summer school ads.


WB P191 VI P193


WB P188 I (write in characters) P191--192 VII


  1. Memrise Vocabulary 6.2 Click here to practice. Require to reach 10,000 points.
  2. Read dialogue in 6.2 and prepare to answer questions during class.

Week 16

Due 12/6

WB P176 I

Due 12/5

WB P175 VI P176 VII

Due 12/4

Memrise Vocabulary 6.1 Click here to practice. Require to reach 10,000 points.

Week 15


  1. Vocabulary Quiz Election Can use the flashcard here to practice.
  2. Reading and writing worksheet(choose the best candidate of Public Relation in Student Union, write 3--4 sentences to justify your decision.)

Due 11/29

Click here finish watching movie "Please Vote for me" . Will ask related questions in class.

Due 11/28

Call GoogleVoice 240-242-9578 Describe 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses of your own.

Give an example for at least 1 strength and 1 weakness.

Due 11/27

Memrise vocabulary Click here to practice. Require to reach 10,000 points.

Week 14

Due 11/20

Grammar worksheet finish translation.

Due 11/19

Reading report worksheet

Week 13

Due 11/15

Do exercise p56--p57 on book.

Due 11/14

Finish reading Chapter 10 and write a summary in English.

Due 11/13

Finish reading Chapter 9 and answer questions in Chinese on worksheet.

Week 12

Due 11/12

Finish reading Chapter 8, write a summary in English and be prepared to answer questions in class.

Due 11/8

Read Chapter 7 P28--P29, make sure understand, and be prepared to answer questions in class.

Due 11/7

Finish reading Chapter 6, write a summary in English, and be prepared to answer questions in class.

Week 11

Due 11/6

Read <出事以后> Chapter 4&5. Be prepare to answer questions related.

  1. Finish exercise P54--P55.
  2. Write a summary for each chapter. Write in Chinese characters can earn 1 extra credit.

Due 11/1

Read <出事以后> Chapter 2 and prepare to answer questions related to this chapter during class.

10/30 Quiz 5.4&5.5 (vocabulary, reading, and writing)

Week 10

Due 10/25

Suppose that you witnessed a thief steal something, you will report this crime to a policeman. Write an short article in Chinese to describe what did you see, time, location, and the physical appearance of the thief.

Pay attention to the passive form 被 and past tense in your writing.


WB P153 VI P154


Read Text 5.6 Dialogue 1 do WB P166 III

Due 10/22

WB P151 III IV (T or F. If choose F, write notes beside the question) P161

Week 9

Due 10/18

WB P153 VII P155

Due 10/17

Read Text 5.5 警察来了 and write a summary in English or Chinese.

Due 10/16

Memrise Huanying II 5.5 Vocab practice click here require to reach 10,000 points.

Due 10/15

WB P136 V P137 VII P138 I P146

Week 8

Due 10/9

1. Memrise Huanying 5.4 vocab Click here. Require to reach 10,000 points.

2. Writing practice.

Write a real accident that happened on you or someone you know or an imagined accident in your mind, include who, when, where, what, and how. Also include if it was severe, how accident ended, and what you or others learned from this accident. Either type or handwrite. At least 250 words.

The more details you write, the higher points you will get.

Pay attention to the grammar mistakes I highlighted in your previous writings and try to avoid this time.

Extra 1 credit for creativity.

Week 7

Due 10/4

WB P128—P129 P132

Due 10/3

WB P119 I & II (write in characters) V

Due 10/2

WB P110 P114

Week 6

Due 10/1

WB P102 P108 V P109 VII

Due 9/28

WB P100--P101

Due 9/26

WB Listening P89 I P91 V VII

Week 5

Due 9/24

Writing worksheet -- Qixi story (complete the dialogues in Chinese)

Due 9/20

Call GoogleVoice 240-242-9578 and Retell Qixi story.

Due 9/19

Write a summary of Qixi story use your own words at least 10 sentences.

Due 9/18

Finish worksheet "Two Children Seeking the Joy Bridge" .

Week 4

Due 9/17

Watch video of Qixi and answer question in Chinese on the worksheet.



Due 9/13

Memrise Qixi vocabulary go to Memrise Qixi

Due 9/12

Read Chapter 4 and finish questions on worksheet.

Due 9/11

Read Chapter II "Two Children Seeking the Joy Bridge" and finish questions of Chap II on worksheet.

Week 3

Due 9/10

Qixi Myth reading and exercise 一 二 三 四

Due 9/5

Clothing translation worksheet.

Week 2

Due 9/4

1. Let's go shopping worksheet.

2. Unscrambled Chinese sentences.

Due 8/29

Food price reading practice. Call GoogleVoice 240-242-9578 and record. Be sure to include your name at the beginning.

Due 8/28

Writing practice----Supermarket Manager and Food Pyramid worksheet.

Week 1

Due 8/27

Goal setting worksheet.

Due 8/24

Call GoogleVoice 240-242-9578 and report your summer.

Syllabus read and sign.