Kindergarten Newsletter

May 6-May 10

Click on the name below to email the teacher.

Important Dates

May 6-May 10: Teacher Appreciation Week

May 3: Kindergarten and 5th Grade Buddy Picnic at 11:00

May 10: Field Day and End of School Picnic Lunch Celebration with your child

May 23: Last Day of School- Early Release at 11:45

Letter of Intent for 2024-2025 School Year:  

In preparation for the 2024-2025 school year, we need to know if your child plans to attend O. C. Taylor or not. This helps us as we begin to consider student enrollment in each grade level, staffing, and class placements for next year. Please complete a separate form for each child who currently attends O. C. Taylor. 


Kindergarten is in need of Play-Doh for a fun Science experiment in May. If you are willing to donate a few containers of Play-doh or 9" foam plates, that would be helpful.  Thank you!

GCISD Summer Enrichment

Looking for something for your kiddo to do over the summer?!?! Check out Summer Enrichment! All classes are taught by teachers in GCISD. 

Mrs. Lind is teaching "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!"

Week 2….June 10-15…. 8:30 am- 11:30 am and 12:30 pm-3:30 pm

Week 4….June 24-28…. 8:30 am- 11:30 am and 12:30 pm-3:30 pm

Ms. Haynes is teaching "Science Explorers: Ignite Your Curiosity!"

Week 2 ….June 10-15…. 8:30 am- 11:30 am and 12:30 pm-3:30 pm

Week 3 ….June 17-21 …. 8:30 am- 11:30 am and 12:30 pm-3:30 pm

Week 4 ….June 24-28 …. 8:30 am- 11:30 am and 12:30 pm-3:30 pm

Check out the Course Listings and Descriptions. See you in Summer Enrichment!

ABC Countdown

ABC Countdown forms have been sent home with your child! This is a great way to stay excited about learning as our school year comes to an end! Please see the form below. 

PreK and Kindergarten Registration

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is open for new students, including pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students. To register a new student click here. Prior to completing online registration, students enrolling in pre-kindergarten must have completed a separate online application, which may be found here.

To see which campus you are zoned to attend, visit our attendance area map

Getting Started

Please use the below links to register in the way that is proper for your family.
***Enrolling a student in GCISD for the first time?
Click here to start your kindergarten registration process. 

***Already have a student enrolled in GCISD?
If you need to register a sibling for the first time, you may do so from your current Skyward account. Simply log in to Skyward Family Access and add a new student by selecting “New Student Online Enrollment” tab.

***Do current GCISD Pre-K students register for Kindergarten?

No, current GCISD Pre-K students are considered existing students and will register with all other returning students. Please see the Returning Student Registration Page for more details.

Career Day

Our Career Day will take place on Friday, May 17.  If your schedule allows & you can participate, please complete this Google form HERE

As the date gets closer, we will send out what the schedule will look like. Please feel free to also share our Google form with other colleagues of yours who would like to present at our Career Day.

Learning Objective

Reading: Students will use text evidence to answer questions about a story.

Writing: Students will gather information from a variety of sources to dictate or compose informational texts.

Math:  Students will solve addition and subtraction problems. 

Science: Students will identify the parts of an insect.

Social Studies: Students will learn what transportation is and how different kinds of transportation have been invented and changed over time.

Transportation Changes

When making ride changes, picking up students for appointments and absences,  please email both Gene Guinane ( and Paola Cervantes ( in case one of us is out of the office.  

Math Practice

Below are math skills you can practice at home with your child. 

-Number Writing 1-20

-Number recognition to 1-20 

-Tell a number that is 1 more/1 less to 20

-Compare numbers to 20 using more, less, equal

-Counting to 100

-Adding and subtracting to 5 with objects 

-Measuring objects using nonstandard measurement 

-Comparing objects by weight 

-Comparing objects by capacity 

-identify  each coin (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)

-name 2D/ 3D shapes

Book Bag

Please make sure you have cut out the purple sight word cards for the 3rd nine weeks.

Ideas to do after your child finishes their book:

-find sight words in the book

-ask your child questions about the book

-retell the story in order  

Don't forget to make sure your child brings their book bag to school EVERY DAY! 

Sight Words

Please make sure you are working with your child and practicing these words every night!

 Sight Words for the Week:  again, how, ate, them


If you plan to volunteer in any capacity this school year, please click here to complete the background check.  

May Birthdays

Sloan 1st

Estellya 4th

Kevin 9th

Elyna 12th

Blake 12th

Ezra 18th

Julia 22nd

Ford 24th

Saisha 24th

Pierce 25th

Aspen 28th

Forget Me Not Shelf

If your child forgets their lunch/snack and you plan to drop it off at school, please be sure to let your child's teacher know in advance. This allows the teacher to check  the Forget Me Not shelf and ensure that your child receives what you brought. 


 Below is the day your child's class will go to the library each week! Please make sure your child brings their book back the DAY BEFORE their library day. We always tell our students to keep their book in their backpack at all times (unless they are reading it) so it is always here at school when it's time for the library! 

Haynes: Monday 

Lind: Tuesday

Riski: Wednesday

Richardson: Friday


If you want to come eat lunch with your child, please let your child's teacher know 24 hours in advance. There are tables outside that you and your child can use to eat together! Our lunch time is from 10:40 to 11:10.