2nd Grade

April 15-19

Miss Hilcher


Reading and Writing

Mrs. Lee


Math/Science/Social Studies

Ms. Pease


Math/Science/Social Studies

Mrs. Potter


Reading and Writing

Welcome to Second Grade!

                      Important Dates &  Reminders                                                         

April 15:  No School-Bad Weather Day

April 17: STAAR Testing day, no campus visitors allowed.

April 19:  Run Club: 3:15-4:15  

April 25:  Festival of Friends Program:  6:30

April 26:  Egg Drop Entries Are Due

Letter of Intent for 2024-2025 School Year

 In preparation for the 2024-2025 school year, we need to know if your child plans to attend O. C. Taylor or not. This helps us as we begin to consider student enrollment in each grade level, staffing, and class placements for next year. Please complete a separate form for each child who currently attends O. C. Taylor.   Thank you so much!  

Festival of Friends

2nd Grade Multicultural Program 

Thursday, April 25

8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

OCT Cafeteria

*All 2nd grade students are expected to attend.

We will meet in the music room at 6:15 p.m.

Students are invited to dress in clothing that represents any country/culture from around the world.

Please contact Mrs. Vencill at bethany.vencill@gcisd.net with questions or concerns.

Career Day 2024

Do you have a career you think our Tigers would like to learn about? Do you have a connection to others that do as well? Please consider being one of our Career Day speakers this year! Click on the picture to pull up the Google Form to submit your information and share it with others!  

                    SPRING PICTURES  

 Spring pictures are now online for parents to view and order.  Click here  to order. 

Changes at Dismissal for Your Child?

When making ride changes, picking up students for appointments, and absences (for any reason), please email their teacher, and copy paola.cervantes@gcisd.net, gene.guianne@gcisd.net  and elissa.faught@gcisd.net . They always notify us of any  ride changes prior to dismissal, which ensures that our dismissal runs smoothly for the students, parents, and staff.  Thank you!   

OCT Library Days

Last day to check out is April 19th!

Miss Hilcher's class Tuesday

Ms. Pease's class Tuesday

Mrs. Lee's class Thursday

Mrs. Potter's class Thursday

                                                             2ND GRADE HELPFUL TIDBITS

-This is where students can access RazKids and Amplify "Boost" for reading, as well as Reflex and IXL for math. 

Reading and Writing

Who is Trombone Shorty?

What is a hyperbole

Students were introduced to autobiographies.  Within the text, students identified various forms of figurative language.  Engage your child in a conversation about similes, hyperboles, and idioms.

Spelling includes:

*Please remember to encourage your child to work in their reading apps.

-Raz Kids, reading A-Z

-Boost (Amplify)


-Seesaw activities


Ask your child: 

How does a shape have to be divided in order for it to be a fraction? (equal parts)

How are you doing on your Number Comaparison Fluency Triads? 

There is a new school wide  incentive on getting green lights placed  outside Mr. Schilleci's office. Mrs. Garcia will update the board each week!  

This week our 2nd grade mathematicians learned about what makes a fraction and how they have different names depending on how many parts there are.

Next week, we will begin to talk about fractions beyond a whole.  In 2nd grade we will learn about halves, fourths, and eighths.  

 Please be sure to check their Reflex each evening (via Classlink)  to be sure they have a green light each day.  That is the only homework they have and should not take more than 10 minutes, if they didn't finish at school.   


Ask your child:  

What did you learn about a Solar Eclipse?

Next week, we will not introduce any new concepts in Science and will use it as a review week.

Social Studies

Ask your child:

What is one way humans can conserve our natural resources?

Next week, we will begin a new unit on Chronological Timelines of Events. Students will identify individuals who have exhibited individualism and inventiveness, such as George Washington Carver. Students will create timelines of chronological events to tell about historical figures.



O. C. Taylor Yearbooks are on sale!

You can order a yearbook and create an Ad/ dedication page online at yearbookordercenter.com. The order number for O. C. Taylor is 17833.

Last day to purchase and create an Ad/dedication page is March 8th.

Last day to pre-order a yearbook is April 13th.

Happy Birthday to the following 2nd graders!

April Birthdays!

Josie  6th

Micah  12th

Amelia  12th

Beatriz 13th

Cade  14th

James  18th

Helena 25th

Jonathan  29th

Class Wish Lists...

We will list a few wish list items that we need for our classrooms. If you would like to donate any of these items, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Miss Hilcher:   Clorox Wipes, hand sanitizer, & Kleenex

Mrs. Lee-          Lysol Wipes and Kleenex

Ms. Pease-      Clorox Wipes and Kleenex

Mrs. Potter-   BLACK Expo Markers, Clorox Wipes