January 22-26


This week in ELAR we will start Module 6: Art for Everyone. During this unit, we will learn about various artists and art forms. In the first week, we will be reading an informational text about Jeanne-Claude and Christo, two artists who create environmental art in big cities. We will focus on making inferences, as well as the author's craft. We will also be learning about adjectives and linking verbs. 

 Please remember to set a time to read each night at home. Reading at home increases comprehension skills, as well as vocabulary.  After reading, 


The students are working on Unit 6.  They will learn how to solve word problems with decimals, fractions, and order of operations. 


Students are expected to do homework in IXL and REFLEX.  This week Section HH highlighted skills only to 80% and these skills will be due on Friday, January 26.  I also require them to get Reflex finished to a green light at least 4  times per week.  They will have some class time to work on these assignments.  Also, students are allowed to work on homework over the weekend to help them budget their time during the week.  I understand that they have after school activities, so I encourage them to budget their time. Please let me know if your child is struggling to finish homework. I am here to work with you.

Science/Social Studies

**THANK YOU to everyone who brought in paper towels!! They will be put to good use in the science lab. :)

**Social Studies test this Thursday

In Science we are starting our unit, Earth, Sun, and Moon.

 Enduring Understandings for this Unit:

In Social Studies we are continuing our unit... An Expanding Nation.

Homework Schedule IXL

Baby Pictures Needed for Yearbook!

Each year, the OC Taylor yearbook features pages with fifth graders' baby photos. It's fun to guess who's who (there is a key provided at the end of the section) and see how far the kids have all come!

How to Submit Photos

a)  Digital or scanned photos need to be emailed to tiffany.daggercummin@gcisd.net


b) Hard copies of photos can be sent in an envelope with your child's name on the back. 

Photo Guidelines

Please email your photo to tiffany.daggercummin@gcisd.net by February 12th.

Play It Safe Information from Ms. Whisman

PLAY IT SAFE 2024 information was emailed out through SKYWARD this year. Please click here to see the information about the Parent Preview Zoom, LINKS to the videos, and the OPT IN/ OPT OUT form for your student/s to participate this year.

Valentine's Day Cards and Boxes

Your child can decorate a valentine box and bring it to school on February 9.  On February 14, the students will pass out valentine cards to their classmates.  If your child chooses to pass out valentine cards, please note that all student in his or her homeroom will need to receive a valentine card from your child.  Teacher will send home a class list the first week of February.  

WOLF BAND Postcard.pdf
MTI Information.pdf


O. C. Taylor Yearbooks are on sale!

You can order a yearbook and create an Ad/ dedication page online at yearbookordercenter.com

The order number for O. C. Taylor is 17833.

The last day to purchase and create an Ad/dedication page is March 8th.

The last day to pre-order a yearbook is April 13th.


Important Dates:

January 26-Kinder Buddies at 9:50-10:20

February 5-9-Pens for Pals-STUCCO will be selling "Pens for Pals" 4 pens for $1 to the whole school.  The profit will benefit the Carter family who lost their home in a fire over the holiday break.

February-9-Bring valentine box to place in the hallway.  Your child will be able to decorate a shoe box at home and bring it to school on February 9 or until the 14.  Students will pass out individual valentine xards.  A class list will be going home.

February 14-Valentine's Day Party in Cafeteria 2:00-2:45.

February 16-NO SCHOOL-Inclement Weather Make-Up Day

February 19-No SCHOOL-Holiday/Professional Development Day for Teachers

February 20-Spring Picture Day

February 23-Kinder Buddies at 9:50-10:20

March 7-Open House

March 8-Rule the School-Students who purchased a staff/teacher during the auction will lead the school.

March 11-15-Spring Break

March 22-Field Trip Camp Thurmon

March 29-No School-Holiday

Curriculum Night Information

If you were unable to attend Curriculum Night Thursday evening, August 24, here is the link to the presenation.  If you have any questions, please reach out to that teacher.  Thank you all!

Dismissal and Ride Changes:

We are continuing to use the dismissal procedure called SafeID. This system is more streamlined and much safer for dismissal times. If your child's form of transportation home changes, PLEASE let the front office know as quickly as possible and before 2:00. When making ride changes, picking up students for appointments and absences,  please email both Gene Guinane (gene.guinane@gcisd.net) and Paola Cervantes (paola.cervantes@gcisd.net).

Parent Communication:

If a question or concern arises, please contact one of the 5th-grade teachers as your first point of contact. We are here to help answer questions, alleviate concerns, and support you and your child.