2nd Grade

Feb. 19-23

Welcome to Second Grade!

Important Dates/Reminders                                                               

February 19th: Professional Development - no school

February 20th:  Spring School Pictures & Class Picture

February 24th: Snow Hill & Breakfast hosted by Dad's Club

                                                                                    Financial Literacy Fun in Math

Next week will be the 3rd week that your child has been earning Lee/Pease Bucks during math.  There are many ways they can earn their money.  We made a wallet that they have been keeping their "bucks" inside.  Soon, they will begin to put what they have been learning about Financial Literacy  into practice.  They will have opportunities to "buy" something with their money, or they can save it for a future Pop-Up Sale.  We have only been depositing money into their wallets and will continue to do so next week.  

Here is where we need your help.  We will begin to have "Pop-Up" Sales soon,  where they will be able to spend their money to make a purchase.  Things for purchase are things like small trinkets, bubbles, playdough, party favor type things, pencils, small notebooks,  tiny cars,  keychains, etc.  The list could go on and on.  If you could send in any of these items or any other small toy/gadget that you think a 2nd grader would love to purchase, we would be forever grateful.  

The 2nd graders have always loved our Pop-Sales, and we are eager to share them with this group of 2nd graders. They truly learn to save and not spend their money unless it is something that they really want.  There will be more info soon about how they will learn to budget their "bucks".  You can send in any of these items to your child's math teacher at any time.  Thank you in advance!  : ) 

Miss Hilcher


Reading and Writing

Mrs. Lee


Math/Science/Social Studies

Ms. Pease


Math/Science/Social Studies

Mrs. Potter


Reading and Writing



                                  Changes at Dimissal for Your Child?

When making ride changes, picking up students for appointments, and absences (for any reason), please email their teacher, and copy paola.cervantes@gcisd.net and elissa.faught@gcisd.net . They always notify us of any  ride changes prior to dismissal, which ensures that our dismissal runs smoothly for the students, parents, and staff.  We appreciate you!  😄  

OCT Library Days

Miss Hilcher's class Tuesday

Ms. Pease's class Tuesday

Mrs. Lee's class Thursday

Mrs. Potter's class Thursday

                                                             2ND GRADE HELPFUL TIDBITS

-This is where students can access RazKids and Amplify "Boost" for reading, as well as Reflex, Progress Learning,  and IXL for math 

Reading and Writing

What is a biography?

Who was Roberto Clemente

What is a compound word?

Vocabulary words were: secret, starlit, frigid, dared, whir, and alone.

Challenge your child to share with you their understanding of each vocabulary word.

Module 7, "Everyone Has a Story", is now completed.  Students took their module assessment on Thursday.  Students applied their knowledge of prefixes, compound words, central idea, supporting details, as well as writing an imaginary text.  

During our grammar lessons, students have identified and explored the use of adjectives. Encourage your child to practice using adjectives. 

Spelling includes:

*Please remember to encourage your child to work in their reading apps.

-Raz Kids, reading A-Z

-Boost (Amplify)


-Seesaw activities


Ask your child:  

What time is it right now? Tell me how you know how to read an analog clock. 


This week our 2nd grade mathematicians worked on telling time to the  minute and how to know when events are happening in the a. m. and the p.m. We reviewed  Financial Literacy, too.  

Next week, we will be taking our Unit test over Data Analysis (graphing) and Time. . We will continue spiraling back to review some of the  past TEKS they have learned earlier in the year and begin our next unit on Place Value up to 1,200.  We will focus on comparing numbers and representing numbers with pictorial models and place value blocks. 

 Please be sure to check their Reflex each evening (via Classlink)  to be sure they have a green light each day.  That is the only homework they have and should not take more than 10 minutes, if they didn't finish at school.   


Ask your child:  

How did you do on your Force and Motion Test?

Next week, we will begin a special science project to go along with our  Patterns of Movement Unit.

Mrs. Lee & Ms. Pease are asking for science material donations for this project. Please read the list of items needed in the link below.

Donated Items for Science Project

Social Studies

Ask your child: 

What is one festival you learned about this week?

Next week, will be a review week on skills we have recently learned. We will review map skills such as how to use a compass rose & map key and will review continents and oceans.


O. C. Taylor Yearbooks are on sale!

You can order a yearbook and create an Ad/ dedication page online at yearbookordercenter.com. The order number for O. C. Taylor is 17833.

Last day to purchase and create an Ad/dedication page is March 8th.

Last day to pre-order a yearbook is April 13th.

February Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to the following 2nd graders!

Kelsey 10

JJ 18

Jonah 18

Class Wish Lists...

We will list a few wish list items that we need for our classrooms. If you would like to donate any of these items, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Miss Hilcher:  Clorox Wipes, hand sanitizer, & small items for my class treasure box

Mrs. Lee-     Lysol Wipes and light colored paper 

Ms. Pease- highlighters (any color); Clorox Wipes

Mrs. Potter-BLACK Expo Markers, Clorox Wipes