
 May 20-24, 2024

Dinosaurs and Favorites

It's the last week of school! We will continue our dinosaur theme and also incorporate some class favorites at circle time and rotations. 

Circle Time

Color Focus-Review, Students' Choice

Shape Focus-Review, Students' Choice

Number 10-singing, counting, writing

I Know a Chicken/Dinosaur with shaker eggs

Sorting Big and Little Dinosaurs boomcard

Tap Tap Tap with rhythm sticks

Story Time

How Do Dinosaurs Play with their Friends?

How Do Dinosaurs Count to Ten?

Pop Up Dinosaurs

The Dinosaur Who Lived in my Backyard

Work/Play Centers

Toy Center

Home Center


Dinosaur sensory play

Learning Rotations-Teacher Table, 123 Independent Work, Speech, Fine Motor/Art

Home Extension:  With summer break upon us, many of you are wondering about things you can do to keep your child active and engaged until school starts again. There are not a lot of options for day camps and activities for preschool age students, but creating a predictable routine is key to having a content and regulated child at any age or stage. Schedule changes can be difficult so try to make your child's days routine. You may have a bit later bedtime and wake up time, but stay consistent with the order of events in your child's day. Try scheduling something planned and structured in the morning (puzzles, games, writing/coloring) and again in the afternoon (crafts, playdough, sensory play). Make time to be outside when it's not too hot. Check out the Colleyville and Grapevine Public Libraries for storytimes for preschoolers. There are some great swim teachers that do private or semi-private lessons. It's often a good time to start toilet training too. Think about your goals for your child over the summer and make a plan, but don't stress if you don't get to everything. By spending a little time creating structure and routine, and not overscheduling yourself, your days will hopefully go smoother!

From the GCISD Librarians, here is a link to PK-5 Summer Engagement suggestions and ideas.

We have enjoyed working with each of your children, and we appreciate your support! Have a wonderful summer break!

Upcoming Dates and Reminders