2nd Grade

January 8-12

Welcome to Second Grade!

Middle of the Year Testing results

Mid-year parent letters and student assessment data will be sent home on Monday, January 8th. Please look for these in your child’s GREAT Tiger Folder. If you have any questions regarding the letter or your child’s progress, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher. Thank you!

Play it Safe!

PLAY IT SAFE 2024 information was emailed out through SKYWARD this year. Please click here to see the information about the Parent Preview Zoom, LINKS to the videos, and the OPT IN/ OPT OUT form for your student/s to participate this year.

Important Dates/Reminders

January 15:  Martin Luther King Jr. Day~  No School

                                              Coins Needed in January

We are going to begin our unit on money when we return in January.  We sent your child home  with a ziplock bag with their name on it prior to the last  day of school in December.  Please fill the ziplock bag with the following coins and return it on Monday, if you have not sent it yet.   This does not apply to our telescopers.  :) 

                                        ~10 dimes

                                        ~ 10 pennies

                                        ~ 20 nickels 

                                        ~ 4 quarters

We have always found they learn to count & recognize the coins and to find all the ways to create a target amount better when we use the real and authentic coins rather than the plastic play money.  Once we finish our unit on money, they will bring their "bag of money" home. 

 Thank you, 

 Mrs. Lee & Mrs. Pease :)

Miss Hilcher


Reading and Writing

Mrs. Lee


Math/Science/Social Studies

Ms. Pease


Math/Science/Social Studies

Mrs. Potter


Reading and Writing



                                  Changes at Dimissal for Your Child?

When making ride changes, picking up students for appointments, and absences,  please email both Gene Guinane (gene.guinane@gcisd.net) and Paola Cervantes (paola.cervantes@gcisd.net) incase one of them is out of the office.  They always notify us of any changes, which ensures that our dismissal runs smoothly for the students, parents, and staff.  We appreciate you!  😄  

OCT Library Days

Miss Hilcher's class Tuesday

Ms. Pease's class Tuesday

Mrs. Lee's class Thursday

Mrs. Potter's class Thursday

                                                             2ND GRADE HELPFUL TIDBITS

-This is where students can access RazKids and Amplify "Boost" for reading, as well as Reflex, Progress Learning,  and IXL for math 

Reading and Writing

What is an inference?

Vocabulary words were: climate, precipitation, and  temperature. Challenge your child to share with you their understanding of each vocabulary word.

During the past week, students began Module 6, "Weather Wise".  During this module, we will focus our reading and writing around the topic of all things weather related.  Students are eager to begin their research on various forms of weather and safety precautions one should take to prepare for such events.  

Within our Writing lessons, students are discovering how fun poetry can truly be when you are the author.  Students are beginning to identify the components of various forms of poetry.

Grammar lessons are currently focused on various forms of pronouns.

*Please remember to encourage your child to work in their reading apps.

-Raz Kids, reading A-Z

-Boost (Amplify)


-Seesaw activities


Ask your child:  

Can you tell/show me the difference between  a nickel, dime, and a quarter?  Who is on the front? What is on the back? What is their value?

How many ways can you make 10 cents?    

Our 2nd grade mathematicians  sorted the money  in their "baggies" and  learned how to identify the coins.  We talked about the names of the presidents on the front and what was on the back of them.  We used the coins to find all the ways to make 5, 10, and 25 cents.   Then, we used our coins to find all the ways to make a  target amount. We'll be working on values up to 50 cents and moving to values up to a dollar later in the 9 weeks.   

Next week, we will continue to work with money, double digit addition with/without regrouping, and our Fun Facts. 

 Please be sure to check their Reflex each evening (via Classlink)  to be sure they have a green light each day.  That is the only homework they have and should not take more than 10 minutes, if they didn't finish at school.   


Ask your child:  

What are the 3 states of matter?

Next week we will continue our unit on  Physical Changes Made from Heat by doing a "Marshmallow Experiment." Students will follow the Scientific Process to make observations and learn why the marshmallow reacts the way it does when heat is added.

Social Studies

Ask your child: 

What is the goal in math that you chose to work on for 2024?

Next week, we will begin a unit on  "Map Skill." Students will learn the difference between a globe and a map. They will identify the title, key/legend, map scale and compass rose.


O. C. Taylor Yearbooks are on sale!

You can order a yearbook and create an Ad/ dedication page online at yearbookordercenter.com. The order number for O. C. Taylor is 17833.

Last day to purchase and create an Ad/dedication page is March 8th.

Last day to pre-order a yearbook is April 13th.

January Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to the following 2nd graders!

Olivia  6th

Jewel 8th

Rehan 29th

Class Wish Lists...

We will list a few wish list items that we need for our classrooms. If you would like to donate any of these items, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Miss Hilcher:  Clorox Wipes, hand sanitizer, & small items for my class treasure box

Mrs. Lee-     Light or dark green colored paper 

Ms. Pease- Black Expo Markers ( thin markers)

Mrs. Potter-BLACK Expo Markers, Clorox Wipes (any), laminating sheets