4th Grade Info

October 9-13, 2023

Our emails are below.  

Please feel free to email us with any questions or concerns.

Ms. Grant


Ms. Martin


Ms. Rutter


Ms. Steele


CLICK HERE to join the 4th Grade Facebook Page!

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Parents, please remind your student to charge their Chromebook at night.  We have several who do not charge their Chromebooks at night and come to school with a dead device.  This causes them delays in getting started with their work. 


Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Steele have shared this information with all of your children, so this is just a friendly reminder. Homework will start THIS week.  We gave students the month of September to get back into the swing of school.  Starting in October, students will have to complete 2 Reflex sessions and 1 IXL Lesson.  These homework assignments will be written in their G.R.E.A.T. Tiger folders as well as in this weekly newsletter.  Since students are busy with extracurricular activities, we do not assign homework on certain days.  Instead, we have a homework cycle.  This means that Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Steele will grade homework on Friday mornings.  Students will have from Friday after school until Thursday before bedtime to complete their homework.  Keep in mind, students can only do ONE Reflex session per day, so there will need to be some planning to make sure that they get both of them done before Thursday at bedtime.  Please let Mrs. Grant or Mrs. Steele know if you have any questions.


 PLEASE make sure your child reads to the correct page by October 10.  Their group is relying on them to get to that page.  They all have a book and a bookmark that tells them what page to read and when.  If they lose their bookmark, I've asked them to let me know so I can get them a new one.    They also have a gallon-sized baggie to keep the book safe.   There are three dates on the bookmark that indicate a page by which they should have read.   On these dates, we will have book discussions and every member of the book club is relying on their group to get to that page.  The dates remaining are:

October 10

October 23

Please let Mrs. Martin or Mrs. Rutter know if you have any questions or concerns about the books your child is reading.  


Math - This week we will continue multiplying numbers using area models and standard algorithms.  Students will learn how to multiply 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers. Please continue having your child practice their multiplication facts each night!

Math Homework: This week students are to complete 2 Reflex sessions (green lights) and IXL lesson: Place Value Review (B5N)

Science - In Science, the students will learn about how plants and animals adapt to survive in their environments.  They will discuss a variety of plant and animal structures and how they help them to function in their environment.  For example, the vine "climbs" up a surface in search of sunlight.  I encourage you to have your child observe some of the plant structures around your home and determine how the structure helps it to function.

Reading- In reading,  the students will read Dramatic Literature-Plays this week.  They will work on "Visualizing" the text to help their comprehension.  They will learn the elements of Dramatic Literature and what each element adds to the play.  

Click HERE for the Family Letter about Module 3 in  ELA

Writing:  The students will write a Persuasive Essay on their favorite Halloween candy.  They will write a "Claim" addressing their favorite Halloween candy.  Then they will give "Evidence" to persuade others that their candy is the best to eat on Halloween.  Writing at home about what they just read, is a great way to practice capitals, punctuation, and complete sentences.

Social Studies:  The students will start to learn about the Europeans who raced to the Americas to claim land for their country.

Recorder for Music

It is time for our 4th graders to order a recorder! Please click this link and complete the order by Friday, Oct. 20. When you click the link, select MUSIC, then OCT Recorders (on the left hand side). Your child can order a recorder and a book for $7.00 (make sure you choose the color of your recorder) or a book by itself (if you already have a recorder) for $4.00. 

Upcoming Events


October 10-Chick-fil-A Spirit Night-Order food at the Colleyville location to give back to our school.

October 17-Individual Picture Day                                  Click HERE for the Picture Day flyer 

October 20-Run Club 3:15-4:00 p.m. 

October 23-27-Red Ribbon Week

October 27 -Book Character Day + Outdoor Parade

November 3-Run Club 3:15-4:00 p.m. 

November 10-Annual Veteran's Day Program (3rd/4th Grade)


Our class shirt order is closed!  The shirts were delivered last week.  Extra sizes will be limited.  Please contact us if you want to purchase a class shirt after the deadline.  Class Shirts will be worn during field trips and can be worn during spirit days this year. 


Please feel free to contact your homeroom teacher if you have any concerns or questions.  We are happy to meet in person, call or email.  We want to help immediately with any issues that arise.

  2500 Page Book Challenge

Your child is invited to read 2500 pages this year! They will keep track of the books and pages they read in their reading composition book.  If they read at home, you can write down the pages and send them to school. I'll help your child get credit for all the reading at home.  All reading at school counts as well!  We will keep track on a punch card they keep at school.  When they finish 2500 pages, they will pick a BIG prize.  There are various ideas we discussed! If this is not something your child would like to do, I will not pressure them to read 2500 pages.  If they are reading for at least 20 minutes a night, it will amaze you at how many pages they can read!

I do have two other reading challenges they can complete after the 2500-page challenge if your child would like to tackle them.  




There is a scheduling conflict on Friday so our next library days will be:

RutterThursday, October 19

Martin: Tuesday, October 17

  We will go to the library every other Friday.  Please make sure your child sends their library books to school on our library days.   They will always be encouraged to check out a good quality chapter book which Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Rutter can help them find.  We will also occasionally have them check out additional books that we want them to read.  During the month of September, Mrs. Quinn is letting them check out one book. 

Math Homework

This week students are to complete:

 2 Reflex sessions (green lights) and

 IXL lesson: Place Value Review (B5N)

Reading Homework

We want the students to read for at least 20 minutes or more every night.  This is the only reading homework we require!

Classroom Needs

Please instruct your child who the "classroom need" goes to or write the teacher's name on the "classroom need" so it can get to the correct teacher.                                                                                 

Rutter:   Scotch-type tape 


Lunch for fourth grade is from 11:40-12:10.  Don’t forget to set up a lunch account for your child in the cafeteria. We will use our "Forget Me Not" system again this year. If a student forgets his/ her lunch, parents may bring it to school before lunchtime. Please leave it on the shelf in the lobby (labeled with the student's name). Teachers will remind students to check the shelf before lunch.


We invite your child to bring a healthy snack to school each day. The snack needs to be something that is not messy and does not require silverware. We are going to be eating and working at the same time. Any snack that contains candy is not considered healthy. A few suggestions are: goldfish, cheerios, pretzels, grapes, raisins, carrots, etc. Your child’s snack must also be NUT-FREE. 


Please have your child bring a pair of headphones with them daily.  Students use headphones frequently to complete various activities and assessments. 


Students report directly to the classroom starting at 7:25. The tardy bell is at 7:40 a.m..

Ride Changes

If you find your child must go home a different way than planned, please notify the office by a phone call by at least 2:00 p.m. Teachers and our front office staff do not always have access to email or are busy teaching or helping others. A phone call is required. Sometimes we have only one person in the front office, so we want to provide ample time to be able to meet your needs.

Pick up Reminder

Students should be promptly picked up after school at 3:00. We appreciate your efforts to be on time to pick up your child. Finally, when dropping off or picking up your child, please pull your car all the way down to the end of the line. Duty personnel will send your child down to your car. This keeps the traffic flowing. Don’t forget your School Safe ID Number. Thank you for your help in keeping our students safe.