1st Grade Newsletter 

 April 15-19, 2024

Click on the name below to email the teacher.

Important Dates

What Are We Learning?


I can identify the parts of an analog clock. (hour hand, minute hand, numbers, slashes, etc.) 

I can explain the difference between analog and digital clocks.

I can explain the function of the hour hand. 

I can explain the function of the minute hand. 

I can tell time to the hour on an analog clock.


I can recognize characteristics of fantasies.

I can use details in a text to describe the story’s structure.

I can recognize characteristics of informational texts.

I can Identify and use text and graphic features to locate and gain information.

I can generate questions about a text before, during, and after reading.

I can self‐select text and interact independently with text for increasing periods of time.

I can list ideas why my teacher should let our class have a pet. 

I can use my list to complete my planning sheet. 

I can draft a letter persuading my teacher/principal to let us have a class pet.

I can complete my letter persuading my teacher or principal to let us have a class pet.


I can spell words with -tch like itch, fetch, match, ditch, notch, crutch, glitch, snatch, sketch, and switch.

Social Studies

I can describe how technology has affected communication, transportation, and recreation.


I can investigate how the external characteristics of an animal are related to where it lives, how it moves, and what it eats.

G1_M7_SL_Family Letter_KD.pdf


Math Fact Fluency Homework

We have been working hard this year on Math Fact Fluency.  We are going to be sending home one math fact sheet for your child to finish at home as homework for the next 2-3 weeks. 

It includes both addition math facts and subtraction math facts. We will send it home at the beginning of the week. It will be due on the Friday of that very same week. 

Since we have a short week this week, we will send home the math fact sheet on Tuesday (4/16). Please have your child complete and turn it in on Friday (4/19). Thank you for helping your child continue to grow!

Letter of Intent for the 2024-2025 School Year

In preparation for the 2024-2025 school year, we need to know if your child plans to attend O. C. Taylor or not. This helps us as we begin to consider student enrollment in each grade level, staffing, and class placements for next year. Please complete a separate form for each child who currently attends O. C. Taylor. 

No Visitors on STAAR Testing Days 

Due to STAAR Testing, we are not allowed to have reading volunteers or any parent visitors on April 17, April 18, and April 23. This includes no visitors at lunch. We are a Closed Campus on those three days. Thank you for understanding!

Chick Adoptions

Thank you so much to our families who were able to provide new homes to our 13 baby chicks that hatched last week. We had a very successful hatch with 13 chicks hatching out of 20. Please continue to ask your child about what they have learned from watching the entire life cycle of a chicken. Thank you to our Occupational Therapist, Erin Lout, for providing all 20 fertilized eggs from her brother's farm in Oklahoma. We are so thankful to be able to give your child such a unique science experience!

Spring Pictures

Spring pictures are now online for parents to view and order.  Click here  to order.

Weekly Library Schedule

Students will check out a new book from the library weekly as long as they return their old books. Please help your child remember to put library books back in his/her backpack after reading them at home. This will help ensure that your child gets to check out a new book at the library every time!

Ms. Collins - Tuesday

Ms. Duncan - Wednesday

Ms. McNamara - Thursday

Ms. Welch - Friday 


Career Day 2024

Do you have a career you think our Tigers would like to learn about? Do you have a connection to others that do as well? Please consider being one of our Career Day speakers this year! Click on the link below to pull up the Google Form to submit your information and share it with others!  


Absences/Ride Changes

If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please be sure to email your child's teacher, Ms. Paola, and Nurse Katy. It's important for all of these staff members to be contacted in order for your child's attendance to be entered in correctly in Skyward. Thank you so much for emailing paola.cervantes@gcisd.net and katy.faught@gcisd.net along with your child's teacher each time your child is absent from school. 

When making ride changes, picking up students for appointments and absences,  please email both Gene Guinane (gene.guinane@gcisd.net) and Paola Cervantes (paola.cervantes@gcisd.net) in case one of them is out of the office.  

iPad Reminders

Please remind your child to bring his/her iPad AND charger to school each day! The iPad must be charged at 100% each day. Students are  rewarded on random days for having a fully charged iPad. Thank you for helping your child be prepared for school daily. 

HMH Into Reading myBook

Students will continue to take home the HMH Into Reading myBooks as we finish reading the stories inside of them in class. Your child can keep these books forever at home or recycle them, if you prefer. Your child does not need to finish any of the activities inside the books at home. Your child DOES NOT have to keep these books inside his/her backpack. These books are for your child to keep at home. Thank you!

Teacher Wish Lists

Collins Wish List
Duncan Wish List
McNamara Wish List
Welch Wish List