April 29-May 3


We all survived the 5th grade Reading STAAR! This week we will begin Module 9: Unexpected, Unexplained. We will read mysteries throughout the unit. This week we will read Mr. Lindin's Library.  

In writing, we will write an imaginative story. 

Please remember to set a time to read each night at home. Taking the time to read at home increases comprehension skills and vocabulary. As you read, ask your child what connections they can make to another text they have read in the past.


The students are working on skills for personal financial literacy.  They will take a test over this Unit and the AIMS WEB EOY during the first week of May.


Homework for the rest of the year is to do Reflex and Frax if they haven't mastered those skills.  If they haven't mastered to 100%, then I ask that your child get 4 green lights in reflex and 2 missions in frax each week.  Also, some students need to finish their Interim Plan.  This was due before STAAR testing but I still have a few who need to work on it.  I want them to continue to work on it before school is out to be ready for Middle School.

**Class Needs: #2 Pencils

Science/Social Studies

 Enduring Understandings for this Unit:

In Social Studies we are continuing our unit...An Anxious Nation.

Honor Choir Audition Information

All 3rd and 4th grade students are invited to audition for the GCISD Elementary Honor Choir. Please open this Audition Information Letter for more information and contact Mrs. Vencill with any questions. 

Buddy Picnic May 3

We have many fun events coming up quickly to end our school year. On Friday, May 3rd at 11:00, we are having our Buddy Picnic. This is where each Kindergarten student will enjoy a picnic lunch with their 5th grade buddy. We ask that you send a sack lunch with your child or you may bring a special lunch for your child and/or their buddy. Each child will also need to bring a $10 new wrapped gift due by April 30th. They will exchange gifts after the picnic.  Parents are welcome to attend this event. Each parent attending will need to fill out this FAST PASS form by Tuesday, April 30th.

Letter of Intent for 2024-2025 School Year 

In preparation for the 2024-2025 school year, we need to know if your child plans to attend O. C. Taylor or not. This helps us as we begin to consider student enrollment in each grade level, staffing, and class placements for next year. Please complete a separate form for each child who currently attends O. C. Taylor.   This needs to be completed by May 6.


Friday, May 17 

Do you have a career you think our Tigers would like to learn about? Do you have a connection to others that do as well? Please consider being one of our Career Day speakers this year! Click on the this link to pull up the Google Form to submit your information and share it with others!  

Class Picture Order Form

Here is the  link  to order a Class Picture from Glamourcraft.



Important Dates:

May 3-Kinder Buddy Lunch-This will be the day the students will be having lunches with their kinder buddy. They need to bring a  up to a $10 new wrapped gift for their kinder buddy by Tuesday, April 30. 

May 10-Field Day-Wear sunscreen, comfy clothes and tennis shoes.

May 16-5th Grade Rocks Music Program at 6:30 pm

May 17-Career Day-Please contact stacy.whisman@gcisd.net if you are able to come and present to the students about your career.  We need more volunteers!! :)

May 23-5th Grade Continuation Program at 9:00 am.  This is also be the last day of school which is a half day, so you will be able to take your children home after the program. 

Curriculum Night Information

If you were unable to attend Curriculum Night Thursday evening, August 24, here is the link to the presenation.  If you have any questions, please reach out to that teacher.  Thank you all!

Dismissal and Ride Changes:

We are continuing to use the dismissal procedure called SafeID. This system is more streamlined and much safer for dismissal times. If your child's form of transportation home changes, PLEASE let the front office know as quickly as possible and before 2:00. When making ride changes, picking up students for appointments and absences,  please email both Gene Guinane (gene.guinane@gcisd.net) and Paola Cervantes (paola.cervantes@gcisd.net).

Parent Communication:

If a question or concern arises, please contact one of the 5th-grade teachers as your first point of contact. We are here to help answer questions, alleviate concerns, and support you and your child.