2nd Grade

May 6-10

Miss Hilcher


Reading and Writing

Mrs. Lee


Math/Science/Social Studies

Ms. Pease


Math/Science/Social Studies

Mrs. Potter


Reading and Writing

Welcome to Second Grade!

                      Important Dates &  Reminders                                                         

May 10: Field Day

May 17:  Career Day

May 17:  iPad Collection Day

May 23: Last Day of School!  Early release schedule

Charging of the iPads

 We really need your help with this.  Some of the classrooms are running out of places for the kids to plug their chargers into because there are SO many students needing to charge their iPads.  This is an important responsibility that they truly need to learn to do sooner than later.  We appreciate your help with this. 

Letter of Intent for 2024-2025 School Year

 In preparation for the 2024-2025 school year, we need to know if your child plans to attend O. C. Taylor or not. This helps us as we begin to consider student enrollment in each grade level, staffing, and class placements for next year. Please complete a separate form for each child who currently attends O. C. Taylor.   Thank you so much!  

                                                                       Safety at Recess

Recess is one of our 2nd graders' favorite times of the day, and some of them love to play their favorite sport during that time.  We encourage them to bring jump ropes, footballs, basketballs, soccer balls, and whiffle balls to utilize during that time, if they don't want to swing, play on the equipment, play chase, or  make up cheers, etc. However, we can not allow baseball bats (even plastic ones).  We want everyone to be safe and to enjoy their recess time to the fullest.  Head injuries are a real issue, and we want to avoid them at all costs. We always monitor football, soccer, and gaga ball for pushing and tackling, as well.  They get very competitive at times.  : )

                                                                                   Thank you for understanding. :) 

Career Day 2024

Do you have a career you think our Tigers would like to learn about? Do you have a connection to others that do as well? Please consider being one of our Career Day speakers this year! Click on the picture to pull up the Google Form to submit your information and share it with others!  

                    SPRING PICTURES  

 Spring pictures are now online for parents to view and order.  Click here  to order. 

Changes at Dismissal for Your Child?

When making ride changes, picking up students for appointments, and absences (for any reason), please email their teacher, and copy paola.cervantes@gcisd.net, gene.guianne@gcisd.net  and elissa.faught@gcisd.net . They always notify us of any  ride changes prior to dismissal, which ensures that our dismissal runs smoothly for the students, parents, and staff.  Thank you!   

OCT Library Days

Please turn in all books! Thank you!

Miss Hilcher's class Tuesday

Ms. Pease's class Tuesday

Mrs. Lee's class Thursday

Mrs. Potter's class Thursday

                                                             2ND GRADE HELPFUL TIDBITS

-This is where students can access RazKids and Amplify "Boost" for reading, as well as Reflex and IXL for math. 

Reading and Writing

What is a biography?

What are some things included in biographies?

Who did you select to research as you studied biographies?

What is an autobiography?

Students have enjoyed learning more about many famous individuals this past week.  As students put their reading skills to work, they selected one important person to research.  Students are currently working on creating a presentation about their person of interest.

Spelling includes:

*Please remember to encourage your child to work in their reading apps.

-IXL-Language Arts

-Raz Kids, reading A-Z

-Boost (Amplify)


-Seesaw activities


Ask your child: 

How are an inch ruler and a centimeter ruler different?

What are some tips you have for estimating how long an object might be?

This week our 2nd grade mathematicians practiced measuring with inch tiles and centimeter cubes.  Then, we measured with the actual inch and centimeter ruler.  We measured  items in our supply boxes, and things around our classroom. 

Next week, we will take our TEKS check over Fractions and Measurement combined.  Then, we will begin to work on equal groups.  We will talk about repeated addition and how it leads into multiplication.  Many of our 2nd graders are already working on their mulitiplication Fun Facts. The lessons we are teaching in multiplication next week  is to help them have a deeper  understanding about  the true meaning behind the concept. 

We will be taking our End of the Year Aimsweb test soon, so please have their ipads charged.  Thank you in advance! 

 Please be sure to check their Reflex each evening (via Classlink)  to be sure they have a green light each day.  That is the only homework they have and should not take more than 10 minutes, if they didn't finish at school.   


Ask your child:  

What have you learned the past couple of weeks about weather patterns?

Next week, we will introduce a new unit on Objects in the Sky. Students will observe the moon's appearance and the change in the position of the sun during the day. Students will learn about the phases of the moon: New Moon, First Quarter Moon, Full Moon and Third Quarter Moon.

Social Studies

Ask your child:

What ideas do you have for the Economics Fair Project?

Our 2nd Grade Economics Fair is Coming Soon!

A hard copy of the information letter was sent home with your child on Friday, May 3rd.

Please click the link below for a digital copy of the information letter.

Economics Fair Information 


Happy Birthday to the following 2nd graders!

May Birthdays

Victoria M. :                         May 4th

Wyatt :                                     May 5th

              Charlotte:       May 6th

      Sully:       May 10th

                               Ahana:                                    May 15th

                               Adam:                                     May 16th

      Myles:     May 19th

      Chelsea:     May 21st

June Birthdays

Jett                                   June 3rd

Cal                                    June 5th

Kyan June 6th

Amay June 10th

Kennedy June 12th

Amelia June 20th

Vera June 22th

Oliver June 30th

July  Birthdays

    Scarlett   July 6th

    Emmi   July 7th

Blair July 16th

Kingston July 25th

Chloe July 28th

Class Wish Lists...

We will list a few wish list items that we need for our classrooms. If you would like to donate any of these items, it would be greatly appreciated. 

Miss Hilcher:   Clorox Wipes, hand sanitizer, & small items for my class treasure box

Mrs. Lee-      Thank you! :)

Ms. Pease-      Kleenex

Mrs. Potter-   BLACK Expo Markers, Clorox Wipes