The Great Kindness Challenge:

Jan 18 - 29

January 18th - January 22nd

(The Great Kindness Challenge officially starts next week, but we are going to begin to think about the theme of Kindness this week).

Theme: Kindness

Monday January 18 - OFF Martin Luther King Jr day

Tuesday January 19 Read Aloud Tuesday

This week we will begin to discuss the theme of kindness. Our activities will be preparing us to celebrate the Great Kindness Challenge next week. Because this is such an important topic we will take two weeks to cover this theme. But kindness is something we want to celebrate and practice all year long.

First, choose one read aloud from below:

K - 2 Try a Little Kindness by Henry Cole

K - 1 The Caring Me I Want to Be

K - 4 Kindness is My Superpower

Then take some time to do this lesson: Be Kind to Yourself (Video Directions)

Finally, end your lesson by listening to The Reflection in Me. Think about the importance of being kind to yourself so that you can also be kind to others. What is one way that you can be more kind to yourself?

Wednesday January 20

Start today by listening to the book: How Full is your Bucket? How can you fill someone else's bucket today?

Hint: Start by doing one of the kindness lessons below:) The video directions are provided.

Thursday January 21 - Mindfulness Thursday

First, listen to a mindfulness meditation on loving kindness here.

Then listen to a story about helping others who are in need.

Think of Those in Need Berenstain Bears

Then choose a lesson below:

Friday January 22

Watch this video about the Great Kindness Challenge. We will be participating in this challenge next week! Great Kindness Challenge Video

You may need some motivation to get pumped for our spirit days next week. Watch this video: 10 year old girl's speech about kindness Then watch 5 Things You Can Control. Then read this flyer to learn about the Great Kindness Challenge.

Get ready to celebrate our spirit days next week by looking at the Spirit Week flyer for GKC (in Spanish)

The Great Kindness Challenge

January 25th - 29th

January 25th Motivational Monday - Message from Mrs. Collins

Watch this video first to get some great ideas about how to spread kindness: Kindness Matters

Use the links below to begin to track the acts of kindness that you have participated in starting last week.

Great Kindness Checklist (Virtual edition)

Great Kindness Checklist (Hybrid edition)

Great Kindness Challenge (K - 1) (Spanish)

GKC Checklist -In Spanish

The theme of this week is kindness. Kindness to ourselves and kindness to others. Listen to this video from Rocket Kids about Putting Some Effort in Your Nice.

Then Make a Kindness Matters sign (Video Directions) to celebrate the theme of kindness. If you would like, use these Kindness quotes to add to your poster!

January 26th Read Aloud Tuesday

You guessed it. Listen to one of the read aloud videos below.

Then practice kindness by doing one of the lessons below:

Wednesday, January 27th

Pick a lesson from below. Each lesson has an activity that promotes kindness.

January 28th -Mindfulness Thursday

Practice being kind to yourself by taking a mindfulness break.

Take a breather break (Video Directions)

Then practice kindness by thanking an essential worker.

Thank an essential worker lesson (Video Directions)

January 29th - Fun Friday

Let's end our week on a fun note. Do the lesson below and then listen to the songs about kindness.