Miss Kempf

Francis A. Desmares Counselor Corner

Welcome to Counselor Corner and a New School Year!

Friday, September 11th, 2020

Happy Friday, Dolphins! You have made it to the end of your first week of school - congratulations! I am so proud of you all for being so patient this week as we adjust to virtual learning!

Today, we are thinking about our hopes and dreams for the school year.

1) First, watch my quick video message!

2) Then, view the read aloud "Dex, the Heart of a Hero". What are Dex's hopes and dreams? What is getting in his way?

3) Think about your own hopes and dreams for this school year. How will you accomplish them?

4) Complete the following activity (no printer? No problem! You can use a blank sheet of paper and follow the directions).

5) You can share your hopes and dreams for the school year on the Desmares Hopes and Dreams Padlet! You can write out your answer, or post a picture of your drawing!

6) Don't forget to fill out our Week 1 Reflection Form!

If you missed any of this week's activities, you can find them below. Have a relaxing weekend and see you on Monday!

Loom _ Free Screen & Video Recording Software (5).mp4

Thursday, September 10th, 2020:

Happy Thursday!

Today, we are going to talk about the rules and routines of Counselor Corner.

1) First, view my Classroom Promise video.

2) Then, check out the pictures called "Whole Body Listening" and "Virtual Class Expectations". Think about how can you make sure you listen with your whole body, and come to your virtual classes ready to succeed?

2) Then, watch the videos about my online website. In the first video, I show you how to navigate my website and access my homepage, my mailbox, and your daily lessons. In the second video, I share our Counselor Corner routine and what you can expect each day of the week.

3) Don't forget to fill out the Week 1 Reflection form by Friday! You can find it here or at the bottom of this page.

FRSD K-4 School Counselors - Miss Kempf.mp4
FRSD K-4 School Counselors - Sep 8-11, Welcome Back!.mp4
Classroom Promise - Google Docs.mp4

Wednesday, September 9th, 2020:

Happy second day of school, Dolphins! I hope you had a great first day back and are enjoying the rest of your week!

Today, we are going to start thinking about online learning. How can we prepare to do our best? What are appropriate and inappropriate online learning behaviors?

1) First, view the read aloud: A Little Spot Learns Online. It is read by Mrs. Collins, the school Counselor at Barley Sheaf. As you listen to the story, think about what behaviors allowed Spot to learn online successfully.

2) Then, try this online behavior sort activity! Give a thumbs up to the activities that are helpful to online learning and a thumbs down to the activities that are harmful to online learning.

3) Don't forget to fill out the Week 1 Reflection Form by clicking here or scrolling to the bottom of this page!

If you missed yesterday's activities, you can find them below. Have a great rest of your Wednesday, Dolphins! See you back on Counselor Corner tomorrow!

A Little Spot Learns Online.mp4
Online Behavior - Sort Activity

Tuesday, September 8th, 2020:

Welcome to a new school year, Dolphins! My name is Miss Kempf, and I am so excited to be filling in as your School Counselor while Mrs. Pepe is at home with her new baby! Every day, I will be uploading new activities for you here on Counselor Corner - these will include read alouds, Second Step lessons, and many fun activities like mindfulness/yoga! Make sure to stop by each day for brain breaks and activities that are great for your mind and body. Here on Counselor Corner, you can also access my virtual mailbox and fill out the check-in form if you want to set up a time to chat with me anytime this school year.

Here are the directions for today's Counselor Corner activities:

1) Today, first check out my welcome back video message.

2) After you watch my video, next view the All are Welcome read aloud. Remember: we all have our own unique differences, and those differences are what makes us special and are what makes us who we are! How boring would it be if we were all the same? At Desmares, EVERYBODY is welcome and EVERYBODY is loved for who they are! While you listen to the read aloud, think about 1) what it means to be welcome, 2) how you feel when you are welcome, and 3) how you can make others feel welcome.

3) Make sure you complete the Week 1 Reflection Form below by the end of the week.

Happy first day of school, Dolphins! See you back at Counselor Corner tomorrow!

Counselor Corner.mp4