CTE  Career  Catalog

What is it?

This website is a digital catalog of over 100 careers within the Animation, Film, Photography, Media Arts/Graphic Design, Creative Writing, and Arts Business fields. Each of these careers in some way ties into the CTE Interactive Design and Media Arts pathways offered at Lafayette High School.

**This website is still undergoing construction. Please check back soon for the finalized version!

How do I use it?

Start by choosing a general category below or from the menu bar at the top of the website. From there, you'll find a list of all the various careers that were researched and included in that area for this catalog. This is in no way every career offered in that field, but it will give you a lot of insight into some of the opportunities that exist.

what is CTE?  

In short, career & technical education courses.

The Kentucky Department of Education explains it by stating, "Career and Technical Education (CTE) is an essential component of the high school curriculum. For many students, it represents as much as a third of their high school experience. It is a critical component in meeting the needs of students in academic achievement, career exploration, career preparation and leadership development. Successful transition to postsecondary education, work or the military is one of the goals of Kentucky's educational system. The percentage of students making successful transition is a component of the high school accountability index."

Want To Learn More About Our CTE Pathways?

students within the cte pathways built this website.

They worked hard to research each career and put together useful information for others. Kudos belongs to each of these wonderful individuals who collaborated...