Public Transportation

Modernization and development of the public transport system

The public transport is essential to a successful energy transition. It is even better than car-sharing in terms of space saving. One bus equals roughly 50 cars during rush hours and its emissions are 7 to 44 times lesser than those of the 50 cars. To make things even better, buses and trams can run on electricity or hydrogen to drop the emission to zero. The municipal government should increase the sole number of the vehicles in the public transport to offer it to a larger number of people. Another good idea is using contraptions like noise-cancelling tram railways to make the public transport more enjoyable to the inhabitants of the city, which only promotes its use. Finally, underground and small electric trains may be implemented to take people from the suburbs to the city centre or from one side of the city to the other. They decrease travel time exponentially and limit traffic on the roads.


The concept of a Hyperloop has been around a few years now. The idea is to make a tube with no friction. The plan is to create a vacuum which reduces the friction and exceeds the top speed massively. Passengers will sit in capsules which go trough the tubes. Space X, which is the company behind Hyperloop promises an energy consumption as low as 4,4 kWh/100 km. This is significantly lower than high-speed trains like the ICE 3 ( 8,4 kWh/100 km). It is expected that passengers could go as fast as 1.220 km/h. There are a lot of things who need to get developed in order to get this thing working as well as big security issues and challenges.

What can you do?

Use it as much as possible, pay for your tickets and make sure that everybody else has a pleasant travel as well.

What can your city do?

Expand the network of public transportation, make tickets more affordable, make the travel experience better and improve the effectiveness of the services.

What can your country do?

Expand the national railway systems to increase the use. Lower the prices of tickets to compete with airplanes.