
The electric car

Throughout the last decade the number of electric cars on the European streets has increased massively. Companies like Toyota and Tesla have shown that electric cars can be as practical and convenient as cars powered by gasoline. Countries like Norway have taught us that by subsidizing the electric car industry and giving benefits to electric car owners the number of such cars rapidly increases.

Introduction of environmental zones in the city centre

Environmental zones range from emission-free traffic zones through limited-emission zones. In the former no petrol vehicles can enter, whilst the latter involves a ban for the oldest cars coupled with fees for petrol cars. If you don't own an EV or a HFCV, you have to use the public transport, cycle or walk. Cities which have implemented this solution are Oslo, Paris, London, to list a few. This regulation is an incentive to use emission-free means of transport and it helps make the city centre more inhabitant-friendly.

Electric stations

Electronic charging station is a place that provides electricity to recharge the batteries of electric vehicles. The charge rates depend on the government of each country. Nowadays, the number of electric cars is increasing exponentially but there are still not enough charging stations to use them conveniently. Electric cars are an opportunity for a more sustainable future but without the investment in charging stations by the governments, this opportunity might be wasted.

Sustainable planes

There are many ways to tackle the emission problems of the cars but we should not forget about the air travel sector. Now, how can we tackle the great emissions of the planes?

Electric planes?

At the moment, electric planes are just a concept. If they are developed, then they are mostly private jets due to the mass limitations. Norway is a pioneer in this business wanting to electrify its whole air fleet. Currently, there are many startups with big visions for the future, in which everyone uses their electric planes. However, the only one that's worth paying attention to now is Wright Electric, which together with Easy Jet is planning to develop a fully electric 180-seater aircraft. It's the only company that wants to work on a passenger airplane as opposed to a private one. Electric planes have numerous advantages to traditional ones in that they are quieter and can travel on higher altitudes, where it's easier to fly. This results in lower power usage per kilometre travelled and consequently in lower ticket prices.

Increasing the prices for commercial flights

A two-way flight from Amsterdam to London is just €80,- should not be normal but it is nowadays. We get that it is very profitable for an individual but for the environment it is not. In 2017 plane emission totaled 859 million tonnes of CO2. We could take care of a part of this problem by increasing the prices of commercial flights because when people see a higher price they will think twice.

What can you do?

Consider buying an electric car.

What can your city do?

Give electric car owners privileges in traffic. Increase the number of charging stations in the cities. Introduce emission-free zones in polluted areas.

What can your country do?

Subsidize research programs for electric vehicles of any kind. Increase the capacity of the electrical grid to power electric vehicles.