Focusing on inspiration & Our goals

Yes, we are causing negative effects to our environment on a daily basis. Yes, this has been going on to long, and we have to act now. But how can we do this? Only remarking what we have and are doing doesn't improve our situation, and actually discourages most people from acting, just because all they can do with this information is worry. Instead of only focussing on what has been done, we should focus on giving inspiration to everyone who might desire this. With inspiration come good ideas for improving our bad habits, and when spreading an hopeful message instead of something that drags us down, we can actually look forward, and start changing for the better.

Though many institutions, like our educational system and our newspapers now spread the word of the damage we have done, this can change. Though these effects should definitely be mentioned in the articles about our environment, what could be changed, and most importantly how should also be a great focus. As many inhabitants want to change something, but don't know how, this would cause more action in our own civilization, leading to the action we actually need.

With this in our minds and hearts we have set up some practical goals in order to achieve a better education on this topic:

  • Raising awareness about the current situation on climate change and sustainability in schools.
  • Inspiring children from an early age to make positive change in their society for the enviroment.
  • Providing all generations with the necessary understanding about the ways we can use green energy and other measures to become completely eco-friendly.
  • Encourage the youth of the world to use the knowledge gained in their education about sustainability in a practical manner in their daily lives and local communities.
  • Centralizing sustainable education to increase the cohesiveness of the knowledge gained.
  • Teach the children the right behavior towards the enviroment which they can adopt when they grow up.
  • Facilitate reschooling of workers in unsustainable areas and jobs, to make the transition to clean energy and an eco-friendly economy as easy on the job market as possible.
  • Using NGO's to educate civilization about sustainability, and how to achieve a more sustainable way of living.
  • Encouraging the NGO's to participate in the local communities, in order for them to act only in interest of the local inhabitants, and make their environmental projects more efficient.