
National goverments have the greatest affect on the workings of their respective societies, but also their citizens and their opinions. They therefore have an enormous responsibility in the way they inform and educate about the challenges we face with climate change. This section is about what goverments can do outside of the school systems and educational institutions to create more informed and inspired citizens ready to face our global challenges and set good examples about how we can become more sustainable.

1. Supporting NGO's that focus on educating about sustainability and love of nature.

While schools and the educational system have the greatest responsibilty when it comes to informing about sustainability and loving nature, involving and supporting NGO's that focus on these themes and have an expertise on it is a good way of making the education on these themes a lot more informed and professional. The Goverment does not have to do all the informing about our challenges alone and involving external organizations and expert in the way you do it is a good way of getting expertise that they might not have themselves.

2. Having a clear view on climate change.

Many citizens are unaware of their Goverment's views on climate change as it is an issue that is being constantly debated and very contreversial. However, if the goverment's intention is to change peoples attidtudes and values when it comes to climate change it is important that their views on it and intention to do so is made clear to the citizens. This can be done through information campaigns through the media and politicans speaking publicly through televison or social media obout their goverment's intentions.

3. Giving citizens information about concrete govermental plans for sustainability and the results of their work.

Many times, citizens are not aware of the changes or plans the government is making to improve their lives. In some cases, misconceptions even sometimes arise, when the inhabitants are not well informed of the actions of their government. If the government informs their inhabitants about everything they are doing, this can not only improve the bond between the government ans its inhabitants, as they know what the government is doing for their sake, but it also gives inspiration to the inhabitants of that see these plans. When looking at the concrete plans of the government, and when the government also gives tips on how to participate and help these plans, the inhabitant will feel more inspired to do something which is beneficial for the environment.