NGO's (Non-Governmental Organisations) have a lot of impact on the daily life of all citizens. They have the power to persuade you, sometimes even more than the government or any other institution. As NGO's can pick any subject, and also promote their opinion freely, without being restricted by rules of procedure. As we see and experience NGO's on a daily basis, and they also teach us something to some degree, NGO's can educate us on sustainability. As of right now, some NGO's, for example oil companies, promote (intentionally or not) unsustainable options to the public. To improve this, here are our recommendations for NGO's.

1. Making sustainability the easiest option.

Behaviour is an complicated issue to tackle, and making laws takes time. Many people don't do something unless its either completely necessary, or when its the easiest option. As many governments can't make any invasive rules or laws about splitting the garbage, just as they can't forbid cars right this second, many people won't change their usual habits, and put all their garbage in one or two garbage bins. As an NGO, for example the entrepeneur which collects these garbage bins, changing this behaviour can be much easier. For example in the case of these splitting your garbage, which makes it easier to recycle the products in question, the company can start sending out only lorry's that pick up splitted garbage, so one lorry to pick up your plastic, and one lorry to pick up your paper, but no lorries to get your unsplitted garbage. If you would not split your garbage, you would have to walk to the nearest bigger garbage bin. Because many people would prefer not to leave their house, they instead start splitting the garbage. The idea which is shown in this example can be used in many other questions. In conclusion, NGO's could change their policy, in order to encourage people to live a more sustainable live.

2. Send out a positive message.

Telling a teenager to clean his or her room in an angry manner, will not encourage them to actually clean their room. This is a concept we can see in every group of people. Most people do not respond too positively to the government or an almighty NGO ordering them around, without justifying it. If a company though sends out a very positive, and hopefull message, so with tips instead of ordering people around, the results might be more positive. NGO's that want to let people change their behaviour, should therefore focus on helping people change, and giving them tips to make a diffference in this fight against environmental problems. An example of this could be a gardening center, wanting people to buy their plants. They could incorporate positive facts in their adds, such as how much CO2 this particular plant takes up, and how you can plant the plant in a good way. In this way, people feel encouraged to buy the plant, as they know how to handle it, and also see the positive effect their actions would have on their environment.

3. Giving a good example to the public.

Most people would like to do something good for the environment, and a big part of our inhabitants want to support companies that are acting for the good of us all. To increase their sales, but also to inspire the people to do good things for the environment, companies should give out a good example as supposed to supporting the environment, and the energy transition. Companies can for example openly support a 'green' action group or make a fund themselves. With this they can make a public appearance (which increases sales), but also set something for the people to work towards, and inspire them; everyone wins!

4. Being involved with society.

Just as adds improve sales for a company, public appearances also help raise awareness for a company, or a cause someone wants to publicise. Public appearances, and giving out support to the local society, not only causes a good bond between the NGO and its possible public, but can also give knowledge to the particular NGO about what the public needs, and wants. In most particular cases the population doesn't know how to do the good thing for the environment, and the NGO needs to give tips and tricks for this. With the knowledge the NGO gains whilst participating in some social events, this set of instructions can be further personalised, to improve the results.