Our future plans

Future in our points of view

The importance of cooperation

In the future more people have to cooperate. We can not change the world alone, we have to do it together. Both the United Nations and the European Union should cooperate. If some of the countries make their goal, they can both help and inspire other countries to do it too. It is also important that the governments makes concrete plans, because most of it is not concrete, and therefore not much will be done. If everyone agrees on a national eco-friendly plan, the future looks bright.

The importance of raising awareness

We think that in the future we will have better mindsets of what we have to do to be greener, because now a lot of people don't care about our planet and how it would be in a few years. But in the future ( we hope it's close) people will care more about how the Earth would be.

Also, we hope that people care more about the use of renewable sources like hydrogen, electricity... we think (and hope) that those sources will be used in a few years (5-15).

We want to think that people will not throw rubbish to the ocean (for example) and we finally will recycle and reuse efficiently.

From our point of view, we are not too far from these improvements but we have to raise awareness so finally people get to be more eco-friendly.

Setting goals togehter

In the future we will have to set goals togheter, this means that we for example form goals as the whole EU or even as the whole world. I believe that only if we work togheter we can make an impact and change things!