
Provision of subsidies could be described as a very ubiquitous method in which energy transition may be supported. Albeit, national policies varies across Europe, they share a common objective, energy transition. Several aforementioned policies have been itemised underneath. We believe, that they would be found helpful and potentially fruitful by the European Union as well as specific member states.

We believe that other countries of the European Union should follow the Netherlands with their Energy Agreement. This supports the inhabitants to purchase ecofriendly products and is a small step to a better living space.


In the Netherlands the government does not want to have (almost) no energy emission of greenhouse gases such as CO2 in 2050.

The Energy Agreement contains agreements on the share of renewable energy in 2023.

Sunboilers or sunpanels

  • If a sunboiler costs around €3000,-, a household receives around €650,0 subsidies. This is 21,6% and depents on the type of sunboiler.

Warmth pump

  • Is between €1000 and €2500 and depents on the kind of pump and power.

More information is to be found on the website of the Dutch government.

Albeit, the Republic of Poland could not be considered an eco-friendly country by everybody, we believe, that several Polish policies may be worthy of attention. Implementation of those policies are heavily recommended to both discrete member states as well as the entire European Union.



Subsidies on thermo-modernisation of households ( new furnances / thermo-insulation )

( maximally approximately 12.250 euro per household )

Subsidies on public transportation ( energy-efficient buses / urban bicycle systems