Team Education

Teammember Maike Oudeman

She's just a teammember. (She's really the supreme leader of team education)

Hello, My name is Maike Oudeman (16 years old). I live in Amersfoort, the Netherlands. My hobbies are Volleybal, guitar and I like reading in my free time as well. Projects like this one lead me to meet new people from all around the world, something that I enjoy very much.

Co-organizer Sindre C. Scheffels

Our Co-organizer and responsible adult.

Hi! Im the group's Norwegian and currently the only member who is actually 18 years old. Im from Nesodden, a small penincula 25 minutes away from Oslo by ferry. I enjoy walking in nature and making a change in my community.

Pro-site designer Julia Gąsiewicz

As by far our best site-designer, this lady has won our respect (and our hearts).

Hi! I'm Polish and 17 years old. I'm from Poznań, a city in the centre of Poland. Working on projects like Erasmus inspire me, motivate me to think of new ideas and persuade me to contemplate on my future. I enjoy cycling, hiking and ice-water swimming. My favourite subjects are maths and English. I hope you like our ideas!

Ipad wielding Ona Prat

This pretty lady has been wielding her Ipad with extreme strength and power the whole project, even though google sites doesn't work on it (: .

Hello! I'm 16 years old and I am from Ibiza, Spain. I am living in Sant Jordi, a small town in the south of the island and I am studying at IES Algarb. My hobby is music; I can play the flute, the piano and a little bit the guitar and also the ukelele. I love travelling and meeting new people. This project has improved my understanding about the energy transition and now, I am more optimistic in relation to our future.