
Hydropower is a type of renewable and environment-friendly energy that has its origin in water. On a global scale, 1/6 of the power production in the world comes from hydropower.

How does it work?

Hydropower uses the energy of flowing water. They do this by having reservoirs filled with water, when they want to access the water it is released downwards into tubes that lead to a turbin. The movement energy from the turbine, and some added pressure around it, drives the turbine around. The turbine is further connected to a generator that creates electric energy from the mechanic energy created by the turbine. The generator is connected to power lines that lead the electricity onwards. The leftover water is then released into a river.

the Pros

  • Hydropower is a renewable and clean energy source
  • It's reliable and flexible because the water can be stored in the reservoirs
  • It's low-cost electricity that can be produced fairly locally
  • The potential for hydropower is greatest where energy is most needed (South America, Asia and Africa)
  • Cheapest way to generate electricity (2009)

the Cons

  • The building of hydropower plants are invasive to nature since they need to be places where there are some altitude differences and a sufficient amount of water, which is often in the middle of nature
  • The construction hurts the biodiversity, especially the fish since it often disturbs their mating paten
  • Fairly expensive to build
  • Location dependent

In the Future

  • Potential in areas with varying altitudes and sufficient amounts of water
  • Plans to build more hydropower plants in countries like Turkey, Russia, Austria, Switzerland, Portugal and Iceland (2016)
  • Demands for hydropower is rising in Europe
  • The technology can be matured to better suit the location and the needs

Is it beneficial?

Hydropower is a renewable energy source that uses the natural resource of water in a smart and innovating way. It's one of the cheapest ways to generate electricity and there's potential for hydropower plants all over the world. It also has the great advantage that it's flexible and reliable because of the storage of the water, something many other renewable energy sources lack. While it's quite location dependent, it's recommend to countries that have the necessary climate and conditions. Hydropower is one good way to reach a more eco-friendly planet.