
The future vehicles

The future car

On our field trip to the Technical University of Delft we were introduced to the idea of the HFCV (Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle). On the campus they have an actual hydrogen powered car. This car has not only the same range as a fossil fuel powered car but also is as environmentally-friendly as a fully electric car because the only emissions there are is water and vapors (so more water).

The future scooter

They also had a hydrogen powered scooter at the University. This is mostly the same idea as the car. The thing that differs the most is the range but that is logical because you do not have the same space as in a car. Now I believe that this may be in fact the scooter of the future because it's sustainable.

Hydrogen cars as power plants

A part of energy that this means of transport generates can be used to power your house. The maintenance of our homes is very expensive and it usually contributes to air pollution, which is why the use of these cars can make it cheaper and more sustainable. Therefore, the advice for households is that they should buy this car in the future because it is good for the environment. In addition to this, people should consider the fact that yes, at the beginning it may have a high price but in the long term it is the cheapest option.


One thing I immediately noticed is the fact that almost no one had any idea what is was before our trip. This is the first thing that has to change - advertisement. We as a country have to make sure that people know what is coming up and what the options are but most importantly how close the environmentally-friendly options are. At this moment in time everyone is thinking about the electric car and how to improve its performance while in reality we might have to think broader and consider other technologies.

Hydrogen stations

On the right hand side is the global idea of a hydrogen fuel station. In order to get pure hydrogen we should use electrolysis. This makes it possible to decompose water into hydrogen and oxygen. In order to do this we need electricity and therefore we need some renewable energy supply and that's where the windmills come in. Now, in order to motivate people to drive a hydrogen-powered car there will have to be enough places to fuel it (in the Netherlands there are only three as for now).

What can you do?

Consider Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles as an option, and be aware of their great potential.

What can your city do?

Open emission-free zones in the city centre.

What can your country do?

Encourage research facilities to increase their research and provide better systems to implement this amazing technology. Increase the number of hydrogen fuelling stations.