Lost & Found

Pupils should not bring particularly valuable items to school. 

Everything (lunch boxes, water bottles, coats, PE shoes, sweaters, etc.) which pupils bring to the school must be clearly labelled with their name and class.

If your Primary-aged child loses something, the first place to look is in the hallway of your class or the other classes of the year group. For Reception and Year 1, there are tables where items brought in from the playground are displayed. Since they share playgrounds, it can get quite muddled up. The next place to look is in the lost property, which is run by volunteers. All lost things are taken to the lost property room (near the school reception) which is shared by primary and secondary. It is open every Friday from 3.30-4.00pm for parents to come and retrieve the lost things (depending on the availability of the volunteers). After one month, any items not retrieved, will be either given to charity or washed and sold (any profits either go to the PTA or we use the money to buy equipment for lost property). 

Our PTA tries to get good deals on name labels on behalf of all of the parents, so please check their website: http://www.europa-pta.org/

Please, label everything, so we can reunite them with the children. Keep the PE kit in a drawstring or zip up bag. Plastic bags fall open and items get lost. At each school break, please remember to take home belongings from all the pegs outside the classrooms. Unclaimed items are collected up and sent to lost property. This creates uneccessary additional work for everyone.

The coordinator and other parents staffing the lost property are volunteering their time, taking on a big job, so please show them courtesy and respect. Help them by labelling everything and drop by regularly. If you have some time available, the lost property team can always do with a helping hand.