Behaviour Policy

Please refer to our behaviour policy that you can find on the school website:

The school is a community and the School Rules are an expression of the need to safeguard the rights of all students, individually and collectively.  The rules have been made in order to create the best conditions possible for the school to be a place of learning, of personal development and of preparation for membership of a democratic society for each student. 

Students must be aware of the clear boundaries between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Students are expected to behave in a courteous, civilized and responsible manner to everybody and to respect personal and school property. Breaking the School Rules shows disrespect towards the other members of the school community.

Alll secondary students and their parents are asked to read and sign the behaviour agreeement at the start of each academic year.

Breaches of the Rules will be noted on CPOMS; in serious cases and in the case of a series of breaches of the rules parents will be notified and a meeting of the Disciplinary Committee called.

The Rules state some of the duties of the pupils but pupils also enjoy a number of rights, eg:

The student has the right to: