
It is the teacher’s responsibility to create a positive learning environment in class and to do what they can to make sure that students progress as far as their abilities will let them. It is not a case of equal partners: the teacher is there to teach and students are there to learn. Students also have a responsibility to establish a positive learning atmosphere. They should be active and concentrate on the work in class.  If they do not live up to this responsibility, it will not be possible for the teacher to do their job to the best of their ability.

This means that:

Any student who engages in abusive behaviour, who uses abusive language will be disciplined. 

Disruptions of Lessons

The teacher reserves the right to ask a student to leave the lesson if their behaviour is preventing other students from learning. Students who disrupt the lesson will be given warnings by the teacher, and may be sent out of class; if sent out 3 times in one week this will be followed up by the Pastoral Team who will contact parents. 

Students will make up the time lost in lessons in lunchtime detentions organised by the pastoral team.