
Pupils in primary school are not allowed to carry any medicine with them, however mild it may seem (with the exception of inhalers). Please ask your GP for medication that can be given in the mornings and evenings only. If it is not possible, parents may arrange to come to school at lunchtime to administer the medication.

In exceptional circumstances, you can ask for a member of staff to administer the medication via the school office. Any parental request for medicine to be administered to a pupil by a member of staff must be made by completion of a detailed pro-forma available from the office but no guarantee can be made that it will be given at the appropriate time.

If permission is given for medicine to be left, the container must be clearly labelled with the pupil’s name and must be delivered to and collected from the school office by a parent or guardian. A medicine spoon or syringe must also be provided. Please note that school staff are not obliged to accept responsibility for administering medicine to pupils. You should always consider carefully whether it is wise for your child to be attending school during a period of illness.