
It is only through the continued generosity of so many families making regular donations to Europa that the school is still able to offer our unique blend of state funded, multilingual, IB education. If it is in your capacity to offer £1 or £ 2 per day per pupil this will reduce the number of hard decisions facing the school which may affect the education we can offer. 

Please note that our request is for an entirely voluntary contribution. We are sensitive to the pressures on families in challenging financial circumstances and we respect that a contribution at this time might not be possible for everybody. However small your contribution will be very much appreciated.

You can send your contribution as a single donation or in monthly instalments, please see the school Fundraising Page. Alternatively you can send your donation by bank transfer or standing order to the following bank details:

Europa School UK

Sort  code 30 67 53

Account n. 25548968

Please note that you can donate through Gift Aid, which means school can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give, with no extra cost for you. Please email school to request a Gift Aid form. 

Thank you for your support.