Home - School Communication

The Europa School encourages open channels of communication, so that small problems are not left to become large ones and each child knows that there are strong links between home and school. We will use email and web-based communication for announcements and some communication with individual parents. A weekly newsletter will be published in the portal on Friday afternoon. 

Each parent will receive a login for the Parent Portal:  

On this you will be able to:

Teachers may communicate curriculum information and homework by email, or via the book bags. If you do not have access to the internet at home, please let the teacher know, so we can provide you with paper copies. 

When emailing teachers, please be aware that when they are in class they do not have many opportunities to read their email.  Also, be aware of their working days, as staff are not expected to deal with school matters on non-working days and we have many part-time teachers.  

If you have an urgent matter, contact the school office instead. If you have a complicated matter to discuss, or if you have questions to ask, please make an appointment to see the teacher in the first instance. We do not support the sending of long emails and we discourage teachers from responding to them.  All our staff are dedicated to the education and nurture of your children and are therefore willing to hear all points of view. 

Parents’ evenings are held in the Autumn term and parents are welcome to make an appointment with the class or head teacher at any time. Please contact members of staff by email to make an appointment. End of Year Reports are issued to parents in July of each year.