General Rules - school environment

Around the school

General movement about the school should be characterised by respect for others and for the building. Running in corridors and all forms of rough behaviour within the school building and grounds is forbidden as is damaging any school property. 

Outside school

Students are expected to behave in a proper manner when travelling to and from school. It is also expected that when when on class and school trips students act as representatives of Europa School. On such trips students should realise that at a minimum the school rules apply. 

Free periods and cancelled lessons

In free periods and cancelled lessons students will be informed of the room or area where they must stay.

The Library

Students who wish to work in silence or who have been given work to do on their own by their teacher may go to the Library.

The Study Room

In the Study Room the pupils may read or study in groups or on their own.  Conversation is allowed in moderation.

Common room

Room 125 is currently designated as the common room for S6 and S7. Students are expected to keep the room clean and tidy and establish a common room committee with a weekly cleaning rota.


When the canteen doors are open, the pupils can sit in the canteen or Annexe, making sure they leave everything tidy and neat. The area is out of bounds from 10.50 to 12.35, for set up and when primary pupils have lunch. 


Students may go outside.  No permission is needed during the official morning and lunch breaks.  When going outside, students can go to the designated outside area for secondary, which is the football/basketball pitch behind the Chapel.  Access to the football/basketball pitch can be via the Art Block or via the terrace under the flags. During normal break times they are also allowed to go to the fields if open via the former tennis courts adjacent to the main entrance. They can also use the big P1 playground until the primary children come out for their breaks. The school will however have the right to withdraw the permission to be out and about in the case of any kind of misbehaviour and confine all the students to certain supervised areas only.

S1-5 students may not leave the premises during the school day. However, on written parents’ request, permission may be granted for a student to arrive later or leave earlier according to the timetable or to leave school for example for a medical appointment.  

S6 and S7 students are permitted to come into school later or leave earlier if their first or last lesson is after period 1 or before period 9. Once in school howevefr they are not permitted to leave the premises.

Out of Bounds Areas

The following areas are strictly out of bounds: