Anti-Bullying & Harassment Policy

Definition: Bullying means that one person is deliberately using his or her power over another to make them feel bad. Bullying does not include having a single argument or fight with someone, or saying something bad to someone once when you are angry. Bullying goes on deliberately over a period of time.

The School’s policy prohibits harassment or bullying, among children or adults. We want to foster appropriate interactions, free speech, and academic freedom, but we must also recognise our boundaries and obligations with respect to each other and the School. Harassment and bullying are defined by the School as including threats, inappropriate physical contact, intimidation, demeaning remarks, jokes, or insults based on legally protected characteristics, as well as unequal treatment premised on such characteristics. The full policy is available as a separate document and is intended to provide guidelines to all of us, so that we will understand the kinds of conduct that will not be tolerated at the school;

those who indulge in bullying are themselves helped to renounce such behaviour.

A group of parents and teachers work together specifically to foster our whole school relationship.

The group promotes values that the children themselves have chosen, to create the school environment they want to be part of.

The Europa School values are:

Be Kind

Understand Each Other

Look After Each Other

Find Solutions

Say Please and Thank you

Greet Each Other

Allow Personal Space

Share Your Opinions

Include Others

Say Sorry

Respect All Feelings

Seek Help When Needed

Find Forgiveness

Respect Equipment

Speak Out