Choice & Change of Subjects

Choice of Subjects

Students in S1 to S3 all follow the same timetable; in S4 and S5 students choose one option subject (currently from Visual Art, Music or Physical & Health Education). 

The third language option is chosen at the start of S1 and students are expected to continue with the study of this language from S1 to S5. The current options are French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Students can choose to opt out of Religious Education (RE) and take Moral (Ethics). 

Choices of subjects should have been made before commencing the year. Please contact urgently if you have not been asked to fill in a form. At the beginning of the new school year students have the possibility to request a change, which must be made in writing (email), within the first two weeks of term. However a change of choice may not be accepted if it leads to a reorganisation of classes or if it has other significant administrative consequences. Apart from these changes of choice, students will not normally be allowed to make changes to their options. This is especially the case within the key stages (S1-S3; S4-5 and S6-7) or in the course of a period where the subject is obligatory.

Changes of Subject

The change of one choice of subject for another is a matter that must be considered very carefully on the basis of a written request from the student’s parents, giving the reasons for the wish to change.  There are special rules about the possibilities of changes on entering the S6 / S7 cycle.