No-Nut Policy

This is a No-Nut school.

Nut allergies affect a lot of people in England. For some people, nut allergies may result in anaphylaxis (an acute allergic reaction that can shock the respiratory and/or cardiovascular systems) which can be fatal. Significantly, allergic reactions to nuts and nut products may occur from mere physical contact, as opposed to actual consumption. Because of the serious dangers that these allergies pose to some of our pupils, the Europa School has developed the following no-nut policy;

Neauts and all other nuts (Including tree nuts- Almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Hazelnuts, Macadamia, Pecan, Pistachios, Shea nuts and Walnuts), as well as foods containing nuts or nuts by products (like Nutella), are not permitted or consumed at school or in the school grounds. If a product says “may contain nuts”, it is fine. If it says “may contain peanuts (or another specific type of nut)”, please do not bring it in. “Pine nuts” are not actual nuts, but seeds, and are fine.

Birthday cakes or other food products, such as chocolate products, brought into the classroom must be nut-free. 

In developing and implementing this policy, the Europa School does not guarantee that the school will be completely nut-free.

Instead, this policy is intended to educate the Europa School community about the dangers associated with nut allergies, as well as to create a layer of protection for our pupils. We believe this policy will create a safer environment for everyone.

The Europa School calls upon each and every family, pupil, and staff member to adhere to the policy. For its part, the Europa School will take the following precautions and actions: