Contacting the School


Europa School UK

Thame Lane, Culham

Abingdon OX14 3DZ

Tel: 01235 524060


Web site:

Parent portal:

Parent portal app: Schoolbase (school code is 7587)

The school office is open between 08.00 – 16.00 during term time. 

The school office is located in the main school building, reached from the Thame Lane side by following the full extent of the yellow line. 

In normal circumstances, your first point of contact concerning your child's education will be the class teacher. Your first point of contact concerning anything practical, such as pick-up arrangements, and absenteeism, will be the school office.  We ask you to keep email communication with teachers short. Any detailed matters can then be dealt with by appointment. 

Primary school hours are 08:25 – 15:35. RECEPTION classes start slightly earlier at 8.20am and finish at 15.10 to ease drop off and pick up. There is supervision from 08:00 onwards in the primary quad.  

Secondary school hours are 08.15 to 15.45, entry to the school is from 08.00 onwards, pick up preferably from 16.00 onwards.