...del mese

Libro del mese

Scritto da Kjara Dusha

Le Intermittenze della morte - José Saramago

"Il giorno dopo, nessuno è morto"

Cosa succederebbe se un giorno all'improvviso si smettesse di morire?

Inizialmente sembra la realizzazione di un sogno: il raggiungimento dell'immortalità.

Così inizia “Le intermittenze della morte” del premio Nobel per la letteratura, José Saramago. In un piccolo paese europeo senza nome, la gente ha smesso di morire senza alcuna spiegazione - un sogno eterno che si avvera, giusto?

Ma se la morte si è fermata, la vita continua. Si invecchia. Ci si ammala.

Ed ecco che eternità della vita significa anche eternità della vecchiaia, della malattia, dell'agonia.

Come possono affrontare questa situazione gli ospedali, le famiglie, la chiesa e lo stato? E l'uomo stesso?

E se poi la morte ricominciasse ad operare dandoci un preavviso? Come reagiremmo?

Tra paradossi, cinismo e tanta umanità Saramago riesce a mettere in luce in modo ironico ma mai volgare i diversi aspetti di un tema così delicato.

Fino ad arrivare alla seconda parte del romanzo, in cui l'attenzione si focalizza non più sul generale ma sul particolare. Le pagine diventano poetiche, dolci, intime.

E conducono ad un finale commovente che è quanto di più umano si possa immaginare.

Film del mese

Scritto da Kjara Dusha

Cigno nero - thriller psicologico, dramma

/per·fé·zió·ne/ “Il grado qualitativo piú elevato, tale da escludere qualsiasi difetto e spesso identificabile con l’assolutezza”.

Ma che cos’è veramente la perfezione? Il padroneggiare in modo assoluto la tecnica o abbandonarsi alla passione?

Il cigno nero si articola proprio attorno a questo interrogativo rivelando il lato ossessivo di quella medaglia. Un quesito che ci si pone dalla notte dei tempi e da cui Orazio ci mette in guardia: “La vita degli uomini che non sanno il peso e la catena dell’ambizione” (Satire 1,6)

Nina, una professionista in una compagnia di ballo, ottiene l’agognato ruolo di prima ballerina nel balletto “Il lago dei cigni” e ci accompagna nel suo percorso di autodistruzione.

Cos’è il cigno nero se non la parte oscura di noi?

Ci siamo fatti del mare - Gio Evan

"Se ti serve un nuovo battito

se ti serve un cuore,

controlla bene dentro te

da qualche parte

devi avere il mio.”

What's new on the music scene...

Scritto da Lisa Milani 

Well, the artist I’m going to talk to you about isn’t that new to the music scene as of today, but I feel he deserves to be appreciated more in our area. He is an English musician, singer, songwriter and actor, too! Talk about multitasking! If this is not enough of a hint, he is known as YUNGBLUD (pronounced “Youngblood”) but his real name is Dominic Richard Harrison. He was born on the 5th of August of 1997 in Doncaster, South Yorkshire (England). What impressed me about his past is that he moved to London at the age of 16, ready to take on the world, a feeling I truly resonate with, since moving to London is and has been one of my biggest dreams from an early age.

He’s been playing guitar and making music since when he was more or less 2 years old, and he has always been surrounded by music since his father 

owned a guitar shop and his grandfather, Rick Harrison, was a member of the 70s rock band T. Rex.

Dominic has released three studio albums since the beginning of his music career: 21st Century Liability (2018), Weird! (2020) and Yungblud (2022), the last of which in my opinion is one of my favorite albums right now. Yungblud’s music is an exceptional blend of pop and rock, mixing great bases with his guitar and other instruments together with lyrics that hit home even without trying to understand them and analyze them. What impressed me the most about this artist is the way in which his lyrics seem to be written just for me, they seem to express exactly what I’m feeling and this, for me, is the highest level of music one can achieve.

Because music speaks and should speak to our souls, helping us exteriorate our feelings, whether it’s joy or sadness or anger or confusion, music is a balm to the cracks the world has made to our hearts. So, even if you aren’t all that passionate about music, or if you don’t think his genre of music is to your taste, please try to listen to one of his songs before judging, it’s worth it. If you don’t like his music even after listening to it, that’s fine. Everyone has their own kind of music vibe and it’s okay. There’s an abundance of different genres and subgenres in the music world. It would be a waste if everyone liked the same kind of music. 

So, if you’re interested, you can just wait until the end of this article and take a look at a few of my recommendations by this great, underhyped artist.

To be honest, concerts are the best way to experience music to its full potential, and music festivals are the top of the top of concert experience, because you don’t only enjoy the music, but you may also make friends while waiting for the main act. But mainly, you create memories. And memories stay with you for the rest of your life. And I, for one, don’t want to miss any chance to make them with the people I love and know I can trust.

Lastly, Yungblud knows exactly what he is doing while writing his songs, I can guarantee that. His lyrics are both simple and easy to understand and remember, but they also deal with important topics of our daily life, such as disagreements between teenagers and their parents; climate change; the need to feel appreciated in a world where loneliness comes way too easy in people’s lives, never to leave again, and many others.

I 100% recommend going to one of his concerts, because he's such an amazing person and he makes everyone feel so good and right at home. I have been to his gig at the Forum Assago in Milan and it was amazing, so full of good vibes and great people to talk to. Two "rules" at Yungblud’s concerts are, in his words: the first is to treat everyone with love and respect because we are all a big family (the fans, called The Black Hearts Club) and the second one is that you should make at least two new friends while being there. I couldn’t agree with him more.

That’s it for this issue, until next time!