...del mese

Libro del mese n. 1

Scritto da Kjara Dusha

Dio di illusioni - Donna Tartt 

"E se la bellezza è terrore, cos’è allora il desiderio? Riteniamo di avere molti desideri, ma di fatto ne abbiamo soltanto uno. Qual’è? Vivere. Vivere per sempre." Due cose probabilmente accadranno quando leggerete questo libro: la prima è che (a differenza dello scarso o nessuno desiderio precedente) desidererete immediatamente cominciare a imparare il Greco Antico; la seconda invece è che leggerete le ultime trecento pagine in una sola seduta perché è troppo bello per essere messo giù. La storia segue Richard e il periodo che ha passato al college studiando con l'eccentrico e misterioso professor Julian. Ma questa è solo la premessa. La storia vera e propria è la costruzione e le conseguenze di un omicidio, qualcosa che si scopre presto nel libro, sin dal prologo. Questo racconto mistico e straordinariamente bello è un capolavoro. Tartt riesce a farti immedesimare nella vita dei personaggi e ti fa spezzare il cuore sulla sua prosa mozzafiato. Il linguaggio e il testo sono fenomenali, e alla fine sei lasciato con una diversa percezione delle persone, la storia, e il mondo. 

Film del mese n. 1

Scritto da Kjara Dusha

The Truman Show (1998) - drammatico, satirico "Casomai non vi rivedessi… buon pomeriggio, buona sera e buona notte!" Vi siete mai posti il dubbio della presenza di telecamere che osservano tutto ciò che facciamo? L’idea ci inquieta, soprattutto se fatto a nostra insaputa. Questa è la realtà in cui Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) si ritrova, star dello show più popolare della storia della televisione. Truman è un ragazzo normale e ignaro, che vive nell’ idilliaca città di Seahaven. Ha una bellissima moglie, un migliore amico e una stabile fonte di reddito. È quasi troppo perfetto. Il mondo della sitcom è senza difetti e i vicini che incontri per strada pure, che ti salutano con un caldo “buongiorno” e un movimento della mano. Non si può guardare questo film spettacolare senza chiedersi come un essere umano reagirebbe quando messo in quel tipo di situazione. Tocca il nostro senso di avventura, il desiderio di conformità e il coraggio di cui abbiamo bisogno per mettere in discussione la vita che ci viene presentata. “The Truman Show” fa tutto questo nel modo più accessibile e convincente. Questo film è un piacere senza tempo, e se non l'hai visto, ti invidio perché è un'esperienza unica guardarlo la prima volta.

Libro del mese n. 2

Scritto da Kjara Dusha

Il mio anno di riposo e oblio - Ottessa Moshfegh 

"La mia vita passata sarebbe stata solo un sogno, e avrei potuto ricominciare senza rimpianti, rafforzata dalla beatitudine e dalla serenità accumulata nel mio anno di riposo e oblio." È difficile dover dare una descrizione precisa di questo libro, poiché è un’insieme di cose: rapporti, identità e dolore. La storia segue un narratore senza nome attraverso il suo viaggio per dormire per un anno intero, sperando di essere "rinato" in qualcuno completamente nuovo. Sentiamo il suo pensiero nelle sue ore di veglia, così come i suoi ricordi del passato per la maggior parte del libro, e mentre non ha trama, è intrigante conoscere il passato di questa persona. Ci accompagna lungo tutto il suo cammino, dal fallimento al successo, e ci mostra la bellezza della vita e delle persone che la circondano. La narrazione di Moshfegh è inebriante ed eccezionale, ti fa assaporare talmente tanto il torpore fino a un punto in cui smetti di sentire lo spazio intorno alla lettura. Un libro che deve assolutamente letto. 

Film del mese n. 2

Scritto da Kjara Dusha

Interstellar (2014) - fantascienza "Un tempo per la meraviglia alzavamo al cielo lo sguardo sentendoci parte del firmamento, ora invece lo abbassiamo preoccupati di far parte del mare di fango." Ambientato in un futuro distopico, il regista Christopher Nolan ci mostra un mondo in cui enormi tempeste di sabbia hanno distrutto i raccolti della Terra. La situazione è così grave che il governo decide che l'umanità ha bisogno di una nuova casa tra le stelle. Matthew McConaughey interpreta il ruolo del coraggioso esploratore spaziale, Cooper, scelto per salvare l'umanità. Interstellar è probabilmente uno dei film di fantascienza più audaci mai realizzati. Le complessità dello spazio sono sullo schermo, ma il messaggio del film riguarda l'umanità, il nostro pianeta e le conseguenze delle azioni. La mia raccomandazione è mettersi comodi, godere delle immagini mozzafiato del film e non preoccuparsi di perdersi nella scienza di una trama molto confusa. Questo film epico è un viaggio abbagliante, diventato ormai un classico dei nostri giorni. 

Taylor Swift: Eras Tour

Scritto da Lisa Milani 

Hi everyone, and welcome to this issue’s music corner! As most of you probably know, since last October, Taylor’s album “Midnights” has fired up the charts and opened a new “era” for swifties all over the world. And as for “Eras”, the famous songwriter chose to play on this and title her 2023 world tour “Eras Tour”, moving across the United States with concerts in numerous cities and shows that will stay in the hearts of her fans for life. But before we talk about her ongoing career and life achievements, here’s what you need to know about her! Taylor (Alison) Swift is a pop and country music singer and songwriter, born in West Reading, Pennsylvania, United States, on December 13th 1989. She is mostly known for her tales of heartbreak, love and heartache in general, told through several albums over the span of more or less two decades, in which she has made teenage girls and women feel understood and seen, through lyrics that resonate with us all, no matter the gender, in one way or another. Since 2004, she has been making musical history, with her first single and album, called simply “Taylor Swift”, being released when she was only 16 years old, and one of her songs from it, “Our Song” became a Number 1 song on the Hot Country Songs chart, whilst another one, 'Teardrops on My Guitar' spent a total of 48 weeks in the Billboard chart and became her first US top 20 hit. From then on, she started publishing album after album of pure musical works of art. From her 2008 album “Fearless”, the second of her career, which critics praised for the honest and vulnerable songwriting with which she wrote her songs. Her 2010 album “Speak Now”, the third since her debut, holds the record for Fastest Selling Digital Album by a Female Artist in the Guinness World Records. Two years later, she released her fourth album, Red”, which was her first album to top the UK Album Chart in the UK, and her iconic single “22” struck a chord with swifties all over the world." 

In 2014, she released her fifth album, “1989”. The album spent a full first year in the Top 10 in the United States, the fifth worldwide to spend the first 52 weeks from its release in the Top 10. Her sixth album came in 2017. Titled “Reputation”, it is one of the most favored by the fans, and it sold 1.2 million copies in its first week after its release. In 2019, Taylor released her seventh album, “Lover”, which she described as “a love letter to love itself.” Taylor then surprisingly released not one but two albums in 2020. Her eighth album, “Folklore”, dropped via social media and it was recorded in lockdown and was just what Swifties needed in the difficult time we were all living in. “Evermore” was Taylor’s ninth album, released only five months after 'Folklore'. The two albums have been described as sister records. Folklore is an album with a folk storytelling core and “Evermore” explores the themes of love, marriage and grief. The following year, she released two “Taylor’s versions” of her albums: “Fearless” and “Red”. In April 2021, Swift released her first re-recorded album, Fearless (Taylor's Version). After losing the rights to her songs, Taylor decided to re-record her previous albums to regain ownership over them, and she also added some previously unreleased songs to the album. As to promote “Red (Taylor’s version)”, she released a short film for her highly anticipated 10-minute version of the single "All Too Well", starring Sadie Sink and Dylan O'Brien. Finally, in late 2022 she released "Midnights”, which she described as “the story of 13 sleepless nights scattered throughout my life.” Finally, she embarked on the big journey of the “Eras tour”, a series of shows, more or less three hours long, which encompass her whole musical journey. Wish she would do some shows in Europe, too! That’s all for now, bye! 


Taylor Swift


Fearless (Taylor's version)







Red (Taylor's version)

chris Stapleton; from the Vault)


Don't miss out

Scritto da Lisa Milani 

This show consists of two seasons of 8 episodes each and the 2nd one premiered just last march.

This series is based on the young adult books: Shadow and Bone and Six of Crows, both by Leigh Bardugo

Shadow and Bone follows Alina Starkov, an orphan mapmaker who discovers she has powers she never knew she possessed. 

Six of Crows follows six characters: Kaz Brekker, Inej Ghafa, Nina Zenik, Jesper Fahey, Matthias Helvar, and Wylan Van Eck. They all have different backgrounds and different stories, but they’re put together by chance, or by fate… 

“A convict with a thirst for revenge. A sharpshooter who can't walk away from a wager. A runaway with a privileged past. A spy known as the Wraith. A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums. A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes.

Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz's crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don't kill each other first.”

I think this pretty much sums up what you can expect from this fantasy mini-series: magic, revenge, and lots of scheming. Be careful whom you put your faith in, you never know their true goals, ever. 

Genre: fantasy, drama, mystery


This is a one-season show, which premiered last January and it is only 8 episodes long, but it’s 100% worth watching. 

Lockwood & Co is based on a young adult book series written by Jonathan Stroud. The show follows the plot of the first and second book, The Screaming Staircase and The Whispering Skull, which are set in England plagued by what people call The Problem, the massive issue of hauntings by ghosts that has spread throughout the country for half a century before the story is set. Luckily, hauntings are said to happen almost exclusively at night, or so it is commonly believed. There are three main characters: Lucy Carlyle, who later joins the Lockwood & Co. agency to try and start a ghost-hunting career; Anthony Lockwood, the head of the agency, one of London's smallest agencies; and George Karim, a ghost-hunter and the researcher of the group, who makes sure everything is set to rights before a case. This show is a mix of ghosts, mystery and tension which will keep you hooked until the very last episode. 

Genre: Action, supernatural, mystery


I started watching this show out of pure curiosity, and I have to say it exceeded my expectations. The show is 8 episodes long, and it first premiered on the last october. This series is based on the young adult novel Half Bad, written by Sally Green

The narrative is set in England, where there are two species: humans, and witches. There are two types of witches: Fairborn witches and Blood Witches. These two groups are divided because of the power each group has. Fairborn witches have several basic abilities, and each witch has a main power of his/her own. Fairborn witches are traditionally connected with the color White, as opposed to their opponents, the Blood Witches, connected with Red and the manipulation of blood. 

The series tells the story of Nathan Byrne, a blood witch, the illegitimate child of a dangerous witch and of Marcus Edge, a dangerous criminal. Nathan is fighting to avoid the chance he might follow in his father’s footsteps while trying to discover his own identity together with his friends: Annalise O’Brien, a Fairborn witch and Gabriel Boutin, a blood witch, like Nathan. 

Genre: Action, Adventure

That’s it for this issue, readers. Until next time! Happy watching! 

More information about the shows (all on Netflix)


about the show: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2403776/plotsummary/ 

official trailer season 1: https://youtu.be/b1WHQTbJ7vE 

official trailer season 2: https://youtu.be/0dOmcdz-PN0 


about the show: https://lockwoodandco.fandom.com/wiki/Lockwood_%26_Co.

official trailer: https://youtu.be/V_3rsK1YyPo 


official trailer: https://youtu.be/xDc_iartATY