Available YouTube Channels:

LightSpeed (content filter) has automatically "allowed" (meaning ‘made available for students’) some channels that are designated as strictly educational. A few examples of automatically "allowed" channels are: TedED, National Geographic, Crash Course, Minute Physics, Khan Academy, Animal Planet, NASA Scishow, History Channel, and Discovery Networks.

Note: At this time, LightSpeed does not provide a comprehensive list of all of their automatically "allowed" channels; however we do know that at least these channels COULD BE on the "Allowed List" (and likely many others are open as well):

Testing Whether A Channel IS on the "Allowed" list:

To determine if a channel is open for students, teachers will use their school’s student-demo account. (If you don’t know what that is, ask your school Tech Spec. You will be able to use the fake student account to log into your Chromebook as if you are a student.)


Special Cases:

If a district PLC team would like to advocate for a channel to be added to the "allowed" list, the team may make the request by submitting a Technology Help Desk work order. The work order will be evaluated by a Content Specialist who will vet and determine if the request can be moved forward.

🏴 IMPORTANT: With 1500+ teachers, at this time we cannot accommodate individual teacher requests for videos or channels, nor can we "allow" individual teacher’s own YouTube channels. 

Solutions to Get Videos To Students (no YouTube channel needed!):