WeVideo is a video-creation site that allows you to create edit and share video content in one place. It is cloud-based, which means multiple people can collaborate and work on the same video from different locations. EPS has purchased licenses for teachers and students (4th-12th) so there is a huge amount of space and no click limits on your video when you save to the WeVideo site. This platform has many tools to edit your video but don't be intimidated, these tools are optional.

"We need to understand that learning to read and write video is as important as learning to read and write English. Think about where kids today get, and will increasingly get, information- from a video screen. Learning the grammar of video production is the next basic skill after learning to read and write."

-From the National Center for Technology Planning

How to use WeVideo Classroom!

Click the link above for a clickable tutorial, video, printable guide, and more!

WeVideo Basics

Creating Groups

In order to assign projects to your class and promote collaboration among students, you will need to create Groups in WeVideo. It is recommended that you create a group for each class that will be using WeVideo. When students are in a group, they are able to invite other members of their group to join their projects. Watch the video to learn how to create groups for your classes!

Exporting Student Videos

To protect the safety of our students, student created videos will remain private. Students will export their videos and get a link that is restricted to our edmondschools.net domain. Click through the slideshow to learn how students can share their creations!

Exporting Student Videos

WeVideo Advanced Tools