iPads 101

Troubleshooting Student iPads


App Order Forms

Elementary ~ Secondary

Project Your iPad

View Students' Screens

Report Lost/Stolen iPads

Immediately fill out this form if:

  • a student has left the district and has not turned in their iPad

  • an iPad is lost or stolen

Once the form has been received, the iPad will be disabled and a splash message will be on the screen stating that the iPad is property of Edmond Public Schools, return immediately. The device will be locked and cannot be used.

Next, update Destiny to show the iPad is lost or stolen, then immediately assign the correct fines to the student for documentation purposes.

If the missing iPad is returned, immediately fill out this form. Make sure to fill out the re-enable portion of the form. Check for any damages then update Destiny appropriately.

Simple Unit Planning Template (Use File > Make a Copy or File > Print))