Reflection & Self-Assessment

Tips & Ideas

    • Have students create a reflective learning log or blog, where they add entries on a regular basis.

    • Include reflection questions in assessments.

    • Ask a consistent set of check-in questions. You could use them once a week to start class or have student submit their answers every few weeks in a Google Form.

    • Post thought- and reflection-provoking questions in your room.


Developmentally, “thinking about their own thinking” is not natural for students. We must model and emphasize metacognitive thinking.

Example Questions:

      • What is this like that I’ve seen or done before?

      • What does this remind me of?

      • How did I approach this in the past?

      • What is this asking?

      • What is important?

      • What strategy could work well here?

      • Why did I make that decision?

      • What has happened to make me feel this way?

Formative AssessMENT Tools

Formative Assessment Tools + Reflection = Learning!

Alphabetical list: