K20 has outstanding, simple strategies you can apply immediately!

Click "Advanced Filters," then under "Intention/Purpose," select COLLABORATE.

Within Canvas, promote collaboration by using these features:

  • Discussion Questions

  • Groups + Collaborations

  • Peer Reviews

Google is designed to be a collaborative suite of tools!

Students can work together on the same file in real-time.

To learn more, use the tutorials and resources on the Google pages of this website, specifically the Drive page's Sharing Permissions slides.

Connecting Beyond the classroom

Skype in the Classroom (including Mystery Skypes)

PenPal Schools (Watch the video.)

Twitter (Connect & be inspired by other educators.)

Sharing & Publishing

Check out the CREATIVITY page for more on:

  • Blogging (+ Twitter + #Comments4Kids)

  • Create a Class YouTube Channel

Check out the G SUITE pages for more on:

  • Google Drive Sharing and Publishing Options

  • Google Sites