Blocksi allows teachers to monitor student Chromebooks. Teachers can view or pause student screens, lock students into a particular website,  block/allow websites and more!

Summer 2024 Blocksi Training

Other helpful resources:

You can also use Blocksi to lock students into Canvas Quizzes. Check out the directions here!

You can use Blocksi's Plagiarism Checker to ensure that students are not trying to pass off published content and/or AI-generated text as their own. Check out the directions here!

Blocksi Basics

Select Your Class

Classes will be populated based on your Infinite Campus rosters which are imported via Clever.

Start the Timer

Your class time MUST BE SET before you will be able to view student screens. MS/HS use class length; ES can use all day.

View Student Screens

Once you are in your class with the timer going, the screens should automatically show student activity, history, and all open tabs.

Blocksi Controls for ALL Students (Simultaneous)

Heads Up

The Heads Up command allows the teacher to pause all student devices immediately.


The Share button allows the teacher to "push out" a link to all students. Students will automatically go to the link, but they are able to close out the program.  The Enforce button works the same way, but it will "lock" the students in the link for a set amount of time.

Message All

With the Message All button, the teacher can send a typed message to all students.

Share Screen

The Share Screen button will display the teacher's screen or selected chrome tab on student devices. Students will not be able to control the screen or exit the display.

Blocksi Controls for Individual Students

The Blocksi controls for individual students perform the same functions as the Blocksi class controls. In order to use the controls for individual students, you will click on the icon below that student's screen.


Send Message

Heads Up

Share Screen